Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2000: The death of Cangyunweng, Master Shi Zuo


Under the interweaving of the two swords, they exploded and the ghost was repelled again.

Du Beifeng shouted in a deep voice: "This kid is very capable of pretending, deliberately showing weakness, Master Yuzhi must not be fooled."

Raising his fists, he attacked again.

Lin Yuzhi snorted softly, and the long sword shot, matching Du Beifeng's moves.

Gui Zang scolded: "Pretend to be your sister!"

In fact, Gui Zang had already exerted all his strength. Before fighting Cang Yun Weng and Master Grey Crow, he also tried to fight Cang Yun Weng, trying his best every time he made a move.

Although he had been immersed in the Lord of the Thousand Realms for countless years, he had just recovered after all, and before the strength intersected, there was still a huge gap, and he could only rely on experience, supernatural powers and great understanding, occasionally making tricks.

Now they were fighting with Du Beifeng and Lin Yuzhi, and they fell immediately.

Yang Qingxuan was anxious, driving the ten moon-shaking blades with both hands, staring at Du Beifeng and Lin Yuzhi, ready to attack at any time.

One of Lin Yuzhi's maid pointed at Yang Qingxuan with a sword and shouted, "What do you want to do?!"

Yu'an flashed a murderous look, and said to Ji Beiye: "The four cheap maids have been killed!"

When the double thorns were together, they attacked the loud servant girl.

Ji Beiye frowned, using his nine-star realm king's cultivation skills to deal with several six-star realm kings, and he still used men to deceive women. If it is not a place where there is no one, it is just to use these four maidservants forcibly. No one knows, but at this moment, there are thousands of people watching, and they are all big people with a big head and face, how embarrassed to take action.

Suddenly, Ji Beiye's expression changed, and he shouted, "Not good!"

Cang Yun Weng stabilized his injury after being chopped by Gui Zang. Seeing Du Beifeng and Lin Yuzhi suppressing Gui Zang, there was nowhere to vent the endless resentment in his heart. He immediately stared at the three Yang Qingxuan and flashed directly.

As soon as Ji Beiye Badao appeared, he slashed towards the void.


A hand poked out from the inside, grabbed the Naha sword, knocked it with his fingers, and shook it on the back of the sword. He let off Ji Kitano Zhen's sword, and the tiger's mouth broke apart.

Cang Yun Weng stretched out his hand again, trying to abolish Ji Beiye, his five-finger knot printed, and he shot out wildly.

Ji Beiye's heart is extremely angry and aggrieved, why is the gap so big?

The golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's pupil, raised his hand to grab a blade of the instant moon, and locked Cang Yun Weng. This made Cang Yun Weng's body stagnate, and the hand that had been stretched out also stopped in the air.

Yang Qingxuanhan said: "Trash! Just be honest if you don't want to die!"

"Hey!" Cang Yun Weng was so angry that his hair was blown up directly. It would be enough if the ghost Xiu scolded himself for rubbish. This seven-star imp dared to scold himself for rubbish, and suddenly roared: "You are impatient!"

"Oh, you are indeed a trash, the other party didn't say anything wrong."

An extremely pleasant female voice came from nowhere and entered everyone's ears.

Even the Wu Xiu within hundreds of miles around can hear everything clearly.

Cang Yunweng's face changed drastically, and he exclaimed, "Who is it?!"


Suddenly Lin Yuzhi's four maids screamed one by one, and they were torn apart by the force that broke through the air.

All four of them died instantly, and the sky was stained with blood.

Many Wu Xiu swallowed with difficulty, and the first reaction was a pity.

These four maidservants are all looking like a country and a city, and they are all red-hot celebrities in any family sect. They are actually torn apart like this.

The second reaction is to open your eyes and see what is going on.

I saw a strange laughter under the trembling of the void, which was totally different from the nice sound before.

Five peculiar figures slowly emerged.

They are tall, short, fat and thin, and even their faces vary greatly in age.

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "It's you!"

The five people who appeared were actually five nine-star Sazuo headed by Kesi.

Cang Yunweng's face suddenly changed, his pupils stared at once, and he was surprised: "Are you Shi Zuo?!"

"Hehe" smiled, ignoring Cang Yun Weng, but looking at Yang Qingxuan, he clasped his fists and said, "Master Qingxuan, we meet again."

Yang Qingxuan was suspicious. He didn't know what the five Shi Zuo was up to, but it didn't seem to be troublesome for him, so he clasped his fists in return and said, "Master Kesi, it's been a long time."

Cang Yun Weng was furious, this was Chi-luo-luo's humiliation, and he shouted angrily: "Five things that are inferior to beasts, go to death!"

Turning back suddenly, he patted the five people.

With his cultivation base of the Lord of the Thousand Realms, he completely covered the five people under one palm and was full of murderous aura. He directly used ten levels of skill to crush and kill the five people and retrieve their dignity.

"Ha ha."

The nice voice suddenly laughed again. Although it was still very nice, there was an indescribable coldness, which penetrated into everyone's bones, and felt the chills deep in the soul.

Cang Yun Weng was even more aware of the life-and-death crisis, so he hurriedly withdrew his hands in fright, and shouted in anger, "Who is it? Get out!"

With a sudden turn of his palm, he blasted towards the sky.

A huge red glow burst out of Cangyun Weng's body, shocked that a large amount of blood was directly integrated into this palm.

Under the crisis of life and death, Cang Yunweng trembled all over, exerting his ultimate strength in order to get a glimmer of life!

"Ha ha."

The laughter sounded again, and within the void, slowly stretched out a white and flawless jade hand, pinched the formula with five fingers, and gently turned it down.

The void is certain, the huge **** palm suddenly collapsed under this beautiful jade hand.


The huge palm strength shattered a little bit from the front end, Cang Yunweng roared in horror and despair: "No! Don't! Let me go, let me go, Lord!--"

The final voice echoed in the void, but the reality was cruel after all.

Cang Yun Weng's body shattered little by little, and soon turned into ashes. When he was blown by the wind, he was invisible.

The jade hand grabbed it again and collected everything from Cang Yun Weng's body.

"How many years have passed? You all have robbed me of everything on my body, and I should take back some of it, otherwise I have to beg for food."

Afterwards, a wonderful figure appeared under the sky, slowly falling with the sacred light.


Everyone opened their mouths and looked at this scene in shock and shock. How could there be such a beautiful face in the world?

Lin Yuzhi's four maids were already overwhelming, but when compared in front of this girl, they were completely muddy.

Yang Qingxuan was also sluggish. Several of his confidantes all had peerless appearances, far above those of Lin Yuzhi's four maids, but compared with the woman in front of them, they were still much inferior.

The five of Ksi hurriedly bowed and said, "See the master."

"Master? Is she the five masters of Shizuo?"

Yang Qingxuan was stupid. I thought that the owner of Shi Zuo must be an extremely ugly monster. He should be like the huge ugly and round fat monster he saw when he first entered the Zuo monument. Allure is beautiful.

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