Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2015: The sun and the moon are in the sky, neglecting the punishment of distinguished guest

Ming Yuan chuckled twice, then clasped his fist and said: "You are polite, your Excellency is a real hero, a real hero. This is not a place to talk, how about finding a place to talk in detail?"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while, then said: "Okay."

Although I don't know the identity of this Ming Yuan Mingxuan, since he is an enemy of the Protoss, even if he doesn't make friends, he can at least know one or two.

At the moment, the five accelerated their pace and headed towards the front of the void passage.


Half an hour later, Youhuangcheng.

In a luxurious restaurant, the four characters "sun and moon are in the sky" hung on the door, and the brushwork is unrestrained and unrestrained, as if to absorb the power of the sun, moon and stars, and magnificent.

Yang Qingxuan's heart was slightly startled, and he was moved by these four characters.

Moreover, every floor of the restaurant seems to have been laid out and restricted. From the upper floor, all the movements of the lower floor can be sensed, but the lower floor is completely unaware of the existence of the upper floor.

But Yang Qingxuan raised his head slightly, the light in his eyes pulsed, and he could see the structure of the entire restaurant immediately.

There are a total of fifteen floors, but the stairway can only reach the thirteenth floor. The top two floors are guarded by a large number of enchantment formations, and there are more than thirty training chambers.

It seems that this "sun and moon is empty" restaurant is not simple, in addition to ordinary foreign business, it also cultivated a large number of martial arts.

According to Yang Qingxuan's inference, most of this restaurant belongs to some kind of power sect, otherwise it would not be so wonderfully arranged, and Ming Yuan directly took him to the thirteenth floor of the top floor and entered a luxurious box.

When the five people walked into it, they directly paved the ground with Xinghao Stone. The wall was gray and silver with soft white light, making the whole box very soft and comfortable, but very transparent, and overflowing with aura. It is extremely refreshing.

Even more surprising, the wall on the outside is all made of transparent spar, in the shape of a half-circle. At a glance, you can see the "sun and moon in the sky" building in all directions without dead ends. Be clear.

Soon, there were beautiful maidservants carrying jasper-colored trays one after another, filling the table with delicious food and wine.

Afterwards, five more exquisite young women dressed in white robed respectfully kneeling beside them, pouring wine and serving them carefully.

Sister Xiaoqi was so frightened that he hurriedly stood up, poured his own wine, and did not dare to let the woman serve him, because the cultivation of the five maids in white was too talented, and they were not under Xiaoqi.

Not to mention that the two brothers and sisters have never seen such a scene. In this world where martial arts are respected, they dare not let the senior whose cultivation base is higher than himself kneel and pour wine.

Mingyuan laughed "haha" and waved his hand: "It's okay, your brother and sister are free."

The two women in white clothes who were waiting on the table covered their faces and chuckled, no longer attached.

Although Yang Qingxuan didn't like being served in this way, he could easily cope with all kinds of scenes, and he didn't resist it. He savored the wine, and the woman's hand peeled the spirit fruit and carefully fed it into his mouth.

The wine and berries are all refreshing, a refreshing refreshment dissolves in the body, and the limbs are uncomfortable, as if they are about to break through again.

Yang Qingxuan was secretly shocked. Although the realm of Luofu is the core of the entire southern universe and the place with the highest potential, but the wine and berries that can benefit him from the eight-star realm king will never be ordinary things, the table in front of him The value of drinks is far beyond my imagination.

At this moment, Ming Yuan and Ming Xuan waved their hands gently, then took off the black robe from their bodies and handed them to the hands of the white-clothed woman next to them, which revealed their true faces.

Mingyuan's complexion was yellowish, his appearance was medium, and he didn't have the temperament that a strong man should have. Walking in the crowd, he might not attract people to look at him.

But Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, but he seemed to see something terrible, and a ray of light flashed in his eyes.

Ming Yuan seemed to have feelings, with a look of surprise on his face, but he was not sure whether Yang Qingxuan had seen something through, and his brows wrinkled.

Ming Xuan wears a long purple shirt dress without any makeup on her face. She just lightly clicks on her red lips. She looks similar to the five maids in white clothes, but her exquisite face is full of luxurious temperament, which makes one dare not look at it. .

Ming Yuan suddenly said: "My friend is really the first time in Luofu."

Yang Qingxuan thought about it, thinking about the meaning of this sentence. It seemed that he was negligent and let the other person see through it. But after thinking about it, he didn't know where he was negligent, so he simply admitted it openly and smiled with a fist. Said: "Brother Mingyuan has good eyesight."

The white-clothed woman who was pouring wine for Yang Qingxuan heard the word "Mingyuan", and her arms trembled in shock, causing some of the wine to be spilled out, her face paled in an instant, and she trembled: "I, my lord, sorry, Sorry……"

The horrified look made Huarong instantly pale.

The other four women in white clothes were also full of trembling faces, peeking at Mingyuan in horror, but did not dare to look directly, and bowed their heads at a glance, but the restraint was a hundred times the previous one.

The atmosphere in the box suddenly became solemn and solemn because of the demeanor of the five women in white clothes.

The woman in white who spilled the drink shed tears in fear, but did not dare to cry. She knelt there at a loss, trembling like a sieve.

Ming Yuan frowned slightly, and said coldly: "Do you know how precious the few drops of wine spilled? I'm afraid it won't be enough to take your life. Humph, I'll punish you to seal my precious guest for such negligence. All the cultivation bases were demoted to the prostitute camp for three hundred years. If they did not die by chance, they would abolish all cultivation bases and expel them from the animal husbandry sea area. At the same time, they told Ming Yu that he would be fined 300 years."

The white-clothed woman had no blood on her face, and her tears couldn't stop flowing. She crouched on the ground and cried, "The servant girl should die, thank you Master Mingyuan for your kindness. But the servant girl has nothing to do with the treasurer, and I hope the adult will let it go. Go through the shopkeeper and punish all the servants."

Mingyuan's face turned cold and coldly said: "You actually bargain with me? Ha ha, Ming Yu is really good. It seems that I can cultivate you well on weekdays."

The woman in white was so scared that she was trembling and shivering. She knew she was crying and begging, "No, no, you are forgiving, and you are forgiving!"

Yang Qingxuan couldn't stand it, and said calmly, "Brother Mingyuan, is this necessary? A few drops of wine, how much, I will pay you for her."

Mingyuan laughed "haha" and said, "My friend laughed, how can I make you pay? A lowly maid affects everyone's mood." A coldly glanced at the white-clothed woman, he shouted, "Don't go down and be punished."

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said: "This punishment is too heavy, right?"

Mingyuan smiled and said: "It's not heavy at all. Spilling drinks is one of them, and it's fine to pay a fine. But if you neglect your guests, you can't forgive it."

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