Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2018: A misunderstanding, a powerful enemy is approaching

Yang Qingxuan cursed secretly, what kind of neurosis? Do i know you guys? Actually blatantly set up harm!

In addition to the powerful binding force produced by the streamer, powerful forces attacked from all directions, as if to kill him.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and he immediately saw the space outside the formation clearly. A total of seven women, led by a woman in a yellow shirt, laid out the formations and gathered the power of the seven.

The woman in the yellow shirt is the leader, but she only has an eight-star elementary cultivation base, which is no different from herself.

Of the remaining six, three have seven stars and three have six stars.

Due to the uneven strength of the people who set up the formation, this originally infinitely powerful formation is also greatly reduced.

Yang Qingxuan immediately judged that this formation could not cause substantial harm to him, immediately reached out and grabbed it, and Tianxu emerged in his hand, sweeping toward the weakness of the formation.

"Shocked to the sky!"

The countless array of streamers shattered in large pieces under the phantom light of the halberd blade.

The faces of the seven people outside the formation changed drastically, and the direction in which Yang Qingxuan attacked was the direction of the woman with the weakest cultivation base.

"Can he see through this formation and join hands with us? No, impossible! It must be a coincidence!"

Doubts flashed in the hearts of the seven, but they soon became firm. The woman in the yellow shirt shouted, "Hold it!"


Together, a huge golden character was formed above the formation, like a grinding disc, which shook on Yang Qingxuan's body protector, bursting with a loud noise.

Yang Qingxuan frowned. If he forced a breakthrough to the weak point, he should be able to break through the formation with his strength, but under the huge slashing power, the woman with the weakest strength might be killed on the spot.

This Xiaoxia Xiaoyuan is a place where Han Feiyun is, and he cannot kill Han Feiyun people.

Immediately after the halberd, he slammed into the huge word in the void, and shouted: "Misunderstanding! I was introduced by Palace Master Han Feiyun."

The woman in the yellow shirt looked at the word print, and was actually held by Yang Qingxuan's halberd for a few points. Although she was still falling slowly, her speed slowed down a lot, and her heart shook wildly. This was the strength of the seven of them working together. !

And Yang Qingxuan's appearance is very unfamiliar, is it really a misunderstanding?

The woman in the yellow shirt winked with a few people around, and suddenly asked, "What is your name?"

Yang Qingxuan reported his name.

The woman in the yellow shirt sneered: "Dog thief! I dared to eavesdrop on the secrets of my Haze Palace. She is really ready to uproot my Haze Xiaoyuan. What a damn!"

He played a printing technique with his backhand and pressed **** the word printing, making it flourish and transforming into seven hundred forms at once.

The halberd in Yang Qingxuan's hand shook, and the whole person was constantly sinking into the formation. The golden light in his eyes flashed, and he said coldly, "What's the matter?"

There is still a few breaths away, and he will be completely pressed into the formation by this character seal, and then it will be in big trouble.

If the opponent does not withdraw from the formation, they can only kill the weakest woman, break the formation, and sigh inwardly: "I am not the Palace Master Yun, I can't blame me."

The woman in the yellow shirt said coldly: "I don't know where you heard it. A friend named Yang Qingxuan will come to Yanxia Xiaoyuan, so he dared to impersonate him, silly cow, tell you, Yang Qingxuan is a human race, not a monster race. "

Yang Qingxuan was full of black threads, and the misunderstanding was here. The moment he changed his face into a human body, he said, "It was just my transformation technique. I have a token that is not Palace Master Yun." He hurriedly took out the token. A flash in front of him.

All seven women were shocked.

The woman in the yellow shirt saw Yang Qingxuan's appearance and the token, was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly said: "It's really Yang Qingxuan, hurry, get out of the formation!"

Yang Qingxuan's feet were already in the formation, and he was immediately near his knees.

It was precisely this last moment of the practice that the huge prints disappeared at once, and the streamer on the big formation also disappeared.

Yang Qingxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, if he breathed a little later, no matter whether the opponent believed him or not, he would break the battle.

Because no matter what the reason, you can't let yourself be in the deep crisis of inexplicable.

Once the formation stopped, Yang Qingxuan flew out, put away the halberd, and handed the token to the woman in the yellow shirt.

Observing the surrounding environment at the same time, I found that it was only a medium-sized shop with shelves in all directions, but they were all empty and should be put away.

The woman in the yellow shirt checked the token, handed it back to Yang Qingxuan, and said, "It's true. Your Excellency is really Yang Qingxuan, it's impolite." She apologized at the moment, and her tone couldn't hide a trace of disappointment.

Yang Qingxuan heard this feeling of disappointment in his ears, which was quite strange, but it was inconvenient to intervene, and he clasped his fists in return and said, "Master Guo is polite, it's a misunderstanding."

But he said in his heart, if this misunderstanding continues for a while, some people will blood on the spot.

Yang Qingxuan asked again: "I don't know why this arrangement is like an adult?"

Guo Wei said, "Didn't the Lord of the Palace talk to the adults?"

Yang Qingxuan said strangely: "No."

Guo Yu sighed: "No wonder adults don't know anything. Alas, to put it simply, Yanxia Xiaoyuan got into a powerful enemy. In order to keep the shop, he had to stop the business and put the formation at the door to avoid the enemy. . At the same time, the message was sent back to the Haze Palace to clarify the advantages and disadvantages, and hope to send the source of strong hands in the palace. The palace lord responded to me a few days ago, saying that a strong human race named Yang Qingxuan will come to Yanxia Xiaoyuan to help me solve problems . Don't know, don't know..."

With an embarrassment on Guo Wei's face, he shook his head in disappointment.

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly. It turned out that she had been calculated by Han Feiyun, and thought she was kind to help herself, but she was sent to be a gun.

However, Han Feiyun has a very close relationship with Xuantianji, and he has helped himself in the world of broken Nirvana. Seeing something happened to Haze Xiaoyuan, naturally he shouldn't stand by.

And the "I know" that Guo Yu didn't go on is obviously because of his low strength. All the words should be "I don't know that there is only an eight-star elementary cultivation base."

Yang Qingxuan didn't care too much, holding a fist and said: "Since it is the matter of the Haze Palace, it is naturally incumbent."

Guo Yu calmed down his disappointment, and said calmly, "Master Qingxuan is interested."

I thought to myself that multiple eight-star beginners are better than no one. Later, I will explain the advantages of this place clearly and send it back to the palace lord. I hope that the palace lord will send a few more strong supporters, at least three nine-stars. Only the elders of the realm king can survive the current scene, otherwise, I am afraid that Yanxia Xiaoyuan will not be protected.

At the moment, Guo Yu immediately restored the formation in front of the door, and several people continued to lie in the void around the formation to prevent a powerful enemy from coming.

Yang Qingxuan randomly found a stool in the huge shop, sat down, and practiced breathing exercises.

Guo Yu was in the void, observing Yang Qingxuan secretly, and couldn't help but nod her head in praise. This young man is extremely talented and has a good temperament. It is a rare good material, but it is a pity that he can't help the current crisis of Yanxia Xiaoyuan. What does it do.

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