Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2021: Gemini space, eternal supreme

Yang Qingxuan raised the halberd and said, "Since I don't know how to deal with it, just kill it directly to save trouble."

Qi Feng Chime was so scared that he bounced directly from the ground, and desperately kowtowed his head to beg for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, go around me, I don't know what is good or bad!"

Guo Yu said: "Don't kill him first, take him down, you can check and balance the Qihuazong. Otherwise, if the Qihuazong is coming out now, our Haze Palace is not an opponent for the time being."

Seeing the hope of survival, Qi Fengling hurriedly said: "Yes, as long as I am in your hands, my father will not dare to touch you. I am alive and of great value. Even we can turn fighting into jade and make friends with the two factions. "

Guo Yu said angrily: "I pooh! Who wants to be friends with you!"

Qi Fengling had a shy old face, and he smirked, not daring to say anything, as long as his life is saved, as for revenge, it will be long.

He looked at Yang Qingxuan a few more times, completely remembering his appearance.

Yang Qingxuan said, "Then listen to the arrangements of the adults."

Guo Yu sternly said to the disciples of Qi Huazong: "Go back and tell Qi Yuheng that his son is in my hands! If you don't want Qi Fengling to die, let it be honest! When we feel better, let it go. His son!"

The disciples of Qihuazong ran away in a hurry.

Although they may face extremely miserable punishment when they go back, Qi Fengling is not dead, at least they will not worry about their lives.

Guo Yu immediately asked him to repair the small garden, and at the same time he clasped his fist to Yang Qingxuan, his attitude became extremely respectful, "Master Qingxuan, please also give a comment from the inner courtyard."

Those Wu Xiu who watched the excitement all dispersed.

But everyone looked at Yang Qingxuan with a little dread, and imprinted this young face deeply into their minds.

In the Luofu realm, an eight-star realm king is nothing, but with the power of an eight-star elementary level, it is extremely terrifying to carry two nine-star realm kings.

Many people even wrote down the location of Yanxia Xiaoyuan.

In the inner courtyard, Guo Yan waved back from the crowd, and once again bowed respectfully to Yang Qingxuan, and said gratefully: "If it weren't for the adults to help out, Yanxia Xiaoyuan would be completely finished. I hoped that I could not say anything before."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said, "You don't have to be polite. I was indeed inconvenient to do it at a critical moment of a certain technique before, but it caused a few adults to suffer."

Guo Yu hurriedly said: "It is okay to suffer a bit."

At the moment, Yang Qingxuan was seated at the top, accompanied by himself, and he said: "The lord of the palace sent a message before saying that Lord Qingxuan is enough to solve the current plight of Yanxia Xiaoyuan, and that Master Qingxuan is a friend of Yanxia Palace, let me Do all you can to help Master Qingxuan. I wonder if Master Qingxuan is anything difficult?"

Guo Yu is actually very strange in his heart. If he can't do it with the other's power, what can he do?

Yang Qingxuan said: "I'm here to find two people in the Muhai area. These two people are related to the Ning family."

"The Ning Family?" Guo Yu groaned for a while, then lost his voice in panic, and said, "What the lord said, is it a clan?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Exactly."

Guo Yu was stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "Please forgive me for being blunt, the clan is a group of aristocratic families standing at the top of the entire universe, far from being comparable to a power like the Haze Palace. It would be okay if the adults are just looking for someone, but if……"

I didn’t say the following words, but Yang Qingxuan naturally understood the meaning. Haze Palace would naturally refuse to do it if he was an enemy of the Ning family. He immediately said, “Don’t worry, your lord, just ask me about the news. I came to Luofuzhi for the first time. Circumstances, people who are unfamiliar with life and place, many things need to be learned from adults."

Guo Yu just breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Just inquire about the news, it is easy to handle. I will definitely do my best in the future, but whether I can inquire about it is not certain."

Yang Qingxuan said: "This is natural."

The two chatted for a while, and directly talked about the Qihuazong.

Guo Yu sighed, "Actually, there is nothing to hide. Do you know the origin of the name of Wuyu City?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and said, "I don't know, can this matter have anything to do with the three characters of Wuyu City?"

Guo Wei smiled bitterly: "After all, Master Qingxuan came to Luofu for the first time. This matter must be explained clearly. It is indeed a bit long and the origin is a little far away. Why did the Purple Heart God King sit here and named the City of No Desire? It originated from the overlapping space of this city. In the battle just now, Master Qingxuan found out that the buildings in Wuyu City are much stronger than other places in the Luofu Realm, and our 73rd Realm is even more incomparable. Because Wuyu City has a shadow-like overlapping space, or twin space."

Yang Qingxuan became interested. Along the way, he bought a lot of information about the animal husbandry area and saw many strange things, but this is the first time he has heard of this twin space.

Guo Yu continued: "Gemini space is two spaces that are independent of each other but overlap. Although such a strange space is rare, it is not unique within the vast universe. It is just that there is no desire. In this twin space of the city, the other side of the city, or the shadow of the city of desirelessness, is not in this universe."

Yang Qingxuan was surprised: "Not in this universe? What do you mean."

Guo Yu smiled and said, "My lord, guess? The other side of Wuyu City is in the universe of the first generation."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked and his face was dull. He couldn't react for a while, but his instinct told him that this matter was very important.

Guo Wei said: "Even many powerful people speculate that the reason why they chose to create the Louvre Realm was because of such a peculiar twin space. The City of No Desire may even be the core of the entire Louvre Realm."

Yang Qingxuan interrupted: "Wait, if you say so, maybe you can directly enter the First Generation Universe from the City of No Desire?"

Guo Yu nodded and said, "It's true, but it's not as good as you think. Because the other half of the City of No Desire, or its reflection-the world of No Desire, was sealed by the strong in the primary universe. It is rumored that several **** kings, and even the masters of those famous clan families, wanted to break the seal, but they were ultimately unavailable."

Yang Qingxuan suddenly asked, "Who is it that placed such a terrible seal?"

He clasped his hands slightly, as if he had guessed something, and felt a little excited and nervous.

Guo Yu looked at him and said in a condensed voice: "The front of the Lord of the Thousand Realms."

Yang Qingxuan lost his voice and exclaimed, "Eternal Realm?"

Guo Yu nodded and said: "It is the Eternal Supreme. It is said that the power that seals the world of desirelessness is laid by the Eternal Supreme. No one in the animal husbandry area can shake it."

Yang Qingxuan could not help but ask: "What does this matter have to do with that Qihuazong troubles you?"

//Four changes are over, continue to ask for tickets, monthly tickets, recommended tickets:) Oh.

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