Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2024: Cute, the price is a bit pit

The City of No Desire was vast and boundless, and Yang Qingxuan followed the map and flew at low altitude for more than an hour before arriving in front of a quaint building.

The road paved with bluestone, the gray-white simple architectural style, and an ancient green plaque on the attic, there are four brilliant golden characters on it: Defeng Ancient Building.

From time to time, Wu Xiu came in and out, with different looks.

However, those who enter are mostly solemn, while those who come out have a relaxed look.

When Yang Qingxuan stepped into it, a beautiful woman greeted her and asked with a smile, "My lord, what can I do for you."

The woman's eyes were bright, looking at Yang Qingxuan's Meng Da Da, her face was shining, as if she was about to rush to hug her.

Yang Qingxuan laughed "Hey", lifted his right hand back and forth a few times, moved his lower arm, after all, this body is too fat, and some are not used to it.

But this action made the woman even more happy, and there were many welcoming women who all looked over, looking like they liked it.

Yang Qingxuan thought secretly, can you still pick up girls with this ghostly appearance?

The woman asked again, "Hello, my lord, what can I do for you?" The beautiful face leaned over, almost kissing Yang Qingxuan's face.

Yang Qingxuan said: "I want to sell some things and buy some news at the same time."

The woman smiled and asked: "Do you want to sell it out or secretly?"

Yang Qingxuan thought about it. Although the 73rd realm is extremely far away from here, his deeds have already been passed on to the Blue Cherry God King. I am afraid that this ancient building of virtue has already known it, so it is better to be careful. Now he said: "Secret sale."

The woman covered her mouth and smiled, and said affectionately: "My lord, please follow me."

Right now, following the woman walked into the back of the ancient building, into a simple box, Yang Qingxuan was taken aback.

The reason why it is simple, the whole box is made of wood splicing, even the paint is not on, and it has been a few years, as if it was going to rot. And inside the empty space, there is only a square table and two stools.

There is a tray on the table with a teapot and two water glasses on it.

In addition, there is nothing else in the box.

Yang Qingxuan walked into it and was taken aback soon. This ordinary wooden room actually blocked his glaring eyes, and couldn't see through the outside at all. There was only a thick layer of void space, like endless, no way to penetrate.

At the beginning, in the Sun Moon Dangkong building, the ban on the fifteen-story building could not stop the glaring eyes.

Yang Qingxuan was secretly speechless, and immediately understood the difficulty of this ancient German style building.

When Yang Qingxuan's panda body squeezed into the room, it was quite laborious. The woman couldn't help but smiled and said, "I'm going to invite the master over."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and sat on the wooden stool alone, stroking the tabletop, feeling the wooden material, extremely thick and smooth, and uncomfortable to the touch. It is the same material as the walls on all sides. What kind of wood.

Not long after, a chubby old man squeezed in, also being held down by the narrow threshold.

When the old man saw Yang Qingxuan, he was stunned for no reason, then he "coughed" twice and sat directly opposite Yang Qingxuan.

Two big chubby guys sat opposite each other, looking very funny.

The old man moved his lower body to make himself more comfortable, and asked, "I heard that the adults are here to sell items secretly and buy news at the same time?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Exactly." At the moment, he took out a storage bag, put it on the table, and pushed it over.

Inside were all sorted items, all of which were scoured from the geniuses of all sects and factions in the land of Nirvana, as well as all kinds of unnecessary things accumulated over a long period of time, at all levels.

The old man opened the storage bag, swept away his consciousness, nodded lightly, took out a golden handkerchief and threw it on the table.

The handkerchief was golden, and densely packed characters appeared on it, like a spatial matrix.

Yang Qingxuan recognized part of the structure as a very mysterious rule.

The handkerchief falls on the storage bag to completely cover it.

The old man pinched the tactics with one hand and continuously punched into the handkerchief. Then, light and shadow shot out and circled the old man's body, spinning around the whole room.

The light and shadow are getting bigger and bigger, and soon thousands of them will be revealed by projection.

In addition, the light and shadow of all items only showed three colors, red, yellow, green, blue, and white.

Yellow and green items are the most, and the other three colors are less.

Yang Qingxuan was surprised that there was such a convenient way to count magical powers. Those red things are more precious, such as sacred objects, while white things are relatively low-level. The other colors also represent the difference. Level.

There was something in the old man's mouth, Yang Qingxuan couldn't understand what was being said, but he could see that the old man's face was constantly changing, and he was shocked hard to hide.

Soon, the old man waved his hand, and all the scenes in the house disappeared, and the golden handkerchief was also taken back, not in the old man's palm.

At the same time, the old man recovered his calm face, raised his eyes and glanced at Yang Qingxuan, and said, "It's not bad, it's really a very rich trophy."

Yang Qingxuan snorted and said, "The spoils? Old man, you can't talk nonsense. These things are all I have accumulated or traded with others."

The old man laughed "haha" and said, "Young man, is it the first time to come to Defeng Ancient Building? Don't worry, no one will care about the origin of your things here. As long as the things are valuable, we will accept them. Among these items, The most valuable batch are all sacrificial artifacts, and there are many varieties. All kinds of weird treasures are also suitable for the world king. My friend should be a lot of hard work in the world king level experience, hehe ."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked. The Defeng Ancient Tower really deserved its reputation. He didn't dare to be big at the moment, and said seriously: "Since you don't care about the origin of the things, adults don't try it out. How much are these things worth? If the price is right, I will have them out."

The old man put his right hand on the table, his index finger kept tapping on the table, and he made a nice sound of "箜箜", which was actually very rhythmic.

After a while, the old man said: "What currency do you want to exchange? Starstone, or various types of pills, or whatever."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Just Xinghaoshi, this thing is hard currency. If I need other things, I can buy them again."

The old man said: "Also, all of these will give you a trillion stars. What do you think?"

Yang Qingxuan calmly poured out a cup of tea, drank it, put the cup on the table, and slowly said: "Old man, your price is a bit tricky. There are more than 300 blades in me. , It’s almost worth one trillion."

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