Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2027: Hong Mongol Seal, pointing the way out

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that as a super clan, the Ning family must have many enemies. Someone had already paid for their strength analysis.

The old man said: "You have to save Yang Yunjing, there are many ways. After all, Yang Yunjing is not an important person, and the Ning family will not try to stay. For example, as long as you have enough money, you can find us to settle it. Enough strength for the Ning family to pay attention to, you can also have a try. But Ning Qingyao..., this... alas, there is really no way, or the price is too high, you can't afford it at all."

Yang Qingxuan naturally understands that his mother's relationship with the Ning family's continued dominance of the clan is almost related to the Ning family's core and fundamental interests. If you want to rescue his mother, you will be hit hardest by the Ning family.

No forces, even the Four Holy Lords and the Eight Domain Heavenly Kings, would not be willing to resist the Shangning Family's desperate resistance.

Thinking of this, Yang Qingxuan had a headache, and it seemed that he could only find a way.

The old man's eyes flickered and suddenly said: "If you want to do it yourself, I can show you two ways." Seeing Yang Qingxuan's surprised gaze, the old man smiled and said: "Two billion."

"It's expensive!" Yang Qingxuan cursed secretly, but he still honestly paid two billion in the past.

The old man said: "The Ning family is based on the border of the animal husbandry area. It has just fallen from the aura of the sun and began to go downhill. You have to know that when people are proud, they are unavoidably easy to be rampant and erect many enemies. When you start to fall down When the time comes, these enemies will appear one by one, falling into the well, and beating you indefinitely. There are quite a few enemies erected by the Ning family."

The old man took off a bracelet, flashed it in the void, and turned into a two-foot-diameter left hand, stretched out his hand to poke inside, took out two jade slips, and then closed the bracelet.

The old man put one of the jade slips on the table, pushed it over, and said: "The records here are all the enemies erected by the Ning family over the years and the process of making enemies. It depends on whether you will use it."

The old man pushed another jade slip over and said: "The so-called money can make ghosts grind, this is an eternal principle. Strength is the foundation of everything. But money is the foundation of everything. Without money, No matter how talented you are, you won’t be able to cultivate. I don’t need to say more about this. This jade slip records people or forces who are willing to collect money to do things in the animal husbandry area. There are many people in it, as long as you With enough money, they are willing to do it even if it is a matter of life and death."

Yang Qingxuan took the two jade slips in his hand and scanned them one by one with his spiritual sense, his face was surprised and happy, as if he saw the hope of saving his parents.

The old man crossed his fingers with his hands, laid it lazily on the table, looked at Yang Qingxuan with a smile, and said, "Do you still think the price is expensive?"

Yang Qingxuan received the jade slips and said: "Expensive! Very expensive! But, good value for money!"

The old man smiled happily, he said: "This sentence, the old man is very pleased to hear. I wonder if there is anything else I can do for my little friend?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I have a friend who has been cursed. I don't know if Defeng Ancient Tower can heal her."

The old man said: "Then you have to look at it in detail."

Yang Qingxuan was about to drag Yu'an out, a huge mass of fat lay across the house.

Originally Yang Qingxuan's panda body and the old man were fat, but now there is another big fat man, heavier than the two of them combined, occupying most of the box.

The three fat men squeezed together, making the originally spacious space very narrow, and it was difficult to turn around.

Yu'an puts two masks on her face, and then covers her face with a concealed gauze, messing up her hair too, for fear that someone will recognize her.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed Yu'an's hand and poured his true essence into it.

Soon, on Yu'an's chest, a light blue round emblem appeared, with a soft light flashing on it, unbreakable.

The old man's pupils contracted, and he exclaimed with a slight shock: "This is..."

Yang Qingxuan hurriedly said, "My lord recognizes this emblem?"

The old man said: "There are so many faculties in the world, and the insignias are endless. You can recognize them everywhere. I have to check them before I can answer you. The little friend sits for a while."

After speaking, he left straight away.

Yu'an said in a changed voice: "Hey, if Defeng Ancient Tower can't save me, then I won't live, and I will die here on the spot."

Yang Qingxuan gave her a white look and said, "What silly thing to say, you're just getting a little fatter, and why you are repairing it will not be affected at all."

Yu An angrily said: "That's it? Is it just fat?" The fat all over his body was trembling, and he gritted his teeth and wanted to tear Yang Qingxuan to pieces.

Yang Qingxuan wiped the cold sweat, and said: "Then you can't die anymore. How can you find Na Luo Tinglan for revenge before you die, at least you have to die with her."

Only then did Yu An calm down, because she covered several layers of masks and couldn't see her face clearly, she seemed to be thinking about how to die with Luo Tinglan.

Yang Qingxuan breathed a sigh of relief. Since Yu'an became a big fat man, the whole person is extremely unstable, and he is easily stimulated at every turn, and it takes a while to coax him well.

Not long later, the old man walked back again and said to Yang Qingxuan: "I have found some eyebrows for that mark, but it is actually the Hong Meng seal. I want to remove it, I'm afraid..."

Yu'an cried out, "Hong Mongol Seal? How could it be!"

Yang Qingxuan asked, "What is Hong Mongol Seal?"

The old man's complexion was condensed, and he explained: "It is the tactical seal displayed by some powerful beings that were born when the universe first opened. It does not refer to a certain seal, but a general name for the seal of a certain period. Most Mongolian seals are extremely powerful, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there are very few people who understand the Mongolian seal and can crack them."

Yu'an cried angrily: "Then there is no way to relieve it?"

The old man smiled bitterly: "Of course not, it's hard to break, and it's two concepts that can't be broken. The six trillion star Haoshi, this ancient Indian-German building has figured out a way to help you solve it."

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, which was one trillion more than saving his father, and his face immediately sank.

On the contrary, Yu'an became surprisingly calm after hearing the six trillion yuan, and the aura on his body was much calmer.

What she worries most is that she can't solve it. It seems that there should be a way to relieve it, but the cost is extremely high. She has the apocalyptic radius on her body, so it shouldn't be a problem to cash out six trillion.

Thinking of this, I naturally breathed a sigh of relief, so I began to consider the gains and losses, whether six trillion is worth or not?

Seeing the two of them hesitate, the old man chuckles lightly: "If the two are too expensive, give them 500 million, I will show them another way."

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