Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2031: The place of cultivation, the Palace of God

Yang Qingxuan spread his divine consciousness and explored the void in all directions, but he also fell into an endless field, unable to find the boundary at all.

Looking around with fiery eyes and golden eyes, some illusory loopholes can be vaguely seen, but they are unpredictable, seemingly real and imaginary.

The Xumi space and illusion arts in this place can be compared with those in Wuyuzhai.

Yang Qingxuan remembered that when Wuyuzhai was in Wuyuzhai, he vaguely saw the secret room hidden above the hall, and he seemed to have hurriedly passed a graceful and slender figure, but the barrier was too strong to be real after all, but the shadow was remembered. In my mind.

Yang Qingxuan carefully checked for a while, but did not find that he was being monitored.

After all, such a prestigious place, if there is a monitoring activity, I am afraid that the entire cultivation place will be abandoned, and no one will be able to come.

Yang Qingxuan communicated with the people in the sacred vessel for a while, and summoned Ji Beiye, Zi Yuan and other stars, but Yu An refused to come out anyway, and Yang Qingxuan could only follow her.

At the moment, everyone is cultivating on this vast and endless suspended arena.

Yang Qingxuan and the five stars occupy most of the space, while Ji Beiye consciously stayed in a corner.

Hua Jieyu said: "If the cultivation of the Qingyang Wujing is supported by the seven stars gathering together, it can get half the result with half the effort. It will be of great benefit to the Holy Lord and the stars. For a long time, one missing two people, it is better to take this Ji Kitano Make a contract with Na Yu'an."

Yang Qingxuan said: "No, how can the stars be added randomly? The absence of two people is certainly influential, but it is not a major problem. I think your auras are all peeking at the peak of trueness, and strive to be the king of the world within these three months. , Will help me better in the future."

The five of them all looked ashamed when they heard the words. They have been able to pull down Yang Qingxuan too much for a long time, and in previous battles, they have played little role. Only Ziyuan's martial soul can help one or two.

All five of them showed firmness, determined to catch up.

Yang Qingxuan took out a large number of heaven, material and earth treasures and distributed them to five people, and then the six people were arranged in a certain order, sitting cross-legged and practicing.

Soon, the breath of the six people joined together, and a blue dragon faintly appeared above the ring.

A strange color flashed in Ji Beiye's eyes in the distance, and he glanced at the Qinglong for a few moments. He also sat cross-legged in the void, silent in his own practice.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed a phoenix fruit after the dragon's breath and the blue dragon's resonance stabilized. In an instant, a flame-like light burst from the throat, and as the fruit was swallowed, it flowed into the stomach, and then the whole person was everywhere. In that burning feeling.

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, this phoenix fruit was actually a fire fruit. After eating it, he felt his whole body burning, completely turning into flames of the five phoenixes, almost 100% absorbed by Yang Qingxuan.

The five stars all sensed Yang Qingxuan's condition, and did not dare to be careless and slack, and hurriedly pinched the formula into concentration, feeling the feeling of surging true essence, as if there was a phoenix flying in the sky, constantly pouring true essence into their bodies.

The stars in the sky all over the universe, a little bit brighter, transmit the light and shadow of all kinds of stars, turning into surging spiritual energy, wandering on the ring, being absorbed by a few people.

The entire cultivation area was made of Xinghao Stone as the main material.

All the energy of all things in the world comes from countless stars in the universe, even the mountains and the earth, strange flowers and plants, all absorb the power of the stars to grow, and aura is a common energy body that combines the power of the stars.

In the depths of this secret room, an extremely vast array is arranged, which can directly decompose and convert a large number of Xinghao Stones into spiritual energy, allowing all creatures to better absorb and transform.


Wuyu City, the central area.

In the sacred and vast aura lingering, countless spiritual veins rushed from all over the ground, and all merged into it.

In this entire Luofu Realm, one of the most energetic areas, there are countless flying eaves and walls. The Sendai building is the residence of the Purple Heart God King who controls a quarter of the Luofu Realm.

A purple light flew down and turned into a graceful figure. It was Zixia. Behind her were four beautiful maids, holding whisks, pearls, ruyi, and treasure mirrors in their hands.

Zixia stepped into the palace of the gods and realized that countless purple rays of light gathered and swept across the five people before passing away.

It is the realm barrier of the Purple Heart God's Palace. Only by practicing the Purple Mansion Divine Art passed down by the Purple Heart God King can you ignore the pressure of the barrier and shuttle back and forth.

Zixia was walking on a long corridor, and a woman with the same beautiful appearance was oncoming in front of her, with a leisurely look, and every step she took, there was a sharp and sharp aura.

Zixia didn't change her face, she turned a blind eye to the incoming people, set aside the road in the middle, and walked on the right.

The woman on the opposite side raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth, stopped and said coldly: "Seventh sister, why didn't you say hello when you saw the second sister?"

Zixia said faintly: "Second sister is good."

Zi Yan let out a cold snort of disdain, and said, "Speaking insincerely, it is better not to shout."

A servant girl behind Zixia was angry and shouted: "The **** king is in retreat. My lady is in charge of a quarter of the Luofu realm on behalf of the **** king. The **** king’s mansion can be treated by the **** king. How good are you? Miss greets you! When you see the **** king, do you ask the **** king to greet you?!"

Zi Yan's complexion changed drastically, her body lit up with a purple light, and she sternly shouted: "Asshole! What kind of dog are you, I'm talking to your master, why have you ever spoken to me, so I dared to ask this seat directly!

An overwhelming breath pressed toward the servant girl.

The servant girl was panicked and said in a trembled voice: "Miss, help me!"

Zixia raised her hand slightly, volleyed towards the handmaid's hand a little bit, a jade light like a rainbow, from that wishful upward-shooting, poured into the aura of Ziyan, actually dissolving that power without a trace.

Ziyan was furious, took a silver hairpin from her hair bun, shook it into the void, and turned it into a long sword, slashing at the maid.

The sword light flashed in the void, then disappeared, leaving only a very deep sword mark in the air.

The handmaid trembled with fright and hurriedly blocked Ruyi in front of her, but the breath of death was still pouring all over her body.

Zixia said, "Second sister, it's too much."

With his left hand squeezed into the void, the entire space was twisted, a sword light burst out of the void, and it flew into Zixia's hand, grabbing it again with five fingers to annihilate it.

A look of jealousy flashed in Zi Yan's eyes, and she said coldly: "Seven sisters, your maid does not know how to be disciplined. It is a death crime for you to dare to blunt me.

Zixia lightly waved her left hand, scattered light rays from her palms and fingertips, and said faintly: "Xiao Huan is right. Before my mother retreats, let me take charge of the palace of the gods and the counties of the world. See me. God king. Second sister, you asked me to say hello to you. It’s a bit too big. When the mother goes out, I will definitely explain it to her mother."

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