Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2039: Fighting for the soul stone, the son of the **** king

Yang Qingxuan said in a tactful tone: "The ones I met are really stupid-hanging, different from yours."

Guizo: "..."

After the two talked, the price of this soul stone has been photographed 22 billion, and it is still rising.

Now that he knew the origin and preciousness of this soul stone, Yang Qingxuan would naturally not let it go, but he was not eager to make an offer, but closed his eyes and calmed his mind.

Soon, the price of the soul stone rose directly to 50 billion, and the bidding voice began to ridicule.

Yang Qingxuan estimated in his heart, one is that there are not many ghost repairs, and the other is that everyone thinks this is an emperor soul stone. If you know its true value, first of all, the owner of this soul stone will not be able to sell it for auction. How much money is possible.

When the price rose to 55 billion, Yang Qingxuan finally spoke and directly quoted 60 billion.

Immediately let the whole auction site quiet down.

Countless lights gathered, and even Yan Shigu showed a look of surprise and whispered, "This emperor soul stone is broken."

Yang Qingxuan secretly admired Yan Shigu's eyes so sharply, even the broken soul stone could be seen, but after all, Yan Shigu was not a person in the ghost world, so he missed.

Immediately replied softly: "I know."

Yan Shigu stunned, then smiled lightly, and said, "It's good if you know, I'm worried that you will suffer." He stopped speaking.

"65 billion!"

In another corner, the quotation sounded again, with a hint of anger in the voice.

Yang Qingxuan chased the price and said, "70 billion."

"75 billion."

"80 billion."

"Ninety billion."

"One hundred billion."

After the price rushed to 100 billion, it stopped briefly, and the other end quoted the price again, "120 billion!"

Yang Qingxuan said unhurriedly: "150 billion."

The other party fell silent again.

Before Yang Qingxuan shot the magic sword of the shadow, it lost a trillion, which caused an uproar in the audience.

Everyone knew that he was rich, and when he asked for a price, he couldn't help but feel a little guilty.

After waiting for a while, no one in the audience offered to offer any more, Yang Qingxuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he thought it was finalized, a faint voice sounded, "200 billion."

The audience was in an uproar. It was not the 200 billion star Haoshi that shocked everyone, but the identity of the bidder.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and a bad premonition surged in his heart. He turned his eyes to the front of the VIP area. In the position of the more than ten blue-robed martial artists, it was the man who bid the price. From the auction to the present, men have been I didn't say a word, I just sat quietly, until this moment, I finally said the first time.

"It's Lord Lan Yan, the third son of the Blue Sakura God King. I'm wondering why the people from the Blue Sakura God's Mansion came without saying a word."

"I'm afraid there is anger in my heart. The Protoss originally claimed to be noble, but the people of the Purple Heart God Palace arranged them in the VIP area. There is not even a secret space. I think that Lan Yan is not light."

"Shhh, keep it quiet, do you want to die?!"

"What are you afraid of? This is Wuyu City. The Purple Heart God King and the Blue Cherry God King have always been at odds. Do the people in the Blue Cherry God Palace still dare to kill people here?"

In the auction venue, all kinds of discussions broke out, and Lan Yan made an offer, which attracted almost all the ideas.

And many good people looked at Yang Qingxuan jokingly, as if watching a good show.

Yang Qingxuan sank and slowly said, "Three hundred billion."

He had to get this soul stone no matter what, if he couldn't take it down, he was afraid that the ghost would explode and kill people directly.

In addition to the mid-level Lan Yan Jiuxing, there is also a martial artist who can't see through his cultivation base. The whole body of Lan Ying Shen Wang's mansion is covered in a faint blue light. It should be the old monster of a thousand worlds, and he doesn't know **** ghosts. It's not.

But violent murder is a last resort, and once it reaches this stage, it will be a big trouble.

Yan Shigu whispered: "Are you really going to fight with that stupid Lan Yan?"

Yang Qingxuan nodded lightly and said, "I will definitely get this thing."

Yan Shigu gave a wry smile, shook his head slightly, and sighed, "It's not worth it."

Lan Yan suddenly "haha" laughed a few times, turned around, staring at Yang Qingxuan with a ferocious and murderous face, and said coldly: "Dog breed! What the king wants, you dare to fight for the dog thing! "

Lan Yan is accustomed to rampaging in the land of the Lanying King. Originally, when she came to Wuyu City, Zixia didn't give a good face. All the treatments were only ordinary VIP-level, and she had been stunned and angry. As soon as Yang Qingxuan made a bid, he immediately spread all the anger over the past few days on Yang Qingxuan's body. The cold eyes burst with blue light, wishing to tear Yang Qingxuan to pieces with his eyes.

Yang Qingxuan raised his eyes, looked at each other without fear, and sneered: "Dog thing, who are you scolding?"

"Hey!" All around took a breath of air, frightened one by one.

Scolding the Protoss is already a death penalty, let alone the son of the King of Gods.

Yan Shigu also opened his mouth in surprise.

Lan Yan stayed there even more, as if petrified. In this life, no one had scolded him except the King Lan Ying.

After Yang Qingxuan went back, he stood up at the same time and said loudly: "The rules of this auction venue do not seem to threaten others, otherwise they will be treated as expulsion. If it is serious, the law will be rectified on the spot. I don't know if this rule is true or just just saying?"

Zi Ran's face changed slightly, and the secret path was not good. If he followed the rules, Lan Yan had committed a foul just now, and even the lightest punishment would have to be expelled from the auction venue.

Although he is the second steward of the Purple Hearts Palace, he dare not expel Lan Yan.

"Haha! You dog, you actually want to expel this king with rules! All rules are made to restrain you untouchables. This king is a protoss, how can he be fettered by rules!"

Lan Yan sneered and sneered. As he was, it was impossible for the auction venue to expel him.

But the faces of Wu Xiu in the audience were hard to look like, each of them looked cold and extremely bad.

The phrase "untouchable" is to scold everyone in.

The Protoss is above everyone else, and everyone has dared not to say anything for a long time, and in this auction venue, all the powerful people in the world are the top batch of the hundreds of millions of "untouchables" in the Louvre land.

Lan Yan soon felt the unkind eyes and breath of the people, and was slightly startled in his heart, but he still looked arrogantly and refused to put down his body. He expected that everyone would not dare to do anything.

Yang Qingxuan sneered and said: "So the rules of the Protoss don't need to be followed. It's just that I wait for the untouchables to keep it. That's good, you all have heard. In that case, I'll wait for the untouchables to not participate in this auction. You, the Protoss, play by yourself." Yang Qingxuan shouted. Said to everyone: "All of you here are heroes of the world and are respected and respected. Why come here to be untouchables? Anyone who has a bit of backbone and regards himself as a human, just leave with me."

When the voice fell, there was a "crack" in the venue, and people stood up and were about to leave.

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