Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2059: Four Holy Spirit Contracts, a desperate struggle

Tu Chou's face was furious, and he roared ferociously: "Damn it! Turn over me, **** it!"

The powerful aura burst out on his body, and the flame seals on several key acupuncture points directly burst, and flesh and blood flew across.

But Tu Chou remained indifferent, still fighting his destiny to transform his true essence, to break free from the **** of these two elements.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand to pinch the tactics and clicked into the bursting holes, and immediately a flame was born, which violently leaped, forming a huge seal, once again suppressing Tu worry's struggle.

Yang Qingxuan said indifferently: "If you are in full bloom, I will naturally not be able to contain you. But now that most of your strength is lost, let me calm down. I am a fish by a man with a knife. Doesn't you understand this simple truth? "

Tu Chou was angry for a while, and he calmed down a bit after hearing the words. He slowly dissipated his true essence and turned into an ordinary person with no energy fluctuations. Sitting in front of Yang Qingxuan, he said coldly: "What do you want to do? ?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Although Han Sen has a place to be sorry for you, he has cultivated you and raised you for many years. Once you leave the customs, you will slaughter the entire God Rebellion Sect. Hehe, he is really worthy of your surname."

Tu Chouhan said: "That old man, I don't believe that I can break through to the Lord of the Thousand Realms. He has nurtured me for many years, but I don't have this trust! I won't kill him if I don't kill him!"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "You are too hostile, I will pass you a meditation technique, you are good at cultivation."

Tu Chou laughed contemptuously: "Hahahaha, it's a real laugh! This seat is the Lord of the Thousand Realms, you, the King of the Eight-Star Realm, dare to preach my tactics!"

Yang Qingxuan ignored his contempt, read the word Taiqing Yu Jue, and forcibly passed it into Tu Chou's ears.

Tu Chou looked contemptuous, but afterward, his eyes showed surprise, and he immediately discovered the mystery and value of this technique.

The Taiqing Jade Art is the secret and supreme magic of Juntian Purple Mansion, and it is the art that stabilizes the mind and strengthens the Dao Heart among the many spiritual powers.

Although Tu Chou still looked awkward, but the color of contempt was gone, just a feeling of unyielding cold arrogance.

Yang Qingxuan said: "If you continue to practice according to this mental method, you will surely get rid of your inner demon and the hostility in your body. Unfortunately, I don't have much time to grind with you. The undesirable world is about to open, and I must now subdue you. "

Tu Chou sternly said: "You save my life, state the conditions, I can repay you, and return your kindness. Want to subdue a lord of the thousand worlds, don't you think it is delusional?!"

Yang Qingxuan ignored it, but kept pinching the tactics with both hands, a thunderous sound was heard above the ring, and then countless golden runes lit up, arranged and combined in the air.

The stars in the star ring all felt in their hearts, and Zi Yuan said in shock: "Qingxuan, you..."

The five immediately understood Yang Qingxuan's intentions.

Yang Qingxuan said: "This person has very strong supernatural powers. If you want to subdue him, I am a little bit worse by myself. You all come to help me."

Above the ring, in all directions of Tu Chou, under the slight fluctuation of the space, a star each appeared, pinching the tactics with both hands.

Tu Chou's face changed slightly, and he saw that this was a certain formation, and it was extremely mysterious, and he couldn't see the change.

After the golden words on the void are arranged and combined, they form a vast scroll, which stretches forward to infinity and backwards to infinity. It is vague and endless.

Tu Chou furiously said: "The contract? Damn it! What are you the Lord of the Thousand Realms? Actually want to use the contract to shackle it! Damn it!"

The five people of Ziyuan are dignified, and the power of the contract comes from the four holy spirits of the year. Even the four holy spirits themselves are nothing but the lord of the thousand worlds. It is extremely difficult for the rules in the contract to be effective for the lord of the thousand worlds. judgment.

After Yang Qingxuan displayed the Blue Dragon Scroll, he did not stop the tactical seal in his hand, and soon the golden characters condensed again, constantly arranging and combining them in the air.

The five members of Ziyuan were all surprised and looked at the arrangement with some surprise.

Soon after, another huge and vast scroll spread out in the sky, overlapping with the blue dragon scroll, forming two parallel spaces.

Hua Jieyu said in surprise: "White Tiger Scroll?!"

Within the scroll, a vaguely roaring tiger shook the mountains and forests, causing the void to fluctuate constantly.

After absorbing the essence and blood of the four holy spirits, Yang Qingxuan can change the four holy spirits at will, not only mastering the magical powers of the four holy spirits, but also realizing the contractual power of the four holy spirits, and summoning them one by one at this moment.

In the south and north, Suzaku and Xuanwu scrolls were subsequently transformed.

As soon as the four scrolls appeared, the four plane spaces began to change and rotate, and they actually merged with each other.

The phantoms of Azure Dragon, Vermilion Bird, White Tiger, and Xuanwu roared in the plane, and powerful auras continued to gush out, intertwined and superimposed.

Tu Chou said in surprise: "Four Holy Spirits?!"

He also heard about the Holy Spirit. In the entire universe, the blood of the four Holy Spirits is scattered everywhere, but the purity is different. The four remnants of the Holy Spirit seen before him are extremely powerful. I am afraid that the blood of the four Holy Spirits will reach To a certain extent.


With the continuous rotation of the four planes, the force of overlapping and overlapping continues to strengthen, and a brand new scroll appears above the ring.

On the four corners of the scroll, there are four holy spirits. In the middle is a powerful circular formation with hundreds of millions of runes floating and disillusioning.

Yang Qingxuan’s idea of ​​merging the four scrolls originated from Xuantianji’s four holy spirit map. Since Xuantianji can fuse the power of the four holy sacred objects together, why can’t he try to fuse the four scrolls to amplify the power of the contract? Several times.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan has obtained the Four Holy Spirit Diagram for an extremely long time, and he has tried various refining methods, and his understanding of the structure of the Four Holy Spirit Diagram is now second only to Xuantian Ji.

As soon as the Four Holy Scrolls came out, the force of powerful rules rained down, covering the entire ring space.

The five constellations, Yang Qingxuan himself, and Tu Chou all felt the extremely powerful rule-binding force.

Tu Chou was even more uncertain, with a slight horror on his face, and shouted, "Stop, stop!"

How could Yang Qingxuan stop, pinch the tactics into the four holy spirit scrolls, a magnificent force descended, directly enclosing Tu Chou, countless runes rolled around Tu Chou, imprinting on his body.

"It is impossible to subdue a lord of a thousand realms, except for the existence of the four holy lords and the eight domain kings!"

Tu Chou roared furiously, ignoring the collapse of his body, and forcibly used his true essence to impact the meridians, exploding the seals of fire and thunder, "bang, bang, bang," a **** mist that filled the void.

This is the desperate struggle of a powerful man, and being subdued by a contract is more uncomfortable than death.

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