Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2061: The world of desirelessness opens, the crucian crossing the river

An indifferent color flashed in Yang Qingxuan's pupils, and he continued to look back. After Ning Xiuzhen's name, there was a line of small characters stating: There are more than fifty disciples in the Ning family, and the lowest cultivation level is also the middle-level realm king.

Fifty middle-level and higher realm kings!

Yang Qingxuan drew a cold breath. This courage is incomparable, and the power of the entire sky star field cannot compete with the Ning family. After all, the 30 or more masters of the thousand worlds are enough to destroy the sky star. Domain countless times.

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood that the Ning family was going to do their best to force Ning to cultivate to the upper position, so that he would take the first place and become the son-in-law of the **** king.

The Ning family is in a turbulent moment, so they can keep their position.

It seems that Ning Xiuzhen must be the most powerful and outstanding among the disciples under the Ning family's thousand realms.

Yang Qingxuan continued to read down. In fact, in addition to the Ning family, other clan and clan have also worked hard to fight for the chance to become a consort.

Yang Qingxuan quickly read all the information, and the various powerhouses recorded above did not know him, nor did he intend to know him. He just wanted to find more reincarnation fruits and sell them at a good price.

Suddenly, his heart moved slightly. He thought of the cause of this Wu Dejie event. Although he had only a few connections with Zixia, but the arrangement to kill Lan Yan proved that this woman was not missed, and her heart was majestic. Will become a victim?

Yang Qingxuan pondered: "Is there a fraud? It's not a problem. This is an open invitation to the whole world. If there is a fraud, the anger of the people in the world will not be able to bear even the Purple Heart God King."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment, but couldn't figure out the mystery, so he didn't bother to think again.

After that, he concentrated on practicing, and practiced the ten directions all-out magical powers a few times, and then returned to the Qingyang Wujing, in the real realm of the present.

The second soul, after swallowing a large amount of Shi Yanshi, took on the appearance of 8-9 years old, and continued to grow as his realm improved, but the growth rate was extremely slow, and a large amount of Shi Yanshi was still needed. Fill it like a bottomless pit.

During this period of time, Yang Qingxuan sacrificed and refined the Four Noble Truths of Causality. Under the fusion of the power of Shi, the subtle repulsive force of the Four Noble Truths of Causality was dissolving a little bit.

Yang Qingxuan simply let the second soul sit in the void with his hands resting on the dantian, and the four causal jade pieces are superimposed on each other, suspended in the hands of the second soul, slowly being refined by the power of release.

The seal characters on each piece of jade are disillusioned and absorb a lot of the power of release.

Yang Qingxuan sorted out Shi Mingshi, and there were more than 500 pieces left, and they were all middle and low-level ones.

Yang Qingxuan had a headache. At this speed, the second soul wants to grow up, and when the four karma jade wants to be refined, how much money has to be spent?

A few days later, Shi Mingshi was less than one hundred yuan.

Yang Qingxuan had no choice but to leave the customs and bought Shi Mingshi on the market, and turned into a Pipi Shrimp. He went to Defeng Ancient Building again and collected a large number of Shi Mingshi.

It was not Fan Ye and the previously fixed beauties who received him this time.

Yang Qingxuan spent 800 billion Star Hao Shi to sweep away the existing Shi Yan Shi in Defeng Ancient Building, and finally made up his own survival by a thousand. But it also provoked the person in charge of Defeng Ancient Tower in Wuyu City, who became interested and suspicious of him and sent someone to investigate secretly.

Only then did Yang Qingxuan realize that he was already very wealthy before he knew it. Shi Yanshi could be bought and eaten like beans, but his goal was too ambitious, so he appeared extremely poor.

After trading Shi Mingshi, the opening of the world of desirelessness finally arrived.

In the entire sky of Wuyu City, Wuxiu flying in one direction is like a crucian carp crossing a river, and it can even be described as densely packed.

Yang Qingxuan was astonished. He wanted to go to the World of No Desire, but he needed a key, and the value of the key is very high. Are these people all so rich?

But it quickly became clear that the World of No Desire itself is a great treasure. Even if you borrow money to go there, you can probably pay back. If you unfortunately fall in it, you won't have to pay back.

The craftsman who made Taolu Baojian is an invisible group of rich people in the entire universe.

Yang Qingxuan turned into a retreat, mixed in the crowd, and flew in the same direction.

And just above the crowd, a huge light suddenly lit up, like the sun, like a wheel, galloping from a distance, and the entire sky "boomed" and trembled under this huge light.

Many warriors changed their expressions and looked up.

In Luofu, there are strict regulations on flying altitude. Non-Protoss can only fly below ten thousand feet, and the speed is strictly controlled. The escape light from far and near is very fast and powerful. Yang Qingxuan looked with fiery eyes, only white Mannei was actually a luxurious and majestic silver chariot.

The car was branded with weird formations, like forcing rounds of scorching sun into the car, and several powerful auras waved out of the silver chariot.

The chariot quickly drove through the sky and headed forward.

The warriors under the height of ten thousand meters recovered one by one and began to talk about it, but the light was too strong just now, most of them had never seen the scene inside, and I don't know which disciple of the gods' palace came here.

Yang Qingxuan's face was calm, and he continued to fly forward, no matter how strong he came, anyway, he didn't want to fight for the first place, just get rich.

Inside the silver chariot driving by, a middle-aged man suddenly let out a surprised "Huh", his eyelids lowered lightly, as if he was about to see through the countless martial artists underneath, but the speed of the chariot was so fast, it flashed. The next step passed, and the man didn't notice anything.

Behind the man stood a row of silver armored warriors, with a mighty imposing manner. There was also a young son who was somewhat similar to the man, and said in surprise: "Father, what's wrong?"

The middle-aged man groaned: "Strange, it seemed that someone had seen through our scorching sun chariot just now. Although it was just a quick glance, it was indeed a wait and see."

The young man was surprised and said: "This is impossible, right? Even if there is a thousand realms cultivation base, without powerful spiritual eyes and supernatural powers, it is impossible to see through the scorching sun chariot."

The middle-aged man smiled and said: "Luo Er, don't underestimate the strong in the world. Among those people just now, although I didn't identify who it is, I left it at a glance and there is no thousand realms. In other words, see through. The chariot of the scorching sun should only be a realm king. And this realm king, as well as the young talents who come from all over the universe, will be your opponents in this world of desirelessness. You have to be careful. "

The young man looked astonished and unbelieving, but knew that his father would never be mistaken, so he hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Yes, thank you father for teaching me something."

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