Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2096: No one's secret cave, no word jade stele

Chi Xiaozi asked Yang Qingxuan, "Brother Lu Fei, what do you think?"

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes and golden eyes kept flashing, as if seeing through the fog. When the first lightning flashed, he did not see anything, but Yang Qingxuan was alert, and when the second lightning appeared, he saw it really.

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's the formation restriction."

In the spiritual fog, a dazzling halo appeared, and under the shaking, a huge lightning flashed out.

Then the halo disappeared automatically.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes directly penetrated the halo and saw the vague scene inside, like a secret cave.

Chi Xiaozi asked in shock: "Formation prohibition? The entire Lingshan's big prohibition has been dispersed. How can there be a small prohibition?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It seems to be guarding a secret cave. Judging from the energy of the thunder and lightning, this formation restriction should not be very strong, I wonder if Brother Chi Xiao is interested in breaking it?"

When Chi Xiaozi heard the secret cave, his eyes lit up, and he laughed "haha" immediately: "Okay, I'll try it. Please also ask Brother Lu Fei to sweep the battle for me."

After speaking, the figure flashed and shot forward.

The halo in the spiritual fog appeared again, and another thick lightning shot down.

Vaillant is almost the same as the previous two.

Only then did Chi Xiaozi relieved his mind, believed Yang Qingxuan's statement, and raised his hand to pat the lightning directly.

"Boom!" There was a bang, and the powerful waves of Qi dispersed.

The lightning was still about three feet away from Chi Xiaozi, and it was suppressed by the palm wind. Chi Xiaozi's pupils flashed, and he also saw the scene that emerged in the halo after the lightning.

Immediately with a loud shout, the applause immediately rose up, blasting out the lightning completely.


The lightning flashed in the air, all burst into smashing, the void shook in a trance, and there was no trace of broken.

Chi Xiaozi shook his figure and appeared above the halo, forming a large square seal with his hands, and pressed it down.


The halo revolved rapidly, and was constantly consumed by the giant seal, and soon there was a dull muffled noise, which burst directly into pieces.

The aura in all directions suddenly lost its shackles and drifted away, gradually revealing its true face within a thousand meters of radius.

They had just walked to the waist of the giant mountain, but there was a protruding rock in front of them, and below was a passage connecting the secret cave inside.

Chi Xiaozi was overjoyed and said, "Brother Lu Fei, come!" After saying that, he flashed first and entered the cave.

Yang Qingxuan flew away immediately, and at the same time, several Nine Star Realm Kings' auras passed by, and they shook together-shot into the secret cave.

I saw that it was spacious and tall inside, very cool, and strong and shocking auras constantly emerged from the ground. The ground was a layer of faint spiritual liquid, which had accumulated for many years.

The secret cave looks ancient and desolate, full of traces of time, only a stone bed and stone table, and some copper pots and jade cups are placed on the table.

Besides, there is nothing more.

It seems that no one has come in. The reason why it is so simple is that except for the ore and metal, the rest has been corroded by the years.

Chi Xiaozi came first, and the joy of joy turned into disappointment. Then, with a wave of his hand, he put away the stone table, stone bed, and the copper and jade objects. No matter what these are, whether they are valuable or not, take them first. .

Yang Qingxuan said, "It looks like an empty secret hole."

Chi Xiaozi said depressed: "Why are there restrictions on the empty ones? And the restrictions are not weak!"

Yang Qingxuan thought for a while and said, "Perhaps the owner of the secret cave just went out temporarily, so he arranged a prohibition, but it is not weak for us, but for the owner, it is just a small prohibition. But Who knows, once the master went, he never came back."

Everyone thought about it, and felt that this inference was extremely reasonable.

After all, this is the world of desirelessness, but in a corner of the universe of the first generation, the potential energy of the entire universe is stronger than the universe in which it is located, and it is extremely normal for all kinds of power to appear.

For example, the master of the Desire Realm has always been guessed to be the Nine Star Peak, or even the existence of Half Step Supreme.

We must know that in the entire Southern Universe, the Four Holy Lords and Eight Territory Heavenly Kings do not have the nine-star peak, let alone the ethereal eternal supreme.

Yang Qingxuan said: "This Spirit Mountain was supposed to be a blessed place for cultivation before, so there will be powerful people who will open up secret caves to practice here. I think these spiritual liquids are extremely precious, I am afraid that every drop is not under the ten thousand years of spiritual milk."

Yang Qingxuan took out a green vessel and moved it a little bit around. The spiritual liquid in the entire secret cave was immediately sucked into it.

With the surging of the spiritual fluid, the powerful waves of spiritual energy dissipated, and everyone convulsed. They took out their vessels and grabbed the spiritual fluid. However, most of the moment's effort was collected by Yang Qingxuan, and only a small portion was left for everyone to get a little.

Yang Qingxuan said: "Let's go, if this Lingshan is a blessed place for cultivation in the Great Universe of the First Generation, then there will definitely be many secret caves like this one. Let's go ahead and take a look."

A secret cave appeared immediately, and Chi Xiaozi hurriedly followed.

The whole team is basically led by the two of them, not to say that there are no other masters, but most of them are extremely cautious, and someone who leads the way is naturally happy to follow. But once there is something to be discovered, it will naturally not be ambiguous.

The group of people continued to walk up the huge mountain, and as expected, they encountered several secret caves on the way.

Some have restrictions, some are directly open there, and the contents inside have not been moved, but the value is not high, it is like a temporary departure, but they never come back.

In this huge mountain full of spiritual energy, everyone felt a little bit of chill inexplicably.

Yang Qingxuan suddenly had a question in his heart. Are these eight huge mountains originally here or were they moved from elsewhere?

Mu Shaobai’s gold leaf mainly records the analysis of the Supreme Reincarnation Treasure and the conception of the Babu Yichengdu. He just clicked on it randomly, without detail at all.

Everyone continued to walk for a long time, and came to a flat area.

The difference from other places is that the aura in this flat place is very thin, and there are even very few spiritual flowers and weeds. In the center of the zone, a flat stone monument is erected, which is as smooth as jade, without any patterns or carvings. , Just like this was inserted on the ground.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and the structure of the stone stele appeared and decomposed in his eyes, and found that it was a very strange material, and there was no material in his impression that could match it.

Chi Xiaozi said: "The wordless jade tablet? Humph, what the hell!"

Reaching out to grab the void, the whole earth shook, trying to **** the jade stele up from the ground.

But the ground shook for a long time, but the jade stele showed no trace of being shaken.

//No change today, happy holidays everyone, good night and go to bed early.

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