Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2101: who are you? It's better to hit the sun

"who are you?"

Zixia stared at Xuan Tianji and asked coldly, but her heart became more and more frightened. With her own cultivation, she couldn't penetrate this person at all.

When did Defeng Gulou have such a master?

Xuantianji smiled slightly, carried the long banner on his shoulders, and said leisurely: "God King, Lord of No Desire, can you have fruit to sell? Purchase at a high price."

Zixia's face changed drastically, her small mung bean-like eyes suddenly doubled, and a halo appeared, giving off a thick color of shock.

The undesirable master's shocked voice sounded and shouted: "Who are you?!"

Xuantianji inserted the long banner on the ground and pointed to the big characters on it and said, "Don't be nervous, two of you. I just collect the fruit of reincarnation. I really want to collect it. If you two have it, you can consider selling it to me."

Zixia snorted, rolled her eyes directly, and said, "No." She still lacks reincarnation fruit, sell it to you? cut.

Xuan Tianji shook his head and sighed: "Oh, since there is no one, then forget it." He clasped his fists and said, "Don't bother me any more, you two continue, as if I have never been here."

With that said, pick up the long banner and leave.

The Lord of No Desire shouted in a deep voice: "Keep him! This person is of unknown origin, I am afraid it will ruin us!"

Zixia shouted: "Since I'm here, I want to leave without revealing my identity? Leave it to me!"

Needless to say, she also wants to leave Xuantian Ji. There are only a handful of people who know that she is the avatar of Purple Heart in today's world, and they are all just guesses. It is really frightening that this person can reveal her identity at once.

Zixia lifted her hand, and a group of purple light condensed in the sky, directly turned into a sharp blade, and slashed it neatly.

Xuantianji turned around, and the long banner swayed in front of him, and immediately took away the purple blade without leaving any traces. He smiled and said, "Selling and selling cannot be righteous and righteous. What does the **** king mean?"

The Desire Lord screamed: "Your cultivation is suppressed by the Desire Realm, I will help you!"

There was a rush of sound from the void, and then a vast ancient array emerged, as if projected from infinity. Thirty-three white smoke slowly rose up from the array, and under that strange sound, its shape was constantly changing. In the end, it condensed into a huge hand and grabbed it hard.

Xuantianji inserted the long banner into the ground, sealed with his hands, and a golden light emerged from his body, turning into a sea of ​​100,000 Sanskrit sounds, forming a huge barrier.


The big hand made of white smoke hit the Sanskrit Sea hard and the shaking Sanskrit sound rolled, but it was completely impossible to break through.

The frightened voice of the Lord of No desire came, with a sharp and hurried voice, "Impossible!"

Xuan Tianji condensed his eyes, staring at the vast array of illusions in the void, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said: "I'm still surprised, why didn't you enter the five decays of heaven and man? It turns out that it is the empty chakra of the universe."

The big hand made of white smoke trembled violently, as if shocked by these words, he violently retracted it

The Master of No Desire shouted: "Let's go!" Bai Yan's big hands were scattered in the air, and Zixia rolled on the way back, and shot back into the big formation.

As soon as the shadow of Xuantian's body flickered, he chased up, and at the same time offered a golden rope.

As soon as the golden light flashed, the rope appeared above the large array, like a golden serpent, trying to get in.

But there was a weird sound of the empty wheel spinning from within the large array, and several golden lights shot out, directly splitting the golden rope into several pieces.

Then the formation turned and disappeared directly into the sky.

Xuan Tianji's steps stagnated, a wry smile appeared on his face, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, and took the cut back of the golden rope.

Several pieces of golden rope fell into his hands, and under the long golden light, they once again condensed into a complete one, and disappeared in a flash.

"At the beginning, Mu Shaobai asked you to suppress the Lord of No Desire, but you didn't move at all. After staying here for a long time, your mind is dull? If so, stop staying and let me go."

Xuan Tianji looked into the void, suddenly blinked, and the figure instantly fetched forward, reaching out to grab the void.

The sound of a dragon chant shook the sky and went straight into the clouds.

With the void twisting, Xuantianji's figure returned to the original place, but there was an extra miniature dragon in his hand, struggling constantly, bursting into that bitter gaze-powerful murderous intent and anger.

It seems to be saying that those who violated my Tianlongwei will die.

But Xuantianji smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and patted the dragon's head three times, and directly knocked the Tianlong stunned. After a few tossing the dragon's body, it turned back into a wordless jade tablet with the word "Dragon" transformed into it. Mie was taken into the bag by Xuantianji.

At this moment, dozens of powerful auras suddenly came from the bottom of the mountain, as if they were disturbed by the sound of the dragon's roar. In the blink of an eye, dozens of people all appeared on the mountainside, and when they saw Xuantianji, they surrounded it.

And more and more people went up the mountain, and it quickly increased exponentially.

Xuantianji picked up the sign on the ground, shook it a few times, and said with a smile: "You guys just came here, are there any reincarnation fruits for sale? Purchase at a high price."

Everyone recognized Xuantianji's costume, he was from Defeng Ancient Tower, and there were also some people who had sold fruit to him. They all recognized it, just wondering why this person was in front of him? He was obviously the first group to enter the mountain.

The first dozens of people were all dressed in uniform, with a strong aura, and everyone who was crushed did not dare to approach, and they circled outside.

The head of the man was a young man with beautiful eyes and a proud face. He looked at Xuantianji coldly, stretched out his hand and said, "Take things out."

Xuantianji asked, "What is it?"

The young man sneered and said: "Pretend, continue to pretend. I would like to see, in front of my Ning Xiuzhen, who would dare not be honest! Just now after Long Yin, my son saw the dragon light flashing, but when he arrived in an instant, There is nothing left, it must be the treasure that was born and was acquired by you. Now hand it over, everything is easy to talk."

Xuan Tianji was surprised: "You, you guys, is this going to rob?"

Ning Xiuzhen laughed wildly and said, "Haha, robbery? Don't say so ugly. Everyone is a martial artist and borrow something from each other. How can it be robbery? Hahahaha."


The people of the Ning family all around laughed loudly, looking at Xuantianji with a joking expression, as if looking at a little fat sheep.

Xuantianji laughed too, and after everyone's laughter subsided, he said, "You are right, it is common for martial arts practitioners to borrow things. It just so happens that the Ning family has a rich family background. I have long wanted to borrow something. It has been used, but it has been suffering from no chance. Isn't it just an opportunity now? As the ancient sages said: It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day."

"Borrow something from my Ning family? Hahahaha, I'm so ridiculous, you dare to say that, Defeng Ancient Building, it's swollen!"

A cruel smile flashed across Ning Xiuzhen's face, and with a wave of his hand, the Ning family disciples narrowed the encirclement and surrounded them little by little.

The warriors in all directions all showed sympathy, sighing again and again, looking at Xuantianji like a dead person...

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