Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2105: The supernatural power of the clan, the guardian of the giant spirit

"This is... Wuhun?!"

Ning Xiuzhen's face changed drastically, showing extreme shock and amazement, as if thinking of something, exclaiming: "You, you and that woman..."

In a desperate situation, he could not speak much, poured his true essence into the sword again, and slashed it fiercely.


The golden sword slashed on the barrier formed by the Taixuan sword intent, shaking up a powerful sword light.

Around Yang Qingxuan's body, like an endless hidden sword, a substantive divine sword burst out of the void and shot into the front enchantment to counter the huge golden sword energy.

For a time, the vast and complicated formations above the eight peaks were all shrouded in sword intent.

Xuantianji stood with his hands behind, looking at the sky full of sword shadows, there was always a smile in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking. The three martial souls in the body, under the influence of Yang Qingxuan Taixuan Sword Tomb, faintly fluctuate.

"Damn! You are from the same star field as that woman! I see, are you her son?"

Ning Xiuzhen's face showed a hideous look, his eyes became gloomy and fierce, and he thought of a lot in an instant.

Ning Qingyao's matter is related to the position of the Ning family heir. His father is also one of Ning Qingyao's crazy suitors. Among the several heirs of the Ning family, as long as he marries Ning Qingyao, his position is basically stable.

And the purpose of this trip to the world of desirelessness is to compete for the first place and marry Zixia, which can also increase the bargaining chip of his father's succession.

The several heirs of the entire Ning family, in order to succeed to the throne, did all they could to increase their bargaining chips, and everyone knows that the core bargaining chip is Ning Qingyao, the body with the star Luo Woman!

Ning Xiuzhen burst into a burst of light in his eyes, and couldn't help laughing out loud, "Hahahaha!"

Everyone in Ling is baffled.

Ning Xiuzhen thought, as long as he catches Yang Qingxuan and the woman's own son is in his own hands, can that woman not give up? In order to save her son, she would be willing to let her be a dog, let alone marry her father.

"You are really the greatest gift God has given me!"

Ning Xiuzhen was so excited that he couldn't hold himself, his left hand was directly on the hilt of the sword, holding the sword with both hands, and pressing down suddenly.

The annoyance and decadence of being robbed of all the reincarnation fruits in my heart by Xuantianji, it was all wiped out, and the whole person was full of energy in an instant. As long as you catch the person in front of you, the credit of this trip is far better than getting 10,000 reincarnation fruits.

As long as his father succeeds to the throne, with the credit this time and his natural strength, he will definitely succeed in the future.


Ning Xiuzhen kept laughing wildly, and the huge golden sword aura pierced Yang Qingxuan's Taixuan sword intent little by little, causing his Wanjian to burst open continuously.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and the realm gap between the two lay there. As far as God Channel Technique equipment was concerned, he might not be better than Ning Xiuzhen, and this battle must be extremely difficult.

But he didn't panic, he had killed even a thousand realms, and it was nothing to kill a nine-star peak, but he had the blade of the moon, and the opponent could not guarantee that there was no powerful treasure.

Yang Qingxuan pinched the tactics with both hands, stabilized the current peak state of sword intent, and at the same time gave a soft drink, a huge flame rose into the sky, turned into the law of fire, the sky and the earth, his hands were sealed, and he patted it down.

Together with the Emperor Flame Jue, all fire elements from all directions poured into the Jue Seal, like a crimson sky cover, pressed down hard, and the flames burned the entire cloud top and space into a red sea.

"Huh, I really have two sons. I really deserve to be that woman's son." Ning Xiuzhen's face turned gloomy, and his murderous heart grew. Even if Yang Qingxuan threatened Ning Qingyao with Yang Qingxuan, Yang Qingxuan must be abolished in the future. Otherwise, such talent and strength would be bound to happen. It creates obstacles to myself, but all of this will have to be said after my father is firmly established as the head of the family.

"But!" Ning Xiu turned his words and shouted sharply: "The law of heaven and earth is nothing more than the magical powers of pediatrics. It is embarrassing to dare to use it in the world! The hillbilly from the remote mountainous area, the magical way is really limited, let Have you seen my Ning family’s supernatural powers!"

On that golden body, a large swath of blood appeared, and it rushed to the sky, transforming into a blood-red giant in the void, pinching his left hand and holding a small clock in his right hand.


The little clock shook in the hands of the Scarlet Giant, and immediately spread a scarlet sound wave, which vigorously oscillated.

The sky was full of flames and the sea of ​​clouds, just under the sound of this bell, was knocked to pieces.

At the same time, the Scarlet Giant's left hand tactic was printed together, and a huge roar was heard from his mouth, and he slapped the Emperor Yan tactic fiercely.

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, this scarlet giant looked like the heavens and the earth, but it was a little different, and couldn't tell where the strangeness was for a while.

Jiang Yueliu said loudly in horror: "Brother, be careful! This is the guardian giant of the Ning Family——Sath!"


A seal of Sass violently collided with Emperor Yan Jue.

A fierce and powerful light burst into pieces, and the red world that had been burnt instantly turned into a sea of ​​blood.

The blood-colored sky, the blood-colored clouds, the blood-colored array, the blood-colored everything.

A huge panic emerged in everyone's heart, feeling the blood-colored power of Nasath.

Is this the guardian giant of a clan family?

All are frightened.

Yang Qingxuan was the first to bear the brunt, clearly feeling that the fire element within a thousand miles was almost completely wiped out, and the law of fire, the sky and the earth, exploded in an instant, not at all!

"Guardian Giant Spirit?!"

Yang Qingxuan suddenly remembered that there was a similar introduction in a jade slip. It was a huge monster refined by a famous family. It was a pure energy collection. It was provided by the family with true essence, blood and even life to protect the family. purpose.

And the core disciples in the family can communicate with the guardian spirit through some secret method, and summon the guardian spirit's power when fighting.

The purer the blood and the stronger the strength, the stronger the strength borrowed.

The guardian giant Ling Sasi of the Ning family has survived for an unknown number of years. Before the Ning family's powerful men in all generations sat down, they all provided their own blood and true essence to this spirit so that it would survive forever.

In the last battle between the Ning family and the Jiang family, Ning Shenghao summoned the body of Sass completely and fought against the guardian giant spirits of the Jiang family. Both giant spirits were badly injured.

Originally Sass was recuperating, and the family had orders, and it was not allowed to borrow the power of Sass during this period of time, but Ning Xiuzhen couldn't take care of this much, and as long as Yang Qingxuan was taken back, it was illegal. My father has enough ability to handle things.

The boundless sea of ​​blood came rippling with the bell, and wrapped Yang Qingxuan from all directions.

In addition, Ning Xiuzhen's two-handed sword was still pressing in, trying to pierce Yang Qingxuan's Great Profound Sword Intent barrier.

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