Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2190: Bloodstained Demon Knife

"What? What's going on!"

Countless shocked voices sounded in every corner of the hall.

As the main hall was split, the wonderful combination structure also shattered instantly and began to collapse from the outside to the inside.

Powerful figures shot out from the hall, trying to see exactly what happened.

Yang Qingxuan and the others vomited blood, and the terrifying sword aura broke all their attacks.

Several weaker realm kings died directly on the spot.

The rest of the people, although lucky to survive, were all seriously injured. Even the three three-star Thousand Realms of Gui Zang, Luo Tinglan, and Zi Qing were pale and panting violently.

"Heh", the figure let out a contemptuous laugh, and the magic knife in his hand danced, and he wanted to cut it down again.

But inexplicably, his body stagnated, as if he had been restrained, and stiffened for an instant.

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Quickly follow me!"

A piece of lightning exploded on itself and turned into a small Wanlei magneto-optical disc, covering everyone and sucking in.

Then the figure shook, it turned into a flame blue luan, flapping its wings and flying.

At this moment, the warriors who rushed out of the hall felt the terrifying aura, and looked at them in horror. They saw Qingluan rising into the sky and fleeing away. They immediately understood something, "swish swish" The silhouettes of people fled in all directions.

Everyone knew that something terrible was released from the hall.

"Hehe, you can't turn your head anymore." The figure murmured to himself with the blood-stained devilish energy, but when he raised the magic knife in his hand, a strange force radiated out, the world shook, and the universe turned back. , The entire barren land seemed to be shrouded in this sword.

All the Wu Xiu who fled, including the Qing Luan transformed by Yang Qingxuan, froze in an instant.

They were horrified to discover that no matter how they escaped, they couldn't escape the range of the sword, and even said that the entire emptiness of the barren ancient land was transformed by the realm of the sword!

"Hehe, children and grandchildren transformed by my spirit, it's time to come back!"

In the dark magic blood, that person didn't see his face, but in the deep double pupils, he shot out two stalwart eyes, shining brightly.

"Crack quack quack..."

In the shattered hall, countless strange cries sounded, and the magic marrow drills poured out one by one, flew towards the blood-stained magic knife, and rushed into it in a flash.

The expressions of Yang Qingxuan and others changed drastically, this magic marrow drill was actually transformed by this person's spirit? No wonder it's so weird.

That magic knife is terrible enough. At this moment, five hundred magic essences have been absorbed into it. What extent will it reach?

Yang Qingxuan's Dao Xin showed signs of trembling at this moment. Since the Xuanye Continent, there has never been a moment of despair and powerlessness like it is now.

Even Oni Zang and others were horrified.

Yang Qingxuan released the people from the small Wanlei magneto-optical disc, and said in a deep voice, "The horizontal is also dead, and the vertical is also dead. How can you die more heroic!"

Luo Tinglan said miserably: "If we can refine the Wuxiang Tathagata and Indra early in the morning, maybe we can suppress this demon one or two and fight for the first line of life. It's too late now."

Yang Qingxuan resolutely said: "You have to make this demon pay a price if you are too late!" With a move in his heart, he stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air, and Indra emerged, slowly sinking in the huge field of the magic sword. With a "bang", it stuck on the ground, causing the dust to roll.

The Nine Rings swayed up and down, making a "clang" metal sound.

With each shock, a circle of earthy yellow brilliance spread out, forming a plane barrier, and then transformed into an earth-based planet.

Planets emerged from all directions of Indra, like a cosmic void, blocking the power of the magic knife.

Luo Tinglan cried out in shock: "Indra, you, have you refined it, this, this is impossible..."

Yang Qingxuan's pupils flashed, and he resolutely said, "It depends on this for life and death!"

With luck with both hands, a peculiar mighty force came out of the palm, turning into white light, as if evolving a great mighty force, shuttle past the future.

Everyone was amazed, Yang Qingxuan's cultivation level was not high, but at this moment, the power radiating from his palms was diffused with ancient sounds, shocking people.

Luo Tinglan shouted in horror, "Causal power?! No, it's impossible!"

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "It's impossible for your sister! Hurry up and make the move, it's about life or death!"

Eight white rays of light flew out of Yang Qingxuan's body, turned into a circle of light, and superimposed into those palms.

A golden light flashed in Yang Qingxuan's pupils, and a raging fire ignited all over his body. In the second stage of the endless source of fire, Shan Heng Gu Yan quickly rushed into his palm and merged with that vast power.

In this hot raging flame, everyone's blood warmed up and flowed faster.

All of them looked resolute, betting their lives and deaths under this move.

All the strongest auras erupted at the moment, and no one had any reservations.

On the other hand, Gui Zang was integrated into Yang Qingxuan's second soul, and based on this, he extradited Taixuantian.

"Hehe, a group of ants, just use your blood to sacrifice the reappearance of the blood of a thousand sins. Indra of the phaseless, will your obsessions remain?"

Five hundred magic marrow drills poured into the knife, and the entire barren land seemed to freeze suddenly, and time and space completely froze at this moment.

Then, a **** magic light flashed down.

"Stop sin!"

The figure snorted, his pupils burst out with a gloomy light of excitement, and flashed on the angular face, with clean brows, and besides the evil face, he was actually very handsome.


Yang Qingxuan roared, a move that had already been compressed to the extreme, burst out in an instant.

"Eight dragons, extradition in one ride!"

A vast and mighty force, uttering the sound of Dao Fa, shuttled away, washing all void worlds.

A piece of sword tombs hovered around the ghost, all of which burst apart, and ten thousand swords rose into the sky, swirling around the body, and the powerful sword energy condensed into an enchantment, slashing away wildly.

Luo Tinglan uttered the truth, and circles of blue light appeared all around, just like the power of Shi Mingshi.

All these apertures, after manifesting, completely converged in her right palm.

And within the aperture in front of the left palm, the force of decay and death surges, it is the circle of elemental decay.

The two incompatible and mutually exclusive forces fused together perfectly in her hands and slammed out with a soft drink.

Zi Qing, Jin Chuke and others all used the strongest supernatural powers to welcome the move to kill sin.

The warrior who was locked in all directions by the realm of swords looked at this scene in horror and horror, and his heart stopped beating. For the first time since entering the realm king, he felt that he was so small, like a grasshopper in a storm, Not even as good.

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