Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2221: A hundred hearts are like one, not the same

Five hundred earth planets rotate in the vast universe, forming a wonderful view of the inner world of Indra.

Yang Qingxuan's spiritual thoughts flashed, transformed into his own appearance, and flew to the deserted ground.

Luo Tinglan opened her eyes lightly and smiled: "Are you here?"

The five Shizuo sat cross-legged behind and opened their eyes similarly.

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and walked to Luo Tinglan, looking at her bright blue eyes, as deep as the sky, she couldn't help but feel subtle emotions in her heart.

The beauty of Luo Tinglan surpasses all the beauty and all the looks, and is almost the beauty of Tao.

Yang Qingxuan thought to himself that if there are rules of beauty contained in the great avenue, they should be the same as the person in front of them.

Luo Tinglan smiled slightly and said, "What are you looking at?"

Yang Qingxuan's cheeks were reddish, but they disappeared in an instant, without saying anything, sitting cross-legged in the void, with his hands resting in front of him, sheets of yellow talisman paper flashed out of the void, superimposed on Yang Qingxuan's palms quickly.

Luo Tinglan looked at her with a solemn expression. She was also sitting in the void, facing Yang Qingxuan, her bright blue eyes flashing with waves, she looked at the yellow paper scriptures.

When the last piece of yellow paper was superimposed, all the talisman papers merged together immediately, giving it a generous light.

Yang Qingxuan held up his hands, and the light burst into the sky at once, then spread out, turning into a huge scroll, slowly unfolding to both sides.

Scroll like a sea, turning into a huge transparent wall, standing on their side.

Thousands of runes flashed on top of each other, linking the past, present, and future together, showing the content of the scriptures.

Yang Qingxuan also looked excited, looked at the sutra wall, and read the text on the leftmost column: Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra...

Luo Tinglan whispered: "If I hear..."

The whole world was completely silent, and only Luo Tinglan's soft voice was left, like water like a song, whispering softly, like an empty valley, clear and moving.

Time passed a little bit.

There is no sun and moon in the void in Indra, and I don't know the time sequence and circulation, like an eternal silence.

The two of them were completely immersed in the magic of Sanskrit sounds, as if they were in concentration.

The five Shizuo looked at each other, all showing awe.

Kes smiled bitterly and shook his head slightly. From beginning to end, they had never seen any scriptures, but they sensed a huge transparent wall that seemed to stand in front of it, but it was true and false and could not be distinguished.

The expressions of Guan Luo Tinglan and Yang Qingxuan had completely settled in them, completely unaware of external objects.

Yang Qingxuan felt that he was in an empty bell, with Sanskrit sounds like a sea, constantly echoing in his ears.

There seemed to be slight footsteps in the bell, as if someone was coming and someone was going away.

Suddenly, a solemn voice sounded clearly in the ears, "There are thousands of ways, like stars and lights, but there is no way to say, it is right."

"who is it?!"

Yang Qingxuan trembled all over, and immediately recovered from that mysterious state. When he thought, he seemed to have a clear understanding.

The countless scriptures are like a sea, flashing and disillusioning one by one in my mind.

Yang Qingxuan placed his left hand in front of him, and pinched a strange tactic seal with his right hand, and suddenly a piece of light radiated from his body, forming a vast wheel of light, and the image was sacred and solemn.

Luo Tinglan felt a little bit, opened her eyes suddenly, and said in surprise: "You..."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Hundreds of hearts are like one, but they are not the same, and all the ways are the same."

Luo Tinglan convulsed, and after a moment of indulging, she formed the same handprints, sitting crosswise across from Yang Qingxuan. After a while, her body began to shine brightly, and sacred images appeared in the void.

I originally thought that I could point Yang Qingxuan to one or two, but he never thought that Yang Qingxuan walked in the front when he was enlightening the scriptures and turned around and pointed him one or two.

Luo Tinglan smiled bitterly, but soon put aside her distracting thoughts, settled in the light of the current Dharma, and concentrated on cultivating this Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra.

Yang Qingxuan's divine mind fell into the true state of Faxiang within Indra, his body was still eternally burning, sitting cross-legged in the sky, running the primordial fire radiating art.

The true essence in the body has already reached its peak, the realm bottleneck will not rush automatically, and will collapse little by little under the turbulent fire element power.

At this moment, the divine mentality in Indra returned to the body in an instant, and the huge vast light wheel suddenly appeared in the fire, shining on the great thousand.

Many Jiang family disciples in all directions were awakened from the practice, and looked up in surprise.

"Someone is going to break through?"

"Who breaks through, has such a vision?"

"What kind of magical power is this, why have you never seen it in the Jiang family's Buddhist scripture pavilion?"

Pieces of shocked and questioning voices sounded in the sea of ​​fire on all sides, and silhouettes rose to the sky, looking at the great glory in horror.

In Yang Qingxuan's body, within the light wheel of Daoxiang, the word "Da Fan" appeared, and the entire earth-fire world was affected by this magical power, and it turned slowly.

"What's the matter? Earthhuo Lingtian is shaking?!"

The countless Jiang family disciples in it felt the vibration of the earth fire void for the first time in their lives. They were all shocked and jumped out of the sea of ​​fire one by one, wanting to see what happened.

"Who is this person? What kind of supernatural power is this cultivating, so overbearing!"

On the sea of ​​fire, an old man who had been in seclusion for more than ten years was also startled. Looking at the center of the void in surprise, Yang Qingxuan made a breakthrough in Yunju.

The fire wave merged with the light wheel and revolved around Yang Qingxuan, as if projecting signs of a breakthrough in the body into this sea of ​​fire, causing heaven and earth to resonate.

"It's the Nine Star Realm King, no wonder it's so terrible."

"But it seems that the Jiang family has never heard of such a visionary method."

"I've seen the breakthrough of the Lord of Thousand Realms, but it's still not as earth-shattering as before!"

There were more and more horrified voices, and the Jiang family disciples rushing out of the ground fire had reached thousands of people, all of them Yukong, watching the scene in shock.

"Don't panic everyone! Just the Nine-Star Realm King is not enough to turn the universe upside down. Don't forget, Elder Gu Yin is still guarding here, nothing will happen."

I don't know who yelled, the thousands of people on the void only calmed down a bit.

But soon, he lost his composure.

The eternal burning body that Yang Qingxuan transforms directly transforms into the world of law, and the hands are printed.

An emperor's pressure spread leisurely, and the vast fire suddenly boiled inexplicably, making a huge roar that shook the sky.

Pillars of fire exploded from below and went to the sky.

In an instant, the entire sea of ​​fire was affected, like the end of the day.

And the hearts of all fire-type martial arts were trembling at the same time, as if to surrender under this terrifying fire.

"How can this be? What kind of flame is this that suppresses the real fire in my body?!"

Thousands of Jiang family disciples were all shocked at the same time.

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