Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2236: The unbeatable battle (2)


The old man Ling Yan screamed, and the flames on his body burst out in an instant, forming a circle of sun around his body, and then merged with the body and blended into the palm of his hand. He hit it hard and shouted, "Death!"

The figure turned into a long rainbow, pressing the power to the extent of the late nine-star realm king, performing a full blow.

Yang Qingxuan saw the right time, his figure flickered, and easily avoided.

Elder Ling Yan's palms passed by and smiled contemptuously: "Haha, in terms of combat experience, your kid is pretty good, but can you hide from the palm of the old man?" The elderly Ling Yan received his palm. Cross the past.

In fact, the entire space was within the range of his attack, Yang Qingxuan just twisted the space and forcibly moved a small step away, but did not leave the range of his palm.

But when the old man Ling Yan cut with a knife, a dazzling golden light burst out in front of him.

Yang Qingxuan turned around and took out the Battle Halberd Tianxu Ruins, and he pierced through it with a move. The distorted space bounced back instantly, and the two forces superimposed on each other, causing the power of the Fallen to rise sharply.


The old man Ling Yan was taken aback. He couldn't believe it. It turned out that the other party didn't intend to hide at all. Instead, with the help of hiding, twisting the space like a spring, and then using force to cut it back, it was actually three birds with one stone. .

In the instant of lightning and flint, you can come up with such a countermeasure, this... is this still something that a mere junior can do?

The old man Ling Yan didn't rush to think about it. The powerful forces contained in the ruins that day had all gathered in one line, bringing the surrounding gravity field to the extreme. Together with the resilience of space, it was almost irresistible.

The old man Ling Yan screamed and hurriedly withdrew his hand, his figure flickered, and it exploded directly in the air, turning into countless fire snakes and fleeing, directly avoiding the blow.

All Jiang’s disciples on the suspended platform on all sides were shocked. Although the old man Ling Yan’s move was also extremely subtle, he could hardly suffer any harm while avoiding, but he was too embarrassed. It looked like he was caught by Yang Qingxuan. The halberd was cut to pieces.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes shot-a light of sneer, the halberd, chasing the fire snakes and stabs straight up, shouting: "The cracking sky!"

The halberd shook in his hand with a "crash" sound, and the void within a radius of tens of miles broke open and was chopped into a spider web by countless golden lights, and the sky full of fire snakes were all covered by this move.


Everyone was stunned.

"Boom! Boom! —" Large fire snakes exploded one by one, exploding into a little spark.

Yang Qingxuan received the halberd and stood with the halberd, standing on the ancient battlefield, staring vigilantly in all directions with divine consciousness and fiery eyes.

The tens of thousands of Jiang's disciples on the suspended platform were all in a trance, did they reverse it? Elder Ling Yan was destroyed by two tricks? Shouldn't Yang Qingxuan be killed by one or two moves?

The smile on Jiang Qianguang's face hadn't had time to recede, it had already condensed there, and his face had changed from indomitable to iron blue.

Suddenly, Yang Qingxuan moved slightly, turned around and stared at a place in the void.

Countless star fires floating in the air suddenly spun in one direction, rushing directly into the void, and condensing the old man Ling Yan's body little by little.

It's just that the original contempt and rampant expression became dark and angry, and he snorted heavily, only to feel that countless people were staring at him, and his faces were hot.

"No wonder you dare to be so arrogant! Sure enough, there are two times. However, to make this seat vigilant, it is your death date!"

"These words are similar to what I just said? Just say it once."


The old man Ling Yan was furious. He had already lost his face by losing a move, and now he was taunted by Yang Qingxuan, even more furious.

Shuangshang kept moving in the air, and a series of fire wheels appeared in the void, and the sky over the ancient battlefield was completely transformed into a sea of ​​fire wheels.

"go to hell!"

Elder Ling Yan condensed his hand and pointed towards Yang Qingxuan.

The huge sea of ​​fire wheels rolled down, and the entire ancient battlefield made a loud "rumbling" sound, as if it could not bear the weight of this move.

Countless auras were ignited, and the vast ancient battlefield instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Thousands of eyes stared at the tiny figure in the battlefield.

Countless fire wheels shot down, not to mention a Nine-Star Late Realm King, even if it is ten or a hundred, it may not be able to stop it.

Jiang Guyin and the others all looked solemn.

Five-star thousand realms, even if the cultivation base is suppressed, the true essence in the body is as vast as the sea, almost inexhaustible, and can unscrupulously display such a huge magical power.

This is the core reason why everyone believes that Yang Qingxuan will lose.

"Sister, is it over?" Jiang Yunting looked down and said in a complicated mood.

"It should be." Jiang Wenjun's eyes flickered, and he said: "But even if it's over, this person's move just now uses retreat for advancement, and another move to win the chase, strangling the old man Ling Yan, the fire snake magic body, is enough to prove He is extraordinary, but it's a pity..." There was a sigh in his tone.

Jiang Tianzhen, Jiang Feiying and others all looked solemnly and stared down unblinkingly. If Yang Qingxuan couldn't stop this move, the so-called chance of winning was just a dream.

Yang Qingxuan erected the halberd on one side, pinching the tactics with both hands, and the golden sword intent revolved around, gathering more and more.

The sword intent is like the sea, the sword aura is like a rainbow, and each path exudes the breath of a peerless power.

Then thousands of tombs burst into the void, and exploded around them. Each one exploded, blasting out a sword intent that surpassed the world, and slashed towards the fire wheel.


Countless sword lights interlaced, forming a world of swords, blocking the sea of ​​fire.

The fire wheel collided with the sword intent, forming a brilliant and colorful enchantment brilliance, like a galaxy moat, traversing between the two.

In addition, the sword energy was shot down, and the light rose sharply, repelling the entire sea of ​​fire. Within hundreds of miles of Yang Qingxuan's body, there was no spark, all sword light.

"What kind of divine passage method is this? Sword control?"

"No, I have practiced sword control for more than a hundred years, and I have never seen such a magical scene."

"Isn't this Yang Qingxuan a fire-type supernatural power? How did he become a swordsman?

"Oh my god... this world of swords is going to suppress the sea of ​​fire wheels!"

On all the suspended platforms, there was a sound of panic.

If Old Man Ling Yan was suppressed the first time it was careless, what about this second time? With such a domineering and aggressive supernatural power, he has to be counter-pressed by the opponent?

Sister Jiang Wenjun was also sluggish there, staring blankly at the sword aura below, cutting into a gorgeous galaxy with the fire wheel, completely beyond their understanding.

But Jiang Tianzhen and Jiang Feiying had extremely ugly faces.

Jiang Feiying shouted sharply: "This kid is crazy! How long can he hold on to such a huge supernatural power to fight against the old man Ling Yan?"

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