Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2242: Delicate balance, situation changes

Yang Qingxuan clasped his fist and said: "Thanks to Elder Ling Yan, if there is such a day, I will definitely not forget the feelings of today's exchanges."

The old man Ling Yan shook his head and sighed: "Ashamed, everyone is gone."

"Wait a minute."

Jiang Guyin stopped him and groaned: "Since you can fuse the twelve earthly branches of fire, although only a few breaths of the ancient Yan Heng can be manifested, it is indeed the ancient Yan Chang Heng. Old man, you are on the fire. I walked farther than I am on the road I repaired. Today, the old man is in a very good mood. There is a share of the ancient forbidden opening."

"Dang, really?!"

Elder Ling Yan was ecstatic, a little excited, and he couldn't believe it.

Jiang Guyin stroked his beard and laughed: "Naturally take it seriously. What the old man said still has weight. Even if you have to pass that **** elders' meeting, based on the current situation, hum..."

Jiang Guyin turned around and looked at Jiang Qianguang, whose face was as gray as death, on the floating platform, with a slight chill in his eyes.

Several figures shook, blasted in the sky, and fell around Jiang Qianguang.

It was Jiang Tianzhen, Jiang Feiying and others, as well as more than ten elders, guardians, and other high-level officials.

Jiang Tianzhen said: "Brother Qianguang, accept the bet. That day, Dao Dao Guo, it's time to take it out."

Jiang Tianzhen and others were more anxious than Jiang Guyin, afraid that Jiang Qianguang would cheat, so the entire suspension platform was blocked for the first time, and then all the high-level powerhouses were brought up to force the palace.

Although Tiandao Dao Guo did not have their share, this effect was related to Jiang Qianguang's status plummeting. As long as Jiang Qianguang did not have this effect, he would completely lose the capital to resist them, and the entire Jiang family structure must be changed for this.

Jiang Feiying also said leisurely: "Brother Qianguang, success or failure in the world is a hero. If you lose, you have to lose. A man must afford to lose. You can't play this game of chess in the world. You should save yourself some face and give Ziyuan , Ziru these younger generations, leave a way out."

Jiang Qianguang trembled all over, and the thought of struggling in his heart gradually extinguished. With a flash of light on his right hand, a jade box was transformed into a jade box, revealing a compelling spirit, with various runes flashing on it, no less than a hundred seals.

When Jiang Qianguang's face was cold, he flipped his hand and threw the jade box away.

"Hey!" Everyone took a breath, looked at the jade box together, and almost called out nervously.

A blaze of fire came forward, dragged the jade box, it was Jiang Guyin, and said, "Master Qianguang, thank you."

Jiang Guyin glanced at the jade box, with the excitement and excitement on his face that could not be concealed. He turned his hand and put it away, then clasped his fists and said to everyone: "The gambling is over, now Yang Qingxuan is participating in the cracking of the ancient ban. You have no opinion, right? ?"

"No, no." On the suspended platform, all the high-levels almost shook their heads unanimously.

Jiang Tianzhen smiled and said: "Earth, fire, spirit, and heaven, everything can be controlled by the elder Gu Yin, if you have any difficulties, just come to me."

Jiang Feiying also added: "You can also find me."

Both of them showed good wishes to Jiang Guyin. After all, Jiang Qianguang was hung up, and the two of them were strong rivals. The future leader of the Jiang family must be one of them. The next battle will become more and more intense. , And even face up.

The status of Jiang Guyin at this moment is already extraordinary.

After obtaining the fruit of the heavenly path, the cultivation base will definitely be able to go further, and it is extremely possible to break through to the seven-star thousand realms. If the ancient forbidden is unlocked and the power blessing inside is obtained, then the breakthrough is just around the corner.

A Seven-Star Thousand Realm, within any Saint Clan clan, can greatly influence the position of the Patriarch.

And there is also a crucial figure, that is Yang Qingxuan behind Elder Jiang Guyin. If it is said that Yang Qingxuan can become the Holy Lord Heavenly King before, it is only half-sure, now almost all the senior Jiang family believe that this is at least two. To 30%.

This is already an extremely terrifying probability.

You must know that inside the Jiang family, there is no one who dare to say that he has a certain degree of certainty to become the Holy Lord.

Jiang Tianzhen has regretted pushing Jiang Wenjun sisters to Yang Qingxuan.

Jiang Feiying said: "Elder Gu Yin, I have an unrelenting invitation. Although Wenjun and Yunting sisters are not cultivating fire supernatural powers, opening the ancient ban is also a great opportunity for them, plus us What I talked about before...cough cough, it's better to let the two sisters be the assistants of the elders and young master Qingxuan, beat hands and do chores."

Seeing Yang Qingxuan present, Jiang Feiying coughed vaguely because of some inconvenience.

Jiang Tianzhen's face changed slightly and said, "This is not good. After all, opening the ancient forbidden city is a big deal, and the fewer people, the better. It is rare for anyone to say that if there is a rare opportunity, it is rare for anyone to let Sister Wenjun go. It would seem a bit unfair. ."

Jiang Guyin said: "It's okay if there are two more people."

Jiang Guyin's thoughts also hope that the two sisters can tie Yang Qingxuan.

Jiang Tianzhen's face was very ugly, even seeing the smug feeling in Jiang Feiying's eyes.

Suddenly, Jiang Xuan stood up and said: "Sister Wenjun, didn't you make an appointment with the Zhou Wenshan son of Zhou's family, did you both go to the Liuli Valley to kill monsters and practice? Liuli Valley Yunjingyue, Yaocaoqihua, Shino A fairyland on earth."

Not only Jiang Wenjun's face changed drastically, but Jiang Feiying and others were all angry.

Jiang Tianzhen "haha" smiled and said, "Oh, is it? Rarely, I have heard of Zhou Wenshan. He is one of the top talented youths in Zhou's family, and Wen Jun is a perfect match."

Jiang Wenjun said coldly: "Innocent lord, Jiang Xuanyi, I need nonsense to ruin my reputation! It was Zhou Wenshan who passed the book to me several times and wanted to ask me out, but I never promised it once."

The ice-type supernatural power she had cultivated, she became angry at this moment, and a layer of ice crystals formed around her, almost freezing the entire floating platform.

The Jiang family seniors were all secretly surprised that this little Nizi had actually cultivated to such a realm?

Yang Qingxuan also shrank his pupils, and a trace of shock flashed across his eyes. This Jiang Wenjun actually had the strength of a two-star thousand realm, and he looked extremely young. How did he cultivate?

Jiang Yunting beside her is also in the realm of one star and a thousand realms.

These two sisters are really amazing.

Jiang Xuan chuckled and said: "So, it seems that I made a mistake. But sister Wenjun, besides the Zhou family, there are Shen Mingming from the Shen family, Hu Liushui from the Hu family, from the Zhang family..."

"Okay! Enough!"

Jiang Yunting angrily rebuked, "These people are just wishful thinking to chase my sister. My sister won't even look at them at all, or even half of her eyes!"

"Oh, oh, is it?" Jiang Xuan smiled slightly, clasped his fist and said: "Then what I saw a few times before...uh...it must be dazzled, don't mention it, don't mention it."

With a playful smile, Jiang Xuan retreated behind Jiang Tianzhen.

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