Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2261: Knock you off the dust

When Zhou Wenshan heard the word "green", his head was even more angry, his entire face was deformed, and his handsome appearance became extremely ugly.

"Yang Qingxuan, go to death!"

Zhou Wenshan deceived his body, his body exuded black light, forming a round black ring, pressing the entire earth fire spirit sky to both sides, and the water level of the fire sea immediately fell crazily.

A black ring appeared under Yang Qingxuan's feet, and the entire space was actually locked by Zhou Wenshan, and then spread to the whole body, as if being tied up.

Jiang Wenjun shouted angrily: "Presumptuous!"

A sword energy cut out from his hand, and a white light flashed in the air, and the entire space was frozen. That Baimang went over, excited in front of Yang Qingxuan, chopped up all the black rings, and then frozen.

"Cousin Wenjun, it's too much!"

Jiang Ziyuan sneered coldly, and flew down on that ice slash. With a light touch on his toe, the entire huge ice slash burst into debris with a "bang".

Jiang Feng's face was cold, and he said coldly, "I advise you not to act rashly. Do you want to get the old man to take action?"

The huge momentum spread, pressing on Jiang Guyin and Jiang Wenjun sisters, making the three of them pale. Jiang Qianguang and the other elder even locked Jiang Guyin, as long as he made any movements, they would immediately take action.

Jiang Feng said: "This is a matter between Wenshan and Yang Qingxuan, and it has nothing to do with our Jiang family. This seat does not allow you to be involved in other people's affairs. If there are people who do not listen, please blame this seat for being polite!"

Jiang Guyin and others hated it, but there was nothing to do. But Zhou Wenshan is a two-star thousand realms, and is recognized as a quasi-king, that is, a talented transcendence, and ordinary same ranks are not his opponents, Yang Qingxuan is not even a thousand realms, how could he have won. The Jiang Wenjun sisters were anxious, but under the pressure of Jiang Feng, they couldn't do anything.

Zhou Wenshan grinned and said, "Yang Qingxuan, how can you hide behind a woman now? Are you embarrassed? Can you only rely on to please a woman to survive? I will give you a lesson that will never be remembered in my next life. I will remember, man, What is absolute strength!"

A black circle appeared at Yang Qingxuan’s feet again, spreading to his body, Zhou Wenshan pinched the mark of the tactics, showing a contemptuous sneer. In his opinion, killing Yang Qingxuan was just a matter of effort, no different from squeezing the ant, but he had to let him die. , To defeat his image in the hearts of Jiang Wenjun sisters.

"As long as you kneel down and beg for mercy, lick the soles of my shoes, and then learn how to bark on the ground until I am satisfied, I will let you go, how about?"

Zhou Wenshan said with a sneer, but thought in his heart that after Yang Qingxuan knelt down to learn how to bark, he said he was not satisfied, and then killed him.

"No, I don’t have any idleness to talk to a silly-D too much. The supporting role always talks more nonsense, and the more nonsense the supporting role, the faster the lunch box will be picked up. If you want to die, just say it directly. You are a realm king, a thousand realms, a genius, or a silly-D. Since you are on the opposite side of me, I will knock you off the dust."

Yang Qingxuan was expressionless, but murderous aura flashed in his eyes, raised his hand and drew out a halberd, and cut off all the black circles that were bound to his body.

The powerful true essence poured into the halberd blade, and the entire fire spirit sky trembled suddenly, and a huge fire dragon roared out, hovering behind Yang Qingxuan, and half of its body was wrapped around the halberd.

"Ha? Knock me out of the dust? Ah, ha ha ha ha, are you serious? That's funny, ha ha, I haven't heard such a funny joke in a long time."

Zhou Wenshan cupped his belly and laughed, "Hahahaha, no more, I laughed out of my tears, a nine-star realm king, said to me, the quasi-king of a two-star thousand realms, to knock down the dust, hahahaha, are you going to grab it? Is my crown of the king? Hahahaha."

"Silly-D, I'm adding drama to myself again, do I allow you to talk so much nonsense?" Hello, I always take myself too seriously. "

Yang Qingxuan's halberd shook, and the fire dragon was wrapped in a huge halberd light, tearing through the sky, and shuttled away with lightning speed.

Zhou Wenshan's eyelids twitched, his face pulled down, and he said coldly: "Who is silly-D? Who is it? It's going to be clear in no time!"

"Xura Wushuang!"

Zhou Wenshan's hands were running, the true essence surged in front of him, and the evil image of Shura appeared in it. With a roar in the sky, he rushed towards the fire dragon with halberd light.


The entire fire dragon was pounced by Na Shura and burst into pieces in an instant, exploding into unparalleled flames.

The Jiguang was also annihilated by Shura.

And the powerful Shura power penetrated Yang Qingxuan's move, completely crushed.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but nodded, and exclaimed, "Sure enough, this half a year of cultivation has not been in vain. You deserve to be a quasi-king person. His talent is amazing. He has already learned my little Shura skills seven or eight."

Jiang Qianguang flattered and said: "With the careful guidance of the great elders and the talent of Young Master Wenshan, it is reasonable to achieve this achievement. Yang Qingxuan, a fake genius, encounters Young Master Shangshan, a true genius, and it will be broken by just one prick. It's even wiped out with one move."

As the person in charge of the Jiang family, he slapped the flattery of a younger generation with a foreign surname, and heard that all the disciples of the Jiang family present except for the elder were abhorrent and had goose bumps.

Yang Qingxuan sensed the danger, his pupils shrank and shouted.

The halberd whirled in the air, and the trick of birth and death was instantly released.

At the same time, the left hand pinched and pointed towards the sea of ​​fire. The huge fire element erupted like a volcano. "Boom boom boom" burst out fire dragons, roaring on Sunday, and rushing towards the Shura Phantom together.


The powerful force blasted down, the shaking universe hung upside down, and the entire earth, fire and spirit sky turned upside down.

Yang Qingxuan snorted, he was actually hurt.

Two Star Thousand Worlds, it was really not an opponent he could resist now.

At least not head-on.

Zhou Wenshan frowned and said, "I'm not dead? To deal with a Nine-Star Realm King, I actually asked me to make a second move. This little Shura skill is so bad? No matter, I still use my Zhou family's natural magical powers. , Just let you kneel down and lick your shoes. If you don’t die with another trick, I can’t afford to lose this person.”

At the moment, pinching his left hand, raising his right hand, and putting both hands together, a breath of domineering spread out.

It is the Zhou family's peak supernatural power-overlord of the world!

Jiang Feng's face was sullen and full of anger. Just now Zhou Wenshan's words made him angry and ashamed. If the person in front of him was his great-grandson, he would just use his little Shura skill to shoot it. .

Zhou Wenshan is also accustomed to his own way and domineering, the whole Zhou family praised him, and no one dared to control the rampant in the animal husbandry area. There was no need to worry or fear, and Jiang Feng was invisibly offended.

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