Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2270: Control the fire and restore the peak

Yang Qingxuan stared at the direction Honglin was leaving, and soon fell into darkness.

He could hardly move at this moment, but fortunately the Forbidden Demon Realm also collapsed with the appearance of Honglin, allowing Yu'an and others to take care of him.

But there is no other danger besides the fire here.

Yang Qingxuan inserted Indra by his side, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, running the Wuxiang Tathagata Sutra to restore his true essence and physical energy.

The surrounding fire elements also poured in little by little to nourish his body.

In the two consecutive battles of life and death, not only the meridian and acupoints were all broken, but also the various Dharma bodies were destroyed. If it weren't for the amazing talent, even sitting at this moment might not be able to sit still.

Even after taking two pills of Jiang Guyin, the whole body is still limp, forcibly supported by a will.

In the depths of his dantian, a little bright **** flame, faintly jumping, as if it were true, all the sparks that poured into his body flowed into the flame, and were absorbed by it, but there was no change for a long time, as if forever Sucking dissatisfaction.

Yang Qingxuan frowned slightly, thinking of Honglin's words, this flame should be the seed of Jingye Tianhuo, and now he is desperately absorbing the spark, but it is good or bad.

But now I can't manage this much, I will restore myself first.

The second soul in the body, with his hands constantly pinching the tactics, punched the power of the release into the body of the deity's limbs, where it passed, like the earth rejuvenated, rejuvenated, and quickly repaired the broken tissue structure.

And a little bit of golden light gushes from the body, gathers on the surface of the skin, and enters the state of the strange and immortal Vajra Prajna.

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and felt that there seemed to be some connection between this Wuxiang Tathagata and the Vajra Prajna Immortal Body. Although they were two completely different methods, they were inexplicably harmonious when they were in operation, as if they were all integrated.

This state naturally made him extremely happy, and soon the strange shock of the Vajra Prajna immortal body began from the dantian and spread throughout the body, and the long-lost sense of power began to recover little by little.

Just as Yang Qingxuan recovered his strength.

On this planet, the flames have spread for more than half, and they have begun to flood into the city where Jiang's children live.

Large swarms of creatures were disgraced, countless Jiang family disciples howling ghosts.

Those with powerful strength are desperately fleeing outside the planet, while those with weaker strength are fleeing to the other end of the planet.

The fire of Earth Fire and Ling Tian had already alarmed the entire Jiang family.

Jiang Tianzhen, Jiang Feiying, and many elders all dispatched and led the entire Jiang family to control the fire.

But the fire was too alarming, and it was completely connected to the earth veins and even the nucleus of the entire planet, and it had reached a level beyond control.

Jiang Letian sighed to the sky, and the old tears burst into tears, "Jiang Letian, a disciple of the Jiang family, failed to protect the inheritance left by the ancestors and destroyed the earth and the sky. It is really shameful for the ancestors to die."

After speaking, he rushed into the fire with grief and anger, trying to suppress the fire as much as possible with the last trace of strength, and let one more Jiang family disciple escape as much as possible.

Jiang Guyin and the many elders all looked miserable, and they were already a little dull, desperate emotions spread in everyone's heart, and the mind was blank.

"No fleeing, no fleeing! All the disciples above the heavenly rank follow me. People are in the city, and they perish!"

There are many brave and passionate martial artists in the major cities, standing on the head of the city, contending with the spreading fire.

"We are not leaving! We are all disciples of the Jiang family. We have lived on this planet for generations, and we must die here!"

"Open the city defense, pile all the spirit stones into the formation, desperately guard!"

"Oath to live and die with the city!"

Such a scene of sorrow, anger and blood was staged in the major cities of the entire planet, and countless Jiang family disciples rushed into the fire one after another.



The fire waves were like mountains, constantly impacting on a city, and finally at the third time, the barrier of this city was completely destroyed.

Just when everyone leaped to the top of the city one by one, preparing for a desperate battle, the sea of ​​fire that surged with huge waves suddenly receded back.

"What's wrong with this?"

"The fire has retreated?"

"Won, did we win?"

"It must be the major elders in the clan who made the shot, and won, we finally won!"

The same scene is staged in every city.

The flame came fiercely, and it retreated very quickly, rushing in a large area in the direction of the earth and the spirit of the sky.


Although the original Huo Lingtian space was shattered, the flames still gathered and continued to sink to the bottom of the space.

The ancient forbidden place where Yang Qingxuan was located was filled with flames in an instant.

Countless real fire washed over Yang Qingxuan's body, beneficial and harmless to him, and was sucked into his body little by little.

Moreover, Yang Qingxuan discovered that the quality of these flames is far inferior to the previous ones. The reason is nothing more than overspreading and depressing the quality. Secondly, he previously used a hundred flames to condense the seeds of the pure sky fire, which is equivalent to The spirit of these flames was drawn out.

The current flames are like waste fires, and the quality has declined by how many levels.

However, with the return of Ten Thousand Fires, too many flames sank into the Earth Fire Spirit Sky, and began to collapse and compress on their own, improving in the direction of high quality.

Yang Qingxuan opened his eyes slightly, his fiery eyes flashing, as if he saw the graceful red figure in the fire.

I don't know how long it took, and the fire had all returned.

The figure shook lightly and disappeared into the Earth Fire Spirit Day.

Yang Qingxuan's ear seemed to hear that sweet and pleasant voice, telling him that it was over, but it was like an illusion of his own, and I didn't know whether it was an illusion.

Yang Qingxuan slowly closed his eyes again, absorbing the flame wantonly, feeling that the quality was obviously improved a lot from the beginning.

And he believes that with the growth of the years and the meticulous maintenance of the Jiang family disciples, it will not take long for this place to return to its previous state.

After all, there is still a secret space in this place, which is full of fire drills. Throw those fire drills into the ground fire and let them decompose. The power of the entire ground fire may be directly restored to its peak.

But these are all things the Jiang family worry about, and it has nothing to do with Yang Qingxuan.

Yang Qingxuan converged his mind and circulated the Wuxiang Tathagata Original Wish Sutra. This time the Dharma phase was not an immortal Vajra Prajna body, but an eternal burning body.

Yang Qingxuan discovered that this unphased Tathagata Original Wish Sutra is a phase and a non-phase, which can transform various forms, as if all mental methods and supernatural powers can be simulated.

At this moment, the eternal body is running, and it is extremely harmonious with the mind of the original wish sutra of the intangible Tathagata, without any sense of violation.

Yang Qingxuan dissolves quietly in the ground fire, and his divine consciousness is infinitely amplified, sensing the movement, energy and emotions of the fire element.

The strength in his body began to climb up little by little.

Only then discovered that since the breakthrough to the half-step Qianjie, the rise of the realm has not stopped, and it is still surging up a little bit at this moment.

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