Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2272: Choice of Destiny

Jiang Letian said: "Everyone, set up a simple gossip array to protect the earth, fire, and heaven, so as not to leak the real fire, and at the same time prohibit all outsiders from entering."


Many fire elders, after a few discussions, walked away and disappeared into the void.

At this point, the situation has basically stabilized, and only subsequent repairs are left.

Jiang Letian raised his eyes and looked at the mirror of the sky, and said, "I am afraid that this breakthrough will continue for a while." After a pause, he slowly said, "Ancient tone, there is no Jingye sky fire in the mirror."

Jiang Guyin was startled and said: "The Great Elder means..."

There was a complicated expression in Jiang Letian's eyes, and he said, "It is most likely that it was swallowed by Yang Qingxuan. This also explains why the fire returns, and why Yang Qingxuan can continue to break through."

Jiang Guyin said: "In the mirror of the sky, there is no energy induction of the Jingye Skyfire."

Jiang Letian meditated: "Perhaps, something has changed."

Jiang Guyin trembled: "The meaning of the words of the Great Elder... Could it be..."

Jiang Letian sighed and said, "I don't mean anything, I want to ask your opinion."

Jiang Guyin solemnly said: "Jingye Tianhuo reappears in the world, it has its own chance, I must not force it. Moreover, this fire and its belonging are inseparable from Yang Qingxuan. The elder should understand that the number of days cannot be changed."

The Jiang Wenjun sisters changed their faces one after another, only then did they realize that Jiang Letian's words meant that they were extremely worried.

Elder Ling Yan stood by and frowned slightly.

Jiang Letian put his hands behind him, quietly looking at the figure in Jiantian mirror.

Jiang Wenjun finally couldn't help it, holding a fist and respectfully said: "Great Elder, Yang Qingxuan returned to the ground fire, and he has a great kindness to the Jiang family. Moreover, the Jingye Tianhuo might not really be on him, isn't there a golden coffin in the underground palace?"

Jiang Letian and the others were taken aback at the same time, then their expressions changed.

They actually forgot the golden coffin.

Jiang Guyin hurriedly adjusted the sky mirror, the light inside changed, and the six-pointed star quickly appeared.

The golden coffin was placed there motionless, scorched by the ground fire, but it was empty inside.

Several people changed their faces.

Jiang Letian said in shock: "It's..."

Before there was a Forbidden Demon Realm, which suppressed their cultivation base, plus the energy field of the Jingye Tianhuo, you can't see the scene inside the coffin at all, but you can see a trace of the outline, and Yang Qingxuan also said that there is a woman lying in it. , Should be Honglin, the daughter of the first great **** king.

At the moment there is no trace.

Jiang Guyin was surprised: "Is it burnt?"

Then he shook his head again and again, even if he didn't believe it, the yellow Lingluo inside the golden coffin was intact. Obviously, the golden coffin had extremely strong defensive energy and could withstand ground fire.

Jiang Wenjun swallowed, and said with difficulty: "Where is Honglin? Could it be that Yang Qingxuan moved it?"

Obviously it is impossible. What does Yang Qingxuan do to move Honglin after eating?

Several people fell silent.

Elder Ling Yan said: "What is going on here, I'm afraid that only Yang Qingxuan knows. After he breaks through, we can ask if it's alright? This son has a delicate heart. If he is willing to tell us, he will naturally not lie. Elder Lotte , Elder Gu Yin, if nothing happens, the old man will leave first."

Elder Ling Yan clasped his fists and arched his hands, his expression calm.

Jiang Letian pondered and said, "Elder Ling Yan doesn't want to know the whereabouts of the Jingye Tianhuo?"

The old man Ling Yan smiled slightly and said: "Haha, it's not Yong Jue. When there is a goodbye day, why bother for a while. And if I didn't guess, the goodbye day will not be far away."

"Oh?" Jiang Letian said: "Why don't you say it's not far?"

Elder Ling Yan smiled and said, "Why should Elder Lotte pretend to be confused?"

Jiang Letian said lightly: "I would like to hear the details."

Elder Ling Yan said: "Since the great elder insists on pretending to be confused, he will show his ugliness. I can see that the great elder no longer has the meaning of capturing the sky fire of the net karma, so naturally he will not embarrass Yang Qingxuan, and there is no need to kill him. Sister Jun died."

Sister Jiang Wenjun's face paled.

Jiang Letian hummed: "A bunch of nonsense! What a sacred thing the Jingye Tianhuo is, and its ownership has its own will. How can the old man do that against the sky."

Elder Ling Yan smiled and said, "It won't be easy, hehe."

Jiang Letian's face twitched, and he brushed his sleeves displeasedly, and snorted, his face was not pretty.

Elder Ling Yan continued: "Since the Great Elder is not going to grab the Jingye Skyfire, then the talent and strength shown by Yang Qingxuan must be given enough attention. Whether it is the Jiang family or away from the Fire God Palace, it is all billions of years. The inheritance of the great school is the most important thing for the continuation and development of the school. In this world, the only supreme rule is to respect the strong and have the biggest fist. We, the great family, have inherited billions of years, without lack of genius and resources. , It can even be said that nothing is missing, but only one thing is missing."

Sisters Jiang Letian, Jiang Guyin, and Jiang Wenjun all listened quietly, without any waves on their faces, because they already knew what Elder Ling Yan was going to say.

Elder Ling Yan's gaze swept across the four of them, and he said: "What is missing is the Holy Lord Heavenly King! And Yang Qingxuan defeated the Quasi-King of Two Stars and Thousand Realms with the strength of the Nine Stars Peak Realm King. What does this mean? It is very clear. Among the Jiang family’s hundreds of millions of disciples, there are as many geniuses as the crucian carp who crossed the river, but there is no quasi-king. If Yang Qingxuan is not born, Wenjun sisters, this pair of stunners, I am afraid that Jiang Feiying will give it to Zhou Wenshan’s."

Sister Jiang Wenjun all changed their complexions, but they returned to normal in an instant.

They knew in their hearts that what Elder Ling Yan said was true, and even if his sisters married Zhou Wenshan, it would be the best choice.

But there is no "if" in the world. The reality is that Zhou Wenshan is dead.

Elder Ling Yan said: "The words have been said for this purpose, does the Great Elder still need me to say anything?"

Jiang Letian said, "Why did Elder Ling Yan say'See you again soon"?"

Elder Ling Yan laughed and said: "Haha, shouldn’t you just be allowed to make friends with Yang Qingxuan in the Jiang family, can I not Ling Yan or leave the Fire God Palace? Just now Jiang Tianzhen left, I’m afraid I’m about to start preparing. If it’s me If you guess it right, the Jiang Patriarch's Association will be held soon, and the core issue is to discuss how to help Yang Qingxuan against the Ning family."

Jiang Letian hummed: "Elder Ling Yan, Dazhi can live for a long time if he is foolish. If you are as smart as this, and like to show it, you can easily fall."

Elder Ling Yan smiled and said: "If it is other times, maybe the old man really can't get out of the Jiang family. But now, I am confident and confident to be able to go out. Because the Jiang family has to deal with the Ning family, naturally there are more helpers. I can't bear a battle against other clan."

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