Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2291: The blood of the ancient demon swallows the sky

Chi Heng was only extremely resistant at the beginning, and he truly became Yang Qingxuan's star queen, but he was relieved.

As a three-star Thousand Realm, he naturally understands destiny, and in many cases he can't resist, he can only close his eyes and enjoy.

And for Yang Qingxuan, he was equally curious, thinking: "This stunning beauty on the pinnacle of three stars, as well as the ghost cultivation of the four-star thousand realms, seems to be headed by this person. Who is this person? Could it be which Saint Sect is? Heir to the clan?"

Thinking of this, Chi Heng's face didn't seem to be pretty.

Yang Qingxuan said, "By the way, why do you refine stars here?"

Chi Heng snorted: "As you guessed before, the potential energy of the Muhai region is the highest in the entire southern universe, and the effect of refining stars is the best."

Yang Qingxuan nodded and said, "Purely for the star emblem? I see that the magical meteorite cut you used before seems to be drawing the power of the star."

Chi Heng was taken aback, and nodded slightly and said, "You are very clever and have extremely powerful observation skills. Indeed, the method I practice is to extract star souls for his own use."

Luo Tinglan said suddenly: "Ancient Demon Clan?"

Chi Heng's face changed drastically, and the purple pupil shot out a cold light, staring at Luo Tinglan, but after a fleeting moment, his face calmly said: "Unexpectedly, there are still people who know what the ancient demon said."

Luo Tinglan smiled and said: "Hmph, there are really not many things I don't know about in this universe. Ancient demons are considered to be one of the oldest races that existed when this universe first opened, with the power to swallow the sky and the earth. But it was precisely because of this great ability that they eventually ruined them. After all, the universe was first opened and everything was formed. How can there be so many high-energy star souls for them to eat?"

Chi Heng snorted and raised his head proudly.

Luo Tinglan said: "Later, the ancient demons were in decline. The current demons are their descendants, but their energy is far worse than the ancient demons. Little Chiheng, Xiu poses in front of me, this world Whether there is still a pure ancient demon in between is unknown, but you are definitely not, just a trace of ancient demon blood."

Yang Qingxuan thought of Yu Wuji, and when he transformed, he was the same as Chi Heng, with purple scales all over his body, exuding a similar aura, and he should also have ancient demon blood.

Chi Heng sneered and said, "Where did the yellow hair girl pose in front of this seat!"

Luo Tinglan glanced at him and sneered: "Yellow hairy girl? Haha, if you can live in the future, you will know the identity of my aunt's grandmother. If you don't live, naturally you don't need to know."

Yang Qingxuan frowned, Luo Tinglan's identity was also extremely peculiar, and she was afraid that it also had a lot of origin.

Chi Heng wanted to ridicule a few words, but when he saw Luo Tinglan's smiley eyes, his heart burst, and then he realized that the other party is the three-star pinnacle thousand worlds, and he can clean himself up by turning his hand, and immediately shut up. Needless to say, he turned to say: "In addition to refining star emblems, you can also refine many things. In the earliest days, when the universe was first opened, there were not so many heaven and earth treasures, the most important matter. It is the planet, many magic weapons, weapons, and even medicines are directly refined by the stars."

Yang Qingxuan moved in his heart and said, "Gubao?"

Chi Heng said: "Exactly." With a hint of pride on his face, he said triumphantly: "In today's world, there are not many people who can refine ancient treasures, and this seat is one of them."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Can you really refine ancient treasures?"

Chi Heng frowned slightly, and said, "Of course, but I won't help you refine it, because it consumes too much energy."

Yang Qingxuan said, "I have an ancient treasure, one quarter is missing, can you fix it for me?"

Chi Heng said, "Take a look." He was relieved in his heart.

In fact, he only knows how to refine ancient treasures. He can refine some magical treasures similar to ancient treasures. However, if you want to refine ancient treasures that are as powerful as ancient treasures, you can’t do it, but only repair them. If so, the confidence is still great.

Yang Qingxuan immediately passed the Imperial Seal over.

As soon as Chi Heng saw this, his expression changed, and he exclaimed, "It's actually a seal of the Dynasty!"

Yang Qingxuan said with joy: "Do you recognize this treasure? Is there a way to repair it?"

Chi Heng's brows gradually frowned, and he took the Dynasty Seal in his hand and looked carefully.

Luo Tinglan chuckled and said: "He is just bragging, Yang Qingxuan, do you really believe it? Isn't this deliberately embarrassing?"

Chi Heng was furious, and shouted: "Stupid woman, you give me..." Seeing Luo Tinglan's cold and non-cold gaze, he once again reacted to the other party's cultivation base, shivering, and immediately swallowed the following words, just He glared fiercely, then patted his chest and said, "Of course it can be repaired, no problem at all!"

Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed and said, "If you need any materials, just say."

Chi Heng meditated: "The core material is not needed. I have three good-quality star emblems that can be filled in. Dynasty is printed in the ancient treasures handed down. It belongs to the most powerful kind, even the lord of the thousand worlds. I don’t dare to underestimate it. It’s just that I’ve been in a state of falling apart, that’s why I haven’t paid enough attention to it. You can find three pieces, which is very good. On this basis, as long as I don’t hesitate to pay, I’m 80% sure that It's repaired and restored."

Yang Qingxuan said: "That will work, I will bear any price."

Chi Heng snorted coldly: "You will bear it? Not to mention, you can't pay for the three star emblems."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "I can't afford it, I can pay slowly. I owe it first, and pay a little bit."

Chi Heng said in his sleeves: "No need. It is also very beneficial to me to be able to repair this treasure. And since I walked with you, I don't want you to die prematurely. Moreover, your three thousand ways I am very good. If you are interested, you can talk to me more."

Yang Qingxuan immediately understood, and smiled: "Haha, no problem. Although I have realized this magic trick, there are still many things that can be improved. Talking with you to prove it should also benefit me a lot."

Chi Hengxin secretly rejoiced that if he could learn the three thousand laws, or comprehend one or two, it would be of great benefit to his realm cultivation. He even felt that this method could increase his chance of hitting the four stars.

Between the three-star and four-star, it is the largest obstacle in the thousand realms. No genius can say that he will be able to pass it. As long as he can improve a little chance, he will try desperately.

For Yang Qingxuan, there has never been any kind of self-care, an open learning attitude, mutual exchanges to confirm, and learning from each other's strengths are the ladder of progress.

At the moment, several people were walking while talking, turning into a escape and flew in the direction of Luofu Realm.

//No more today, good night everyone.

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