Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2298: Back to the realm, the danger of the cloud city

After leaving the meeting room, Zi Ri quickly handed him various materials about the Qianqiu Fantasy Land.

After leaving the Palace of the Gods, Yang Qingxuan went to the teleportation area.

To return to the 73rd realm, you need to go to the Great Evil City in the realm under the jurisdiction of the Blue Cherry King.

When Yang Qingxuan went to the teleportation area of ​​Wuyu City, he suddenly saw a familiar figure coming out of the teleportation area.

The person also keenly caught Yang Qingxuan's gaze, revealing a look of doubt.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly, stretched out his hand and wiped on his face, Pippi shrimp's face flashed past the deity's appearance, and it turned back to Pippi shrimp again.

"Master Qingxuan!"

The man yelled in surprise, and hurriedly squeezed over. It was Ji Beiye who hadn't seen Ji Beiye after his trip to the World of No Desire.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed, and he said with joy, "You finally broke through."

Ji Beiye clasped his fist and said: "It's a fluke. After leaving the Undesirable Realm, I stayed in the city for a period of time. After the adult's wanted order was released, I wandered around the God's Palace for a while, and there was no sign of the adult. Then I thought about it, my lord. Ji people have their own heavens and their own destiny, so I don’t need to worry too much. So I left the Wuyu City, looking for opportunities in a famous place of experience nearby. Finally, the sky paid off and let me rush through. The threshold of the moat."

When Ji Beiye talked about the back, he couldn't hide his excitement, and said: "After the breakthrough, I went to the Defeng Ancient Building and spent a certain amount of Xinghao Stone to find out that the adults were in the Purple Heart Palace. , So I rushed over. I hope I can meet him. It's really fortunate. It looks like the adult is about to leave? Haha, almost."

Yang Qingxuan said: "What you firmly believe will definitely be realized. There is no unreachable sky moat in the world. If there is, it must be only in your heart."

Ji Beiye clasped his fist and said: "Teached."

Yang Qingxuan waved his hand and said with a smile: "I'm about to return to the seventy-three realm, will you go with me?"

Ji Beiye was surprised: "Go back? Why?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "I will go with you slowly in this matter."

Then walked to the teleportation area.

Ji Beiye stayed in place, feeling inexplicably that Yang Qingxuan's temperament seemed to be different from before.

Although it was just a Pippi Shrimp state, it seemed that it was just a small heavenly realm, but in every move, there was a kind of tolerance.

Ji Beiye seemed to have thought of something, his face suddenly changed, and he sucked in a cold breath, "Hey! Could it be...Is Lord Qingxuan also..."

Ji Beiye was full of excitement, and immediately reacted, Yang Qingxuan must have also rushed through the thousand realms.

In shock, Gu didn't think much, and hurried to catch up.

A few days later, a huge retreating light soared into the sky in the teleportation area outside the Great Evil City and shot into the depths of the universe.


"Ji Beiye, you seem to be worried, do you not want to come back?"

"No, no, my lord, I would love to come back. I just didn't expect to come back finally, it was just a little sudden."

"Life is a lot of suddenness, in fact, I also think it is sudden."

Seventy-third territory, outside the ancient teleportation formation.

Hundreds of people walked out of the formation, swept across each other with their spiritual sense, and flew in all directions.

Many people showed fear of Ji Beiye, and at the same time wondered how such a terrible person with breath would be with a Pipi Shrimp, and they seemed to respect the Pipi Shrimp very much.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the distant star dome outside the array.

Outside the ancient teleportation array, there is a small teleportation area that can go to their respective star regions, but the sky star regions have long been lost in this region, and there is no direct teleportation array.

Yang Qingxuan's brain suddenly flashed, and he thought to himself: "Strange, the sky star field has been under the highest control of Yu and Tianming for countless years, how could he lose the teleportation array? Could it be that one of the two deliberately did it? Is it? Or are they both thinking like this, deliberately disconnecting from the entire universe?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Ji Beiye, I think you have a very serious mind, I'm afraid that there are still things you haven't done in the 73rd domain. You don't need to follow me."

Ji Beiye hurriedly said: "My things are just small things."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry about me. When I left, there is no one in the entire sky star field that can suppress me. Now after stepping into the thousand realms, who can stop me in this star field? Go ahead. Afterwards, wait for me near this ancient teleportation formation."

Ji Beiye no longer insisted, holding a fist and said: "Yes, my lord."

Yang Qingxuan sacrificed to the star universe, and the huge brilliance enveloped himself, turning it into streamer, shooting into the unknowable depths of the universe.

After Ji Beiye watched Yang Qingxuan leave, his eyes became fierce and murderous. He looked in another direction and said coldly: "I, Ji Beiye, is back! The humiliation you left me, today I want to wash it back in blood!"

He walked towards another starry sky full of murderous aura.


On the endless continent.

In the central realm, a brand-new huge city stands on the ground like a beast in iron armor.

The aura of heaven and earth surging in all directions, turning into hurricanes and whirlpools, blasted down violently.

A huge brilliance suddenly rose from the city, spread out like a sky cover, and instantly covered the entire city.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Those waves of spiritual energy blasted on the great defense formation, shattered by the shock.

However, cracks appeared in the barrier of the great defense formation, and finally couldn't hold it. The "bang" shattered, turned into tens of thousands of fluorescent lights, and scattered into the void.


Countless figures appeared outside the city, and various chariots were suspended in the air.

Thousands of powerful auras shot through and enveloped the entire city.

An old man in the city sat emptied, his face was full of resolute paleness, and shouted: "Everyone will guard the cloud city with me! The city is here, and the city is dead!"

A large number of Golden Armored Warriors rushed out of the city and killed them outside.

They are all enemies of different forms, some with elephant heads, some with eight arms and four eyes, and some with scales, people of a hundred races, to name a few.

On the side defending the city, all human warriors, after rushing out of the city, immediately killed themselves with the enemy.

The Golden Armor Warrior's cultivation base is tyrannical, but in terms of number, it is obviously weak.

There are also various martial arts of human races with different costumes, coming from different sects, and also working together to kill the enemy.

"The great elder's trick Yunbuyu is really powerful. It directly broke the great formation of the city in the cloud. This time the human race will undoubtedly be defeated. Winning the city in the cloud is equivalent to entering the capital. Heart. The next step is to go straight to the star house."

Among the hundreds of tribes, a white-clothed man stood in the air, with a scarlet comb on his head, wings on his back, and golden scales under his feet. He hugged his chest with his hands and looked coldly at the front.

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