Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2308: Essence, a fragment of memory

The clouds are dazzling, the sky is blooming, the powerful breath is overwhelming, and the thunder is rolling in the sky.

"Yu! You, a traitor, dare to steal "Tian Shen Jue" and die quickly!"

In the depths of the sea of ​​clouds, a loud killing sound rang.

Then hundreds of figures rose into the sky.


As far as the eye can see, Zhiyang River overflows.

A powerful burly body, pinched with both hands, refining a powerful dazzling brilliance in front of him.

Within that golden light, a piece of masculine and strong iron, blended with the original element of gold, is unpredictable and continues to extend to both ends.



Countless tyrannical forces exploded in front of him.

A man in a green robe, full of bronze-like patina, with a hideous face, was stunned and flew out, yelling: "Yu, you will be ruthless this time!"

The figure of the man in the green robe shook, turned into a star, flashed in the void, and fled.


Under the stars, a burly man stood at the end of the sky, looking up at the bright sky.

Among the four poles, it absorbs the power of thousands of stars, transforms into the shape of the four spirits, and breeds life...


Yang Qingxuan flew down from the sky, and flashes of images flashed in his mind, like dust accumulated in memory, being lifted up little by little, and then sinking again.

Yang Qingxuan was full of horror, and said in his heart: "It's a fragment of Yu's memory, how could this be?"

Among the four scenes, one is being chased and killed and fleeing frantically; one is the imbalance of the Tianhe water level, creating the needle iron of Zhenhai god; the other is fighting the highest destiny; the last is refining the four holy spirits.

Although the amount of information is very small, it covers several major events in Yu's life.

"Could it be the reason why I have merged the five strongest martial arts?"

Yang Qingxuan was indecisive, thinking for a moment, and secretly said: "It must be so. Yu's spirit and soul, transformed into the martial soul rules in the sky star field, and was induced by the human race through the ages, thus forming a unique martial soul in the universe. The power of Yu. And the ten most powerful martial souls contain a lot of Yu's essence and power. At this moment, I have obtained the five of them, so I have obtained some memory fragments of Yu. It is a pity that there are thousands of martial arts, scattered into the world, It is impossible to retrieve all of them, otherwise you will know all the causes and consequences of Yu."

Yang Qingxuan sighed secretly.

With the help of the power of the four martial souls, directly rushed through the barriers of the first-level thousand realms and stepped into the middle-level.

Although I was happy, I was much diluted by Yu's affairs.

"Congratulations, Lord Renhuang, breakthrough again."

Shi Yan and the others had already stood up, standing neatly in front, bowing down one by one, and said in a respectful voice.

"My sirs, you are polite."

Only then did Yang Qingxuan come back to his senses, and with a light wave of his hand, he lifted everyone up and sighed: "During my absence, everyone has suffered."

Shi Yan said: "It is my duty to guard the sky and stars and guard the interests of my clan, so I am not afraid of death."

The voice was a little excited.

The human warriors behind them were all extremely excited, but they suppressed this emotion in their hearts and did not show it.

All thinking about today's battle, the human race will come back to life, miraculously reversing the fate, and will surely re-create the eternal prosperity.

Yang Qingxuan's expression was solemn, and he clasped his fists and said, "You all have worked hard!"

Everyone said in unison: "I am waiting for my duty, so I am not afraid of death!"

Yang Qingxuan turned around and walked towards the ruthless sky that was bound by the iron gods of mixed spirits. The aging man was like an old man, his muscles atrophy, his skin wrinkled, his hair all white, hung on the iron cable, a desolate scene.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "If you do many injustices, you will kill yourself. In today's situation, you are all responsible for yourself."

Said raising his hand, five fingers pinched the tactics, hitting Tian Wuqing's main acupuncture points, sealing his aura to dissipate, and then performing the soul search method to forcefully read the memory.

Tian was ruthlessly dying too fast. To Yang Qingxuan's expectation, there were still many details about many things that were not clear.

Originally wanted to catch him and search for the soul, but I didn't expect that after the four strongest martial souls entered the body, they directly triggered a breakthrough, and had to suppress the soul search.

At this moment, Tian Ruqing had been dead for a few days, and his spirits and spirits had almost dissipated. After reading it forcibly, only a few fragments of memory were found.

After a while, I read out the memory completely.

Then a fire completely burned the sky ruthlessly, and collected the mixed spirit **** iron, his expression was a little complicated.

From the scattered fragments in Tian Wuqing’s mind, it is known that the man who helped Tian Ruixin seize the star palace back then was the highest destiny. Tian Wuqing's goal was to become the lord of the star palace, and the highest destiny to deal with it was to kill. Yourself.

Yang Qingxuan was a little confused. Back then, when he was only in a baby, did his destiny be the highest and he knew he was the reincarnation of Yin Wu Wang?

This is strange, how did the highest destiny know that the mysterious underground palace, the bronze starry sky array that killed thousands of time and space giants, and who arranged it?

Yang Qingxuan was a little sluggish for a while.

And from the memory fragment, it was learned that the Supreme Destiny had been looking for the Yin Wu Temple, which seemed to contain some huge secrets, and Tian Wuqing had been looking for this temple, but after all.

In the Black Sea that day, Yin Wudian once appeared. Yang Qingxuan and several Taoists, as well as strong men from all walks of life, went in. Except for some weapons, there seemed to be nothing strange, but in Tian's merciless memory fragments, it seemed that It's not that simple.

"King Yin Wu... Yin Wu Palace... Mysterious Underground Palace... The Destiny is the highest..."

Yang Qingxuan muttered to herself and cursed secretly: "What mess, King Yin Wu, your kid is not at ease when he is dead, leaving behind a bunch of inexplicable things."

Yang Qingxuan couldn't figure it out, so he stopped thinking about it. Instead, he walked towards the evening photo in the clear sky and said coldly: "You two know, why should I save your lives?"

The two shook their heads, their hearts were extremely nervous, secretly looking forward to the appearance of the person behind them, but they were never seen.

Yang Qingxuan said: "In addition to finding out the information of the mysterious person behind, I also want you to surrender the third chapter of the Tianshen Jue."

The two were taken aback, glanced at each other, and both fell silent.

Although the backtracking of Wanfa is profound, the magical powers Yang Qingxuan displayed just now are not under them at all, and it is unexpected that this requirement will be met.

Qingkong seemed to be a little disbelief, and tentatively asked: "If we hand over the backtracking of the ten thousand laws, let our brothers and sisters go?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Are you deaf? There is still information about the mysterious man."

Qingkong looked ugly and said: "Our brothers and sisters don't know much about that person. We only know that this person suddenly appeared, and then they approached us. They gave us many medicines and abilities to help us break through and help a large number of strong people Improve strength. Judging from these actions, this person seems to be deliberately building his own strength."

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