Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2318: Countermeasures, cover the stars

Just when Song Yuantian turned the sky star field upside down, he wanted to see if there were any treasures in the star field, but he was able to search out the Yin Wu Temple.

Immediately led the disciples and the other three elders into the Yin Wu Hall.

Later, he was trapped by the Dao Fa secrets laid down by the King Yin Wu, and was stunned by the devil, unable to escape.

Until Yang Qingxuan and others arrived and sent them all to the west.

Shi Yan and others all showed unprecedented dignity. The enemy is actually a powerful family from the entire realm. From this Song family, four thousand-world elders can be sent here. It can be seen that the strength of the star field in which the Song family is located is far better than the sky star. area.

What's more, there are a large number of powerhouses in other star regions. If they come together, the sky star region will be destroyed directly.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The soldiers are here to block the water and cover the earth. I am not afraid of these star field experts, but I don't have much time to stay in the sky star field. What can you do?"

Shi Yan said: "It's better for all of us to leave the firmament star field first, avoid its edge, and come back when we have the strength. It's just that this human race's foundation is probably... alas..."

Bailifu frowned and said, "Having finally managed to turn the tide and saved the Human Race's legacy, is it necessary to give up like this?"

The other two human emperors, as well as the strong men born and raised in the sky star field, were silent, obviously not happy.

Yu An suddenly smiled slightly and said: "This is actually very simple, as long as Yang Qingxuan sacrifices your hue. Marry a fairy prince, then as your son-in-law of Chenglong, those in this remote small realm People, who dares to move your star field?"

Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Don't talk nonsense."

Yu An's mouth was stubborn, and he turned his head, gazing away from Wu Qiyue and others intentionally or unintentionally. Since learning that Wu Qiyue is Yang Qingxuan's wife and that Shi Yuyan and Midnight are both Yang Qingxuan's confidantes, Yu An has been uncomfortable. Recalling the matter of the goddess is to add confusion to Wu Qiyue and others.

Wu Qiyue and others have heard Ziyuan talk about the Purple Heart God King, and immediately said: "If you sacrifice your hue to save the Star Territory, we will not blame you."

Yang Qingxuan whispered: "Don't listen to Yu'an's nonsense, this matter is over, no need to mention it. Yu'an girl is full of bad ideas."

Yu'an was not convinced, and snorted, "Tell me that I'm full of bad ideas, hum, I can solve this little thing by myself."

Luo Tinglan sneered: "That's also true, the daughter of Yujia, it is not a problem to deal with some trivial matters in the small realm. You have something to do with Yuxinghen, right? Use this relationship to help Yang Qingxuan Once, Yang Qingxuan might accept you as the fifth wife when he was happy."

Yu An snorted coldly, raised his head to look at the sky, as if he wanted to wait for Yang Qingxuan to beg her.

Yang Qingxuan turned a blind eye to her, and just said, “It’s a way to deal with this matter through the power of the Muhai Territory. Pressure. After I have dealt with my affairs, I will go to these realms again to completely end this matter. But in the meantime, I must find a way to protect the sky star realm. I wanted to get through the ancient great array. Channel, it seems that this matter is going to be moved back. Chi Heng, what can you do?"

Chi Heng said: "I can lay down a large star-shielding array to cover the sky star field for a period of time. This place is remotely located and has been out of touch with the realm for a long time. In addition to the hiding of my large array, it can cover decades. Even longer."

"Decades?" Yang Qingxuan was overjoyed, and said: "If I can hold back for decades, I won't have to bother the King Zixin and Elder Gu Yin."

Chi Heng said: "Our ancient demons have the most experience in refining stars. The star-blocking array was originally created to hide some good resource star domains as our own."

Yang Qingxuan said: "It's so good, it shouldn't be too late."

Seeing that Yang Qingxuan didn't need to beg him, Yu An stomped angrily and shouted: "Yang Qingxuan, you will always ask me!"

Yang Qingxuan turned a deaf ear, and said: "Let's go back to the Star Palace first."

The next day, Chi Heng began to arrange a large array of obscuring stars.

The so-called star obscuration array does not really hide the star field and make it invisible, but erases the coordinate position of the star field from space.

When a strong person uses divine consciousness or powerful magical tools to sweep the void coordinates, continuous coordinate positions can be read from the front and back of the sky star field, so that there is still a star field in the middle of the front and back.

The universe is vast and boundless, and there are countless galaxies. No one can capture every planet and star field. They can only check the existence and location of the star field by sweeping the space coordinates. As long as the space coordinates are erased, the star field can be made. "Hide" it.

Of course, for an existence that is too powerful, or deliberately looking for it, you can still find clues.

Yang Qingxuan intends to hide the Star Territory at the same time, while exerting pressure on the upper level of this territory through the Jiang Family. As long as he rescues his parents after the battle with the Ning Family is over, he can be a family and then unite the strong in the entire Star Territory People, solve these things personally.

A few days later, Chi Heng arranged the star-blocking array.

In the conference hall of the Star Palace, many high-level powerhouses gathered.

Yang Qingxuan said, "The time is almost here. I should also go back to the animal husbandry sea area. The star area is the right size, so you will have trouble. Before I leave, there is one thing I can't worry about. It is the inheritance of the emperor. With a title, I really didn’t do anything for the clan, but kept causing trouble. I was ashamed of the clan and everyone. So I hope to pass on the throne of this person, just while everyone is here. , You can introduce a candidate."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words, and they were in an uproar without any psychological preparation. Even Shi Yan, Wu Qiyue and others were shocked, but they didn't expect Yang Qingxuan to raise the matter.

Bailifu said, "I don't think this is right. In the current situation in the sky star field, besides you, there is no other person who can hold the Hundred Clan and give confidence to the warriors of this clan.

Yu Fenghou said: "Yang Qingxuan, you have been the most talented and the most powerful since the emperors of the past dynasties. Now the human race is in the dying state, and you are waiting for prosperity. Only you can dominate the world. At this time, you can never move. position."

Everyone said: "Yes." A voice of disapproval.

Yang Qingxuan groaned: "But I am no longer in the sky star field. I am afraid I will return very rarely in the future. The human race in the sky star field will eventually have a king."

Yin Yun said: "This matter can be said in the future, after all, it is a very moment."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment. The matter of the family sects in this domain has not been resolved. At this moment, he has taken off the burden, but he is suspected of throwing the burden. He immediately said: "Okay, then wait for me to solve the problem of this domain. After many disputes, everyone will nominate wise men to take over as the emperor."

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