Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2342: Auction Day Wheel, Nandou Tiandan

There was silence in the field.

Although people are divided into three or six or nine classes which makes them extremely unhappy, how can they not divide others into three or six or nine classes?

Although the heart is unhappy, it will soon be accepted, because the law of the world is like this, the strong is respected, the strong can get it, and they are worthy to get more resources.

Qing Ze said: "These four sun chakras, the appraiser of this mansion can ensure that they are indeed the power of the ancient Yan. From now on, the first sun chakra has a reserve price of one million billion stars. The price increase shall not be less than one trillion yuan."

There was silence for a while, and finally someone spoke, "One hundred and twenty trillion."

As soon as the price came out, it caused a lot of sensation and discussion in the field.

Zixia asked: "Yang Qingxuan, how long can you create a sun wheel?"

Yang Qingxuan frowned and said, "Why do you have this question?"

Zixia said: "I want to know your sucking speed."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "First of all, this is a secret, and secondly, I will control the speed. Put too many sunwheels into the market at one time, and the price will come down soon. At present, the impact of these ten sunwheels will be certain. Time can be digested."

Zixia was full of black lines, and said, "You really have a business acumen."

The price of that first day round quickly rose to one hundred and forty trillion, and it was still increasing at a slow pace.

Many people withdrew from the asking price. The key is that there are still three Sun Wheels, and there will be another one on the eighth floor. So some people think the price is too high, so they want to wait and see later.

In the end, the price was traded at 149 trillion yuan.

The auctioneer was a three-star Thousand Worlds, fire-attribute martial artist, and he was heavily relieved. After taking the stage and handing over the day round, he left quickly. As for the auction price later, he didn't want to know. One hundred and forty-nine trillion has been thrown out. It doesn't matter whether it is cost-effective or not. The important thing is that this sun wheel can increase his probability of breaking through four stars. This is worth all the money.

There was a whisper in the hall, discussing whether this one hundred and forty-nine trillion is worth it, after all, there has never been such an auction before.

Soon after, on the second day round, the price rushed to 160 trillion, and was also taken away by a fire fighter.

At this time, everyone began to feel a little nervous.

I thought I could observe the four originally for a while, but now I find that the prices are higher than one, and finally I am not calm.

The price of the third one rushed to 160 trillion yuan again, and the room was so nervous that they raised their prices one after another, eventually reaching 220 trillion yuan.

It was Mo Yansheng who made the shot, his face mixed with red and black, his face extremely ugly. He also reacted, first shoot one to get the bottom line, and then continue to shoot if you can still shoot later, if you can't, at least have one yourself, lest you end up with a basket full of water, then it's really hell.

Everyone found out that they made money if they took the photo first.

After the fourth shooting started, the price quickly rushed to two trillion yuan, and the scene immediately became quiet.

Yang Qingxuan muttered to himself: "It seems that two trillion is the high position of this sun wheel." After hesitating, he exclaimed: "Two hundred and twenty trillion." The price was the same as before.

Zixia said: "Do you want to raise the price yourself? I'm afraid no one will pick it up?"

After finishing speaking, several people looked weird and couldn't help looking into the VIP room opposite.

Sure enough, the voice of Yuwenzhan sounded, "Two hundred and thirty trillion."

Qing Ze frowned, sighed in his heart, and said in his heart: "This Yuwen war is really a shameful king, and today is going to be big by Yang Qingxuan. I don't know if Yuwen war itself is not good, or Yang Qingxuan is too powerful. "

Yang Qingxuan snorted heavily, pretending to be angry, gritted his teeth and said: "Two hundred and forty trillion."

"Two million and fifty trillion." The other side chased the price.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "Yuwenzhan, haven't you learned the lessons of Mo Jin before?"

Yu Wenzhan was furious, and said coldly: "Yang Qingxuan, this is the auction venue. If you don't have any money, you can get away. The Sun Wheel of Changheng Guyan, in fact, you can have a poor-B from the countryside."

Yang Qingxuan said angrily: "Don't bully the young and poor! Two hundred and sixty trillion!"

Yuwen said coldly: "Two hundred and seventy trillion!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Two hundred and eighty trillion!"

Yuwen Zhan said: "Two hundred and ninety trillion!"

Yang Qingxuan took a cold breath and said loudly, "Master Qingze, I suspect that they were faked, please check their funds."

Qing Ze said: "Yang Qingxuan's suspicion is not unreasonable, Young Master Yuwen Zhan, please also show the funds."

The previous concubine of Yuwenzhan walked into the auction hall again and said: "Although my husband does not have so much cash on him, these things are enough to be worth three trillion yuan."

As he said, he put a jade bottle on the auction table with a look of dismay but pride on his face.

"this is……"

Qingze took the jade bottle in his hand, and immediately sensed that the runes flowed on it, which was actually not a small seal. Then, his index finger dashed in the void, tearing apart the seal, his divine sense penetrated in, his face changed a lot. : "Nantou Tiandan!"

As soon as these four characters came out, the entire auction venue was in an uproar, and nearly half of the thousand realms stood up directly, staring at the jade bottle.

Zi Xin said in shock: "Really Nandou Heavenly Pill? Since Qingze has identified it, most of it can't be wrong. It seems that the Yuwen family values ​​this Yuwen war to the extreme. Such holy relics can be carried with him."

Yang Qingxuan asked, "What is Nandou Heavenly Pill?"

Zi Xin said: "You come to herd the sea area is still shallow, there are many legends and stories that are not known, it is normal. Nandou Tiandan is the sacred pill left by Nandouxing a long time ago. This Nandouxingjun may also have entered in the legend. The eternal supreme figure, and the ancestor of the Yuwen family, Yuwengui, is the descendant of the Southern Star Lord, and has obtained all the mantle of the Southern Star Lord. According to legend, this pill can increase the probability of breaking through the four-star thousand-world barrier by 30%. "

Yang Qingxuan said in surprise: "Thirty percent?!"

Zi Xin nodded and said: "It's exactly 30%. This is the holy medicine that has the greatest impact on the four-star thousand realms in the countless magical magic methods in the Southern Universe, and it has no side effects. It can stack with other medicines and magical methods. Use. The Yuwen world can last forever, which is also related to the existence of this pill. However, according to the news of the sale of the Defeng Ancient Building, it is difficult for the Yuwen family to refine the Nandou Heavenly Pill, because there are several kinds of heavens that refine this pill. The treasure of material and land is almost extinct in the universe. So Yuwen family improved the pill, and now a popular pill in the family is called Nandou Di Pill. It can increase the probability of breaking through four stars by 3% and has certain side effects. ."

Yang Qingxuan said, "From 30% to 3%, this drop is too big, right, and there are side effects?"

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