Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2408: Slacking in

Yang Qingxuan smiled bitterly: "My lord has been overwhelmed. I think it is one-star pinnacle in the next thousand realms, and there are a group of subordinates who are not as vulnerable as adults thought."

Rong Ke thought for a moment and said, "Okay, then you should be careful. We may not be concerned about you during the war."

Yang Qingxuan was speechless for a while, this Rong Ke could not help but regard himself as a child.

Everyone rested in the sky over the Tianyun Mountain for two days, then boarded the battleship and flew towards the direction of the Tiansha Sect.

At the same time, Bingjun also returned to Luotianmen and began to clean up the traitors in the door.

Xi Chong and Ji Yu, who were far away in the Luofu Realm Promise City, immediately mobilized all their personnel after receiving Yang Qingxuan's call to rush to Greed Wolf Star at the fastest speed.


The headquarters of the Tiansha Sect is located in the sea with the strongest aura of Greed Wolf Star.

Thousands of large and small islands are connected to form a magnificent sea wonder.

This is where the entire waters of Greed Wolf Star converges. Numerous spiritual veins come from the bottom of the sea, almost absorbing the aura of a small half of the planet.

In a side hall on the main island, a middle-aged man was sitting cross-legged to adjust his breath. He suddenly seemed to feel feeling in his heart. He opened his eyes, and a glimmer of light flashed across his eyes. He looked at the three people who entered directly outside the hall and immediately showed flattery. His smile greeted him, "Master Feng Di, why is it uncomfortable to live? Isn't the group of dancers not serving good adults?"

Entering the three people from outside the hall, it was a young man at first, with a clear face, and a high-ranking breath exuding his body. The two behind them were all wrapped in black robes, not visible, but vaguely revealed. There was a dangerous aura that even Lu Chuqi didn't dare to underestimate it.

Ning Fengdi said: "Naturally not. I have been in the Heavenly Evil Sect for the past half month, and I have been extremely comfortable. Sovereign Lord Lao has been entertained. It's just that I am inexplicably restless today, so I came to see Sovereign Lord to ask about the nearest one. Has the batch arrived? If it has arrived, I will take it back and return to life."


Lu Qiuqi smiled and said, "Is the adult reaching a bottleneck in cultivation? I just got a new Baipo Pill here. Adults can take it. Although the effect may not be great, it can have some effect."

Ning Fengdi gave a pleasant surprise on his face and said, "Bai Po Dan? This, how is this embarrassing."

After taking the jade box that Lu Qiuqi handed over, after opening it, his face was immediately full of joy, and he put it away, his smile was much more kind, and he clasped his fist and said: "My lord is too kind."

Lu Qiuqi hurriedly said: "Where and where, Tiansha Sect is an affiliated sect of the Ning family. I should respect the adults of the Ning family, let alone Master Feng Di. The only person I admire in Lu Qiuqi’s life is Three and a half."

Ning Fengdi was surprised: "Oh, which three and a half?"

Lu Qiuqi said: "The first one is the Dongfang Wu from the Eastern Family, one of the eight kingdoms of the kings. I saw Dongfang Wu make a shot once with my own eyes. It is really boundless. I am afraid I will never be able to match that power. Up."

Ning Fengdi nodded and said, "Although the eight domain kings are equal, there is still a certain gap between their strengths. Dongfang Wu should be ranked very high among the eight."

Lu Qiuqi said: "The second person is Elder Shenghao. It stands to reason that the strength, talent, and achievements of the father are not below the four holy masters and the eight domain kings, and even in my opinion, they must be above them. , It’s just that chance is a little lacking, hey, chance is something you can’t help but not at all. But this doesn’t affect your father as one of the three I admire most."

Ning Fengdi smiled and said, "What about the third person?"

Lu Qiuqi said: "This third person is Master Tianyin. Regardless of talent cultivation, prestige and personality charm, Master Tianyin is one of the few first-class disciples in the Ning family. I am I am extremely optimistic that Lord Tianyin will become the next Patriarch. Although Tianshazong is a vassal of the Ning family, I am completely convinced by Lord Tianyin’s temperament and strength. In the entire Ning family, except for the old man, I only listen to Heaven. Master Yin."

Ning Fengdi smiled and said, "Don't guess about the position of the Patriarch. Other people are also very promising. Haha, are there half of them?"

Lu Qiuqi smiled and said: "In front of Lord Tianyin, how can other people have any hope? Yes, the other first-class adults are also talents of Tianzong. They are in competition for the position of any holy clan. Potential, but it’s a pity, living in an era with Tianyin is their misfortune, haha. As for that half of the person, you are the son of Fengdi. Although the son is still young, his domineering and kingly temperament are I deeply admire the old man."

The bodies of the two black-robed men shook slightly, and under the powerful strength that could not be shaken by the force of a thousand jun, they were deeply touched by this flattering, and they couldn't help but tremble.

Ning Fengdi smiled "haha", and said modestly: "My lord has passed the prize, the prize has been passed." He couldn't help sighing, and said, "My father was 70% to 80% sure of the original position of the head of the family. Alas, it's a pity that suddenly Ning Qingyao appeared and disrupted the entire Ning family's focus of power. Now all kinds of things are very tricky."

Lu Qiuqi asked tentatively: "Ning Qingyao, what is the situation now? In fact, even if she is a star Luo celestial body, she is only a woman after all. With the means of Lord Tianyin, can she still be unable to fix a woman? It must be Master Tianyin who is too gracious. From my point of view, it is an extraordinary period. No matter what method is used, first put this woman in the house."

Ning Fengdi's face was a little gloomy, and he hummed, "This woman is not easy. At first, some first-class adults felt that they were caught in their hands. As long as they started quickly, they would be able to get into the room. As a result, no one succeeded, but let this The status of women in the family is getting higher and higher, and they are almost on par with my father and them."

Lu Qiuqi said: "It's okay? A woman, she wants to turn the sky over?"

Ning Fengdi hummed: "But she won't be arrogant for long. When our major events are completed, all the situations will be under control. Then she will have to follow, and she will have to follow. Now she can get one. A better position to please my father a little bit. By then, it will be a plaything, hehe."

Lu Qiuqi laughed and said, "Haha, then I will congratulate Lord Tianyin in advance. When that time comes, I will hold Jiangshan in one hand and Beauty in the other.

Ning Fengdi showed a knowing smile and said, "Yes, it's business, that batch of goods..."

Suddenly, the four people in the hall changed their faces and suddenly showed shock.

Then a huge energy wave came from outside the hall. It was a huge beam of light that directly bombarded the sky above the main island, smashing the entire defensive formation of the Heavenly Fiend Sect, and then landed on the main island, shaking up a huge brilliance. , Flocking in all directions.

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