Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2411: Terrorist strike, sweep the battlefield

Yang Qingxuan immediately sensed the terrifying energy coming from him, turned around suddenly, and his pupils dilated.

The Green Fang Guifang spread out a circle of ripples, automatically protecting it.

Yang Qingxuan held the halberd with his right hand, blocking him, and pinned his left hand. The five flags of heaven and earth floated out, exuding five colors of brilliance, connecting them into one piece, forming a small enchantment.

There was also a disciple of the Tiansha Sect who was too close and was also covered by the barrier. Yang Qingxuan flew up and kicked him out, just to fly to the aftermath of the impact. Before he touched him, he was caught The aftermath of the crushing crush.

Yang Qingxuan's face changed drastically, and from this sign he understood the terrible aftermath.

Zi Yuan felt a little bit, and said anxiously: "It's too dangerous, the ancient treasure true dragon armor, let's refine it by Brother Qingxuan."

At the big auction in the Luofu Realm, Yang Qingxuan bought a lot of good things and distributed them to everyone. Among them, the valuable and powerful ancient treasure real dragon armor was given to Ziyuan.

Yang Qingxuan smiled faintly and said, "I can still stop this attack."


The aftermath rushed over, fiercely violently on the enchantment of the five sides of the world flag.

The Baoqi on Yang Qingxuan's left hand trembled violently, and even five phantoms appeared in the surroundings, which was likely to be split.

And the circulation of runes on the Tianxu, spreading out huge defensive power.

Even so, Yang Qingxuan's whole body was rushed back quickly, I don't know how many miles away it was.

The rest, Shanshan, Ji Beiye, other star refiners, etc., were all panicked and displayed their strongest defenses to withstand this terrible blow.

Zi Xia chuckled and waved her right hand, a purple glow wrapped around her body, completely blocking the aftermath.

Countless disciples of Tianshazong shattered in the void like ants.

All the people under the realm king were shaken to death, without exception, including Lu Qiuqi's wife and sons, as well as the families of all the disciples of the Tiansha Sect, were completely wiped out under the shock of this blow.

There were also large numbers of deaths and injuries above the realm king. Those who were close, and whose defense was not timely, basically all died.

Only far away, or high-ranking realm kings, could recover a life, but most of them suffered serious injuries.

Even a few of the Lords of the Thousand Realms suffered some minor injuries, and they were all shocked.

Yang Qingxuan put away the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth, and looked ahead in horror. The empty world was full of people just now like ants, endless like locusts.

Only in an instant, the world was quiet, and there were no people in the sky over a million miles.

"Is this the power of the six-star thousand realms..."

Yang Qingxuan muttered to himself, the turbulent waves in his heart could not calm down at all.

With just one blow, a huge sect was completely destroyed. Millions of powerful martial artists, without any sense of existence, wiped it all away with a wave.

Greed Wolf Star is a planet with great potential, and under this blow, it oscillated to the spirit veins, and the waters and islands below were completely wiped out, and the original appearance was not visible at all.

Yang Qingxuan gave birth to a trance of "Where am I? Who am I?"

"Haha, this planet is good, the surface has not been completely erased."

Rong Ke waved the golden knife in his hand and said with a smile on his face.

Everyone shivered, feeling the bone-chilling coldness. The so-called "ground" refers to the stratum tens of thousands of miles away.

At this moment, not only was there no sea water, but the entire bottom of the sea was sinking again for an unknown amount. If you look from the universe, you will find that a tiankeng was directly hit by the blow you just hit, and even the traces can be seen in the universe.


Lu Chuqi was dumbfounded, and screamed up to the sky in grief, "If I don't kill you today, I swear not to be a man!"

He rushed forward, looking like he was going to die with his madness.

The battle of the Six Star Thousand Realms was even more terrifying than he had imagined. What's more, Rong Ke deliberately did it and deliberately pressed the battle not far above the Heavenly Fiend Sect.

With a wave of the golden sword, Rong Ke greeted him, and at the same time his figure burst into the void of the universe.

Knowing that if it is close to the ground to fight, the entire stratum will soon be pierced, and the star core will be damaged and exploded. People on the entire planet will not be spared except the world king and above.

Rong Ke first avoids dying too many people, and second, protects the star core out of professional habit. The star core of the wolf star is precious.

Ning Fengdi looked at the scene in front of him, his face changed slightly, but he smiled forcefully, and said grimly: "After sweeping away the scum, all the scum is left behind. It doesn't matter. There is one hundred and eighty years old and can develop again. "

After all, he is a child of a clan, and such terrible scenes are not rare, and he quickly calmed down.

Yang Qingxuan's mood calmed slightly after a while, and his eyes swept across the sky, and found many sporadic figures of warriors, the lowest cultivation level was also the realm king, and a large number of weapons and equipment were suspended in the air.

The Tiansha Sect was completely flattened, and the treasure house was also destroyed, but many precious things and martial artists were carried with them.

These dead martial artists, their weapons, storage rings, etc., were not easy to destroy in the aftermath. They were all swept up in the air by the terrible aftermath storm, floating around.

Yang Qingxuan didn't care about killing other martial artists, and began to collect these equipment and storage rings in the air, and then dealt with the disciples of the Heavenly Sect.

Because after seeing the strength of Rong Ke and Lu Qiuqi, he immediately understood that the key to victory in this battle was the victory of the two six-star thousand realms.

If Rong Ke was defeated, apart from those five-star thousand realms star refiners who could resist for a while, no one could stop Lu Qiuqi's suppression.

Therefore, Yang Qingxuan focused on collecting treasures.

Fortunately, the equipment and storage rings of those low-end warriors were also relatively low-end, and they all turned into ashes in the aftermath.

Everything that can be preserved has a certain value.

Yang Qingxuan also didn't care about the distinction, the figure flickered in the air, and used his grasping hand to shoot in all directions, if the pieces of storage ring, if they were actually included in the bag.

Yang Qingxuan’s behavior quickly attracted the attention of others. Those who survived this catastrophe were at least the realm king’s cultivation base. In the Heavenly Evil Sect, no one was not a big family, and their family was destroyed in an instant, and there was nothing left in their hearts. One can imagine his grief and anger.

Being heartbroken, seeing someone taking the opportunity to pick up equipment, their heads exploded, and they rushed over with a scream.

Yang Qingxuan sneered a few times, grabbed the halberd in his right hand, and chopped off at these people calmly. After a few strokes, more than ten realm kings died, and the equipment was naturally unceremoniously collected, which was scared. Those world kings around woke up and didn't dare to step forward.

Soon, the Lord of the Thousand Realms stared Yang Qingxuan, an extremely fierce aura, accompanied by an angry shout.

"go to hell!"

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