Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2414: Change life for life, attack the heart and disturb the enemy

This roar immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Especially Yang Qingxuan and others.

And that name made Yang Qingxuan directly alert, "Ning...Kang?"

Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes flashed, and Ning Fengdi could see through. In the middle of the two-star thousand realms, he was full of the inherent arrogance and indifference of a disciple of the family.

Yang Qingxuan immediately judged that this person was Ning Fengdi, the guest of the Ning family that Lu Qingshan said.

Moreover, it seems that the three-star Thousand Realms that can command the Ning family are also the core disciples.

Yang Qingxuan sneered, and as soon as the halberd shook, he rushed towards Ning Fengdi, and at the same time shouted: "The sky battlefield is left to you!"

After the ghost was hiding in Zixia's shot, the pressure was greatly reduced, and he laughed strangely: "Haha, don't worry, eat these silly souls, I can break through again."

The disciples of the Tiansha Sect were so scared that their faces turned pale, and bit their scalp to kill the ghost.

Rather than explode to death, or die in the hands of other people, rather than being stunned by this ghost and becoming energy to supplement others' physical stamina.

The Ning family's three-star Thousand Realms saw Yang Qingxuan flying down and exclaimed in anger, "Master, be careful!"

He also hurriedly flew down, trying to stop Yang Qingxuan, but suddenly felt a breath of death coming, suddenly raised her head in panic, and saw that the tripod sword in Zixia's hand was almost on her head.


The three-star Thousand Realms was so scared that he hurriedly resisted, but any defense was ineffective. He was smashed into his body by the sword energy like a broken bamboo, and his whole person was split upright and exploded in half with a "bang".

"Ningkang!" Ning Fengdi screamed, his face pale in fright, and hurriedly ran away.

Now he deeply regretted why he stayed to watch the battle. Now he not only lost two three-star thousand worlds, but also fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

Who is that terrible woman? terrible.

"Young Master Ning, come and go in a hurry. It's rare to come to the greedy wolf star. Don't you leave for dinner before leaving?"

Yang Qingxuan turned into a rainbow of light and directly caught up with Ning Fengdi, holding the halberd in front of him, and sneered.

"Get out of here!"

When Ning Fengdi saw that he was only a One Star Thousand Realm, he shouted in anger and knotted his hands. He flipped his palms and pressed it down. He wanted to make a quick battle and solve this person, and don't delay his running.

With one palm hit, the Ten Thousand Point Nebula flickered around the handprint, turning into a vast sea.

It is exactly the move in Ning's Star Art.

Now that there is no doubt about Ning Fengdi's identity, Yang Qingxuan sneered, and with a wave of the halberd that he was used to, he slashed through with every move.


The two forces collided, the void exploded, and the energy storm shook back towards the two of them.


Ning Fengdi was full of astonishment. The opponent was only a one-star thousand realms. Although it was the pinnacle, it was only a one-star thousand realms. How could he be tied?

Just as he was horrified, Yang Qingxuan stared at the impact of the aftermath, stepped forward, and slashed again with a halberd.

Ning Fengdi took a breath of air in shock, but immediately calmed down, knowing that the man in the mask was extraordinary, and he must not be careless, otherwise a small life might be thrown on the wolf star. Seeing the halberd slashed, he hurriedly Dodge to your side.

Yang Qingxuan lost his halberd, sneered, then swept away, displaying the seven forms of Tianzhan one by one.

The two fought fiercely, the bigger the faster, the energy spread like a star ring, which is extremely gorgeous.

Many times it was head-to-head, especially Ning Fengdi, who looked like he did not believe in evil, tried a few times and directly confronted Yang Qingxuan. He wanted to use his realm advantage to completely suppress the opponent, but the result was nothing. , Had to give up and changed to a trick against a trick.

Ning Fengdi's heart was shocked to the extreme, and he was extremely anxious.

If you continue to fight like this, when the other battlefields are finished, if the Heavenly Evil Sect loses, he will undoubtedly die.

In desperation, it was a frantic onslaught.

However, Yang Qingxuan's Seven Heaven Slashing Forms were integrated and flawless. No matter how he attacked, he would not be able to break the opponent's defense.

"Young Master Ning, you are upset."

Yang Qingxuan smiled indifferently, and slashed with a halberd leisurely. It was the dance of soul.


The halberd blade shuttled away, seizing the flaws in Ning Fengdi's moves, smashed Ning Fengdi's moves with a halberd, and then swung the halberd and thrust straight in.

"Not good!" Ning Fengdi hurriedly backed away in fright, but no one could escape this lightning strike.

"The flying dragon is in the sky!"

Yang Qingxuan yelled, and time suddenly accelerated. The halberd blade just flashed in the void, inserted into Ning Fengdi's body, and pierced under the left rib of the front chest.


Ning Fengdi screamed in horror, hurriedly grasped the halberd blade with his hand, and yanked it out.

Yang Qingxuan shook his halberd again and directly cut off half of Ning Fengdi's palm.

"Ah! Don't, don't kill me, you have something to say!"

Ning Fengdi was covered in blood, covered his chest with one hand, and protected him with his half-cut palms, crying and begging: "Sir, don't kill me, don't kill me, you can talk about anything!"

Yang Qingxuan pointed at him with a war halberd, and suddenly smiled evilly and said, "Do you want to survive?"

"Yes, I want to live!"

When Ning Fengdi heard overjoyed, he hurriedly responded, and a strong desire to win appeared on his face.

Yang Qingxuan raised his head and looked at the outer sky with golden eyes, and slowly said: "If you want to survive, you can speak loudly to Lu Qiuqi, Mo Qian, and Bei Man to stop them."

Ning Fengdi's face changed drastically, and he trembled: "Yes, is it true, really, stop? Or is it just..."

When Yang Qingxuan's halberd shook, he placed it on Ning Fengdi's shoulder. Ning Fengdi was trembling with fright, and tears flowed out. Yang Qingxuan sneered, "What do you think? Of course it was to distract them, and then be killed by my friend. Ah. If you want to survive, you have to trade someone else's life. Young Master Ning, and he is a two-star thousand realm cultivation base, tusk, what a precious identity, is it worth it to trade the lives of the three Sect Masters of the Heavenly Devil Sect?"

Ning Fengdi felt the sharpness on his neck and nodded desperately, "Well, it's worth it!"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Then shout, let them be more distracted, the better, remember, don't play tricks, if it makes me feel wrong, your handsome head will be gone."

Ning Fengdi shouted desperately: "Stop! Everyone stop! Lu Qiuqi, Mo Qian, Pei Man, all the Tiansha sect disciples, stop! I am Ning Fengdi of the Ning family, who dares not listen to my orders ,capital offense!"

The sound is like a gust of wind, sweeping across the sky and the earth, and even into the outer starry sky.

Many disciples of the Heavenly Evil Sect were panicked, and one of them lost consciousness, and was killed by the star refiner on the spot.

Mo Qian and Bei Man were both shocked. The two of them were fighting against the four star refiners, and they were inextricably beaten. When they were surprised, they immediately fell into a disadvantage.

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