Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2427: Accelerate the birth of wood yuan fruit

Xi Chong shouted: "It really is the dog thief of the Ning family! Your lord, kill them all."

"Huh?" Ma Yuan was dumbfounded in fright. Are these people coming for the Ning family?

Do they dare to kill the clan?

Ma Yuan's mind was in a daze, and he reacted in an instant. Most of these people in front of him were also Saint Clan, otherwise there would be so many thousand realms.

It's miserable, I was actually involved in the dispute between the saint clan and clan, even if there are a hundred heads, it is not enough to die.

Ma Yuan was still smart, and immediately shouted: "My lord, forgive me. Although we belong to the Blood Sword Sect, we have never had anything to do with the Ning Family. We are extremely dissatisfied with the Ning Family's various actions. It’s a pity that I have never had a chance to control the idea of ​​a family. Seeing all the adults today is like seeing a glimmer of light, illuminating our darkest heart."

All the warriors in Zhengyang Mansion agreed: "Yes, that's exactly what Ma Yuan said is extremely true."

Ma Yuan said with an awe-inspiring expression: "I would like to invite all the adults to lead us to resist the oppression of the Ning family. I am willing to follow you all to the death."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "You are all smart, this world is cruel, smart people always live longer than stupid things. This planet should have been flooded with over ten degrees of heavy water, leading to overflow of spiritual energy and vitality. What people are doing here, and telling everything you know can save me a lot of effort."

Ma Yuan's heart was beating wildly. The other party knew about the over ten degrees of heavy water, and even more dare not to conceal the slightest bit. He dragged out everything he knew at the moment.

It turns out that Cambrian star is rich in a kind of treasure called Mu Yuanguo, which is the wood element aura on the planet. Affected by the planet’s special magnetic field, it is a kind of wood element treasure born between heaven and earth. It contains extremely strong spiritual power and Vitality can live to death.

The output of Muyuanguo is very small, and the quality supplied is not high.

Because in the place where the aura of heaven and earth is rich, the wood elements in the aura are affected by the special magnetic field, which produces a certain degree of condensation and change. The wood element flower can be produced in three thousand years, and the wood element fruit can be produced in three thousand years. After maturity, the quality is different every three thousand years.

Mu Yuanguo is the most precious treasure of the Cambrian star. Once it appears, it will be accompanied by a vision of heaven and earth. Unless there is an overlord-level sect, the Mu Yuanguo will be robbed before it matures, let alone upgrade after it matures. quality.

Suddenly, the Ning family had a large demand for Mu Yuanguo. All the inventory on the Cambrian star was tributed. It was still far from meeting the needs of the Ning family. So three years ago, the Ning family brought it. A mysterious star-refining master, presided over the star-refining array, transforming all the water sources on the Cambrian star into super ten-degree heavy water, and pour it in from the eyes of the ten most spiritual veins, and pour the aura in the planet He Mu Elementary Force forced it out.

Ma Yuan said with a worried look: "It is said that the star refiner set up a large array at the two poles of the planet, stimulating the strange magnetic field of the entire planet, and catalyzing the birth of the wood element fruit. Originally, it had flowers for three thousand years, and the fruit of three thousand years. It becomes three months for flowering, three months for fruiting, three months for maturity, another three months for quality, and one harvest a year."

Chi Heng laughed and said, "Hahahaha, it's so amazing? I really want to meet that person. Astrology is a magic weapon to change and advance the course of history."

Ma Yuan said bitterly: "Of course it is good to harvest once a year, but this planet..."

Chi Heng said: "The planet is dead, human beings are alive, the resources of this planet are exhausted, and you can go to the next planet. Humph, those people in the Alliance have their brains flooded. The universe is endless, the planets are uncountable, forever It is also endlessly refined, and new high-energy planets are constantly being born, endless. This universe is far greater than those whose brains are flooded in imagination."

Ma Yuan said: "I have reached the Lord of the Thousand Realms, so I can naturally leave, and the Realm King can barely leave, but what about the people under the Realm King? Hundreds of millions of lives are the ants under the Realm King."

Chi Heng sneered and said, "Since you know they are ants, what are you going to care about? Natural selection of things, survival of the fittest, ants should be the life of ants, and death under the depletion of planetary resources is not normal? Good yourself, to find a better planet to survive is the right way."

Yang Qingxuan scolded, "Shut your mouth."

I started to listen to Chi Heng talking about the endless planets and endless lives. It seems to be something like this. When I heard that, I became more and more unable to listen. He said angrily: "Which one is strong, he did not come up step by step from the ant. Is there anyone who is born the Holy Lord and Heavenly King?"

Chi Heng laughed "hehe" twice, with a look of rebelliousness. He obviously did not agree with Yang Qingxuan's views, but he did not want to argue with Yang Qingxuan.

Ma Yuan said, "My lords, save the Cambrian star."

This sentence is from the heart and soul.

Chi Heng smiled and said: "The Cambrian star is unsaved. It has been oppressed by heavy water for three years, and the magnetic fields of both poles have been mutated for three years, and it can no longer be restored to the past. It is still possible to find a way to save you. "

Everyone in Zhengyang Palace was silent and sad.

The Ning Family and Blood Sword Gate only mobilized them to guard the spiritual eye and arrange the things that gave birth to Mu Yuanguo. They didn't tell them the consequences of doing so, but none of them were fools. They had guessed a little bit, but they couldn't be sure.

Listening to Chi Hengyi at this moment, there is no doubt that the moment is certain, and everyone is sad.

Yang Qingxuan asked, "Are the people of the Blood Sword Gate and the Ning Family on the Cambrian Star?"

Ma Yuandao: "The two deputy masters of the Blood Sword Sect have been urging the birth of Mu Yuanguo on the Cambrian Star. The master Gu Liangzi and the Ning family don’t often come, but it seems that some important people have come here recently. It was discovered that the two deputy masters of the Blood Sword Sect had recently stopped all the enjoyment, and looked frequently in the eyes of several spiritual energy."

Xi Chong said: "It's better to get rid of these two deputy masters first, then dig out this so-called big man, and then get rid of them all."

Ma Yuan was shocked: "The strength of the Blood Sword Sect is very powerful. All the sects of the Cambrian Star are under their control. You adults are naturally not afraid of being able to reach the sky, but once a big battle, it will inevitably be a fierce battle."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Ma Yuan is right. We are not familiar with the Cambrian star. Zixia should have more comprehensive information. Let's wait for a while."

Zi Yuan frowned and said, "Although Cambrian Star is big, Miss Seven is good at strength, she should be able to arrive soon after receiving the message, but after so long, what happened?"

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, thinking of this possibility, but also thinking of Zixia's ability to reach the sky. It shouldn't happen. No matter how bad, if you can't win, you can run. I'm afraid it is the thousand realms under the seven stars. Can't stop her from escaping.

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