Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2446: Moths fight the fire, come to kill

Ning Yuhe said: "I always find this matter a bit weird, but I can't tell what's wrong. In short, it's better to be careful."

Ning Tianyin said: "Don't worry, we will fight step by step and fight steadily, and we will definitely win. What's more, the power in my hand, hehe, is not something that Zixia can hold."

Thinking of the one hundred destiny centers, Ning Tianyin's mood was very good, and at the same time he was a little more jealous of the head teacher. He secretly inquired about the identity of the head teacher, but found nothing.

A person who has mastered such terrible astrology alchemy has the power in his hands like the universe that makes people unable to see through. Such a person is silent and has no information.

It is chilling like a ghost wandering in the southern universe.

The killing in the restaurant continued.

The whole city has been bloodied.

Even if he is a fool, he knows that there is a problem, and Che You is furious: "Who is going to deal with us? Damn!"

While protecting Li Hongxiu, he killed the future, and searched the souls of several people. After roughly understanding the situation, he said angrily: "A group of stupid people actually think we are delivering goods. I will send you to the west!"

Turning the palm of his hand, the dragon is mighty, and the entire space is twisted. With a "crash", all the people and things in the void, including time and space, and rules, are all shattered by the shock.

Countless powders floated in the sky, and the world suddenly became quiet.

Che You angrily said: "Go and kill those idiots of the Ning family, dare to provoke us!"

Wei Qing frowned and said, "Is the Ning family really so stupid?"

Che You was taken aback and said, "Why, is there any problem?"

More than ten avenues of escape light galloped in from a distance, and it was in front of you in an instant.

It was Ning Ange and others who looked at the surrounding scenes and was shocked at once, and said, "You, you..."

Wei Qing glanced at them and sneered: "The Ning family is here, I want to see what is going on."

As soon as the figure shook, he arrived in front of Ning An Ge, stretched out his hand and grabbed it.

Ning Ange was horrified, hurriedly slapped out his palms, slapped forward fiercely, and at the same time his body rotated sharply, trying to avoid Wei Qing.

But I found out that everything was in vain.

The full palm of the blow was shattered by the opponent easily, and the aftermath was suppressed by himself. And the five fingers that grabbed the Tianling Gai fell on his head without any problem.

"Hey! You are not a three-star thousand worlds!"

Ning Ange yelled in horror, and felt a sharp pain on the top of his head. Wei Qing's five fingers were like tofu, easily inserted.


Ning Ange screamed, and screamed in grief, "Do you want to search for a four-star...ah..."

Before the words were finished, the divine consciousness was shattered by Wei Qing's power, the soul and light overflowed, and Wei Qing directly violently read the memory.

Ning Tianrui and others were shocked, the whole process was no more than a flash of lightning.

The moment before, he was still aggressive and murderous, and after only one breath, Ning Ange could no longer survive, and was read by his life.

"Damn it! Let go of him!"

Ning Tianrui roared, all the power of the four-star stage of the thousand worlds burst out and reached the peak in an instant, and then with one swipe of both hands, he grabbed a huge golden warrior, countless streamers flashed rapidly, and gathered to the front of the warrior, like one The huge crescent moon was cut to Wei Qing.

In addition, there are four thousand realms and twelve high-level realm kings among the Ning family martial artists. They shot at the same time, and various magical skills, they shot at Wei Qing, wanting to save Ning An Song.

Although it was obvious that Ning Ange was not saved, it was all subconscious shots.

Li Hongxiu said in surprise: "Uncle Che You, hurry up!"

Che You dug his nostrils with his thumb, completely indifferent, and even hummed a small song, "I should be in the rivers and lakes, drink a pot of dirty wine, and look at the deep sadness of the flowers..."

Wei Qing snorted coldly, and a cruel smile rose from the corner of his mouth. The demonic energy in his body burst out. With a "boom", a huge magical shadow appeared behind him, holding a ruling in his hand, and smashed it straight down.


In Ning Tianrui's hands, there was almost no resistance. Even the people and the Ge were split in half, and the dozens of Ning family disciples were buried with them.


The sword qi issued a huge shock in the air, accompanied by splashes of blood and minced meat, extremely tragic.

After the demon shadow slashed, it returned to Wei Qing's body.

Ning'an Ge's soul search has also been completed.

Wei Qing threw Ning'an Ge's body away like trash, and said: "It is indeed an order from the Ning family, which is really strange. The people who traced the Purple God's Palace actually traced our heads. Could it be the Purple God? What happened to the people of the palace deliberately?"

Che You said: "It's really possible."

Li Hongxiu pulled Rachayou's sleeve and said, "In this case, let's run and leave this planet so as not to fall into this matter."


Wei Qing sneered and said coldly: "Dare to set up the game with us, I want to see who the outsider is and how it ends. Go to Ningjia first, clean up these stupid things, and then look for that behind the scenes. People, give them a lesson that will never be remembered."


"Who is coming? Stop!"

Suddenly two golden armored warriors appeared in the void of thousands of miles, each drew out their swords, and shouted: "This place has been turned into a forbidden place by the Ningjia. Give me all..."


Before they could finish their words, their bodies exploded.

Wei Qing and the others appeared in the sky. Wei Qing slapped it with a palm. A hundred meters in front of him, the enchantment brilliance immediately appeared, and he retreated violently.

The light flashed across the sky like ocean waves.

Then there was a "bang", and the entire vast enchantment collapsed.

The disciples of the Ning family in the Great Hall of Glory suddenly felt intimidated, and everyone was astonished. Who dared to break into this place? Could it be that they belonged to the Palace of God? But according to intelligence, the people in the Palace of Gods were still in Mu Lanxing and had not left.

Ning Tianyin glanced at Ning Yuhe.

Ning Yuhe also shook his head, saying that he had not received any information from Mulanxing.

Ning Tianyin said, "Let's go and take a look!"

Ning Ziran's face changed suddenly, and he shouted, "No, they are coming in, so be careful!"

When the voice fell, three figures appeared in the hall.

Everyone recognized that they were three of the people wanted by the entire Ning family.

Ning Tianyin shouted: "Damn! I don't know how high and thick things are, dare to break into my hall and take them for me!"

All the Ning family's middle and high-level people were present, each of them was extraordinary.

How could he tolerate others to intrude so forcefully, immediately screaming one by one, and bombarding three people from all directions.

Che You said: "You are wearing red sleeves."

He stepped forward, raised his hand, and the tyrannical sword aura instantly came out, accompanied by the sound of dragon chants, resounding through the entire hall!

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