Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2452: Peep into the sky, die out, win or lose in one move

"Hey! What is this?!"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback, and found that under the gaze of those eyes, his body was completely suppressed, and he was sinking constantly, as if he was about to fall into the abyss of the universe, never going beyond life.

In front of the **** eyes, Li Hongxiu, with a cold and beautiful complexion, pinched the tactics with one hand, fluttering in white skirt, and shouted in his mouth: "Tianku!"

Yang Qingxuan's body trembled, as if a planet was pressing on him, the trembling blood in his body rolled, and chaotic profound gold flowed out of his skin, showing the fierceness of the immortal body, and fiercely resisted the power of the pupil technique. .

In the eyes of outsiders, the two were simply confronting each other. After Li Hong's sleeves pinched his hands, his eyes opened, and his right eye turned into a blood-red color, shooting out a strange light. However, Yang Qingxuan suddenly yelled, and the person was still standing in place, but his face was painful, and his body was constantly distorted. Then the golden light of the whole body was released, and the power of the immortal body urged to the extreme.

Everyone was full of shock, knowing that Yang Qingxuan had been hit by the pupil technique, they were all nervous and sweaty.

Wei Qing's pupils shrank slightly, staring at the battle between the two.

In fact, apart from the experience of Li Hongxiu, he has another thought. In the Ancient Star Realm that day, he had seen Yang Qingxuan cast his fiery eyes and wanted to know what the relationship between Yang Qingxuan and the owner of that fiery eyes was. Did he acquire this magical power by accident or Is there a master-disciple or inheritance connection between the two?

If it's only accidental, then Yang Qingxuan's value in his eyes is not too great, but if he has a connection with that adult, it will be different.

But until now, the only thing that can show the supernatural powers of that adult is the fiery eyes and golden eyes. Wei Qing is increasingly inclined to believe that Yang Qingxuan only obtained this supernatural power by accident.

"Lao Tzu has always been proud of his spiritual vision and supernatural powers. It is ironic that I am hit by someone else's pupil technique without knowing it."

Yang Qingxuan is full of bitterness and has a Vajra Prajna immortal body, and will not be crushed by Li Hongxiu's pupil technique in the short term, but it will be extremely dangerous in the long run.

My body is still falling down, God knows where the end is

And the most frightening thing is that in the process of falling, the true essence in the body seemed to be swallowed by the void, passing by at a rapid speed.

If you can't break this pupil technique as soon as possible, even if you withstand the terrible pressure of that planet, you will die because of the exhaustion of true essence.

"Fight to the death!"

Yang Qingxuan clenched his teeth fiercely, folded his palms together, his pupils exploded-shot-out of golden light, and stared at the blood pupil in Li Hongxiu's right pupil, and then quickly formed seals with both hands, using all the power in his body.

The downward trend seemed to stabilize a bit, a terrifying force condensed in Yang Qingxuan's palm, spreading out ripples.

Che You's heart was shocked, as if feeling extraordinary, his hands were in cold sweat, and said: "This month pupil is passed to Hongxiu by that stupid Li Yunxiao, and there is Li Yunxiao's power on it, so he won't be defeated?"

Wei Qing said, "This month, the pupil has been practiced by Li Yunxiao several times. It is no longer what it used to be. The red sleeves can’t blend this thing perfectly, and it’s very difficult to run. This should be the final move. The victory or defeat is in this one move, I I don't know what this kid wants to break with."

Zixia listened to their conversation and was frightened. The three of them were indeed friends of the adult who rose from the northern universe 30,000 years ago, and this little Nizi was the daughter of that person. According to legend, that person entered the eternal age. In the Supreme Realm, I don’t know whether it’s true or false. This battle is really nerve-wracking. If Yang Qingxuan loses, then Wei Qing must take the opportunity to kill himself and others. If he wins and hurts Li Hongxiu, he will offend that adult. .

When he was panicking, a terrible aura came from Yang Qingxuan's body, and the sacred mark in his hand changed extremely complicatedly. The ripples spread, and then gathered in the hand, spread again, and gathered again.

With each change, the power has not dissipated, but layered on top of each other.

Zixia's face changed drastically, and she immediately recognized that this was the sixth chapter of the Heavenly God Art passed to him by Yang Qingxuan, Mahayana is boundless!

Wei Qing and Che You were also moved. They also saw that Yang Qingxuan was using a method to instantly increase strength, which was very difficult.

Li Hongxiu's face changed slightly, the pupil in his right eye flashed, and a large golden light appeared in the pupil, and every golden light turned into a golden mark, densely covering the entire moon pupil space.

Che You was surprised: "That's the trick... Did Hong Xiu feel such an urgent pressure..."

In that moon pupil, a line of blood and tears actually shed, sliding down Li Hongxiu's white face, but the expression in his eyes was extremely clear, with a glow of hot light.

Li Hongxiu shouted: "Look into the sky, God will die!"


The moon pupil suddenly opened, and the countless gold seals inside appeared mixed with blood. In the entire deep space, everything was annihilated in an instant, all turned into the most primitive elements, and everything was disillusioned and perished under this pupil.

Yang Qingxuan was horrified, and he clearly felt that his body was beginning to break apart, turning into a little element to disperse, so scared that his soul was scattered, he hurriedly stacked the Mahayana to the extreme.

Then he roared, his hands were sealed again, and countless golden runes, like a star ring, generally turned around, blasting out.

"Three thousand seals in the same sky!"


The magical trick is bombarded with these thousands of seals.

The warriors all around retreated in horror, lest they were affected by this terrible move.

Zixia was even more shocked, and Yang Qingxuan was awarded the title of King of Glory by comprehending this trick.

This trick evolved on the basis of the Three Thousand Ways. It is no longer a simple simulating avenue trick. Under the integration of Yang Qingxuan's power of the avenue, it represents the avenue itself.

Che You said horribly: "Daofa?!"

Wei Qing also lost his voice: "It's impossible!"

With Yang Qingxuan's move, the abyss and deep space in front of him were all shattered under the three thousand magic seals, and the force that wanted to melt oneself was severely blocked by this move.

A hint of panic appeared in Li Hongxiu's left eye, and a sharp pain came from his right eye. With a scream of "Ah", he spouted a mouthful of blood. He had been injured by the backlash and injured the meridians. The vitality in his body plummeted, and he hurriedly shouted : "Brother Qingxuan, I lost."

Then he covered his right eye with his hand, blood flowing out of his fingers.

The white skirt was also printed with many blood stains, like plum blossoms.

Cha You hurried forward, and when his figure shook, he performed a big shift technique, moved Li Hongxiu from the place to his side, and cared: "Is Hongxiu okay?" At the same time, he stared at Yang Qingxuan and roared: "Damn boy, unexpectedly. The start is so heavy!"

Li Hongxiu also covered his eyes, shook his head and said: "It's okay, it's not about Brother Qingxuan, it's because I am inferior to my skills and defeated."

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