Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2455: The Battle of Qing Lan Star (2)

After the knife light, a figure appeared, it was Ning Yuhe, a long silver-gray knife in his hand, exuding a gruesome brilliance, and a snow-white dragon on the handle, shining brightly.

Zixia said: "It is actually Ning Yuhe who is in charge of the Ningjia Intelligence Department. Interesting, I am now very entangled whether to kill you."

Ning Yuhe frowned and said, "What are these words?" Then he sneered, "Could it be that you didn't like me?"

Zixia shook her head and said, "Of course not. With you, the Ning family's intelligence can be maintained at a low IQ level. If you kill you, the Ning family will change individuals at will, and the Intelligence Department will become more powerful at once, which is not good for us. ."

"Ah, let's kill!"

Ning Yuhe trembled with anger, and said angrily: "This time you used the knife to kill someone, right?"

Zixia smiled and said: "It's weird, why didn't those three kill you all?"

Ning Yuhe shuddered when he thought of the three people, and then a huge shame came to his heart, his face turned purple with anger, and he roared, "I killed you, bitch!"

With a sway of the demon knife in his hand, he slashed towards Zixia.

Zixia didn't dare to be careless, the other party was also a powerhouse at the six-star pinnacle.

Both of them are the pinnacle powerhouses. Once they played against each other, they were all shrouded in the shadow of the sword and light sword.

All the warriors hurriedly dispersed to the distance so as not to be affected.

The manipulator of the earth hand pinched the tactics with both hands and shouted, "Earth Dragon Technique!"

"Boom", the huge earth hand suddenly collapsed and burst into pieces, turning into thousands of earth dragons, shuttled through the air, and each earth dragon was possessed by gods, chasing the enemy to attack.

When Yang Qingxuan's figure flashed, he appeared in front of Qianli, his hands were sealed and turned into an eternally burning body, and huge pillars of fire appeared in all directions. In front of Yang Qingxuan, a huge steamer with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers was spinning, becoming more and more vigorous.

When the earth dragon rushed into the realm of fire, Yang Qingxuan gave a soft cry, and the fire wheel disintegrated at once, turned into thousands of fire dragons, heading on.

"Boom! Boom!"

The power of the two elements intertwined and collided in the void, blasting the sky full of holes, full of red fire and gray soil.

This earth element manipulator has a three-star thousand realm elementary cultivation base, crushing Yang Qingxuan in the realm, but the elemental power of the earth element is obviously not as good as the ancient Yan of Shanheng.

Therefore, the two supernatural powers collided, and the earth manipulator only slightly gained the upper hand. He frowned, staring at the person in front of him, and suddenly said, "Are you Yang Qingxuan?"

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Unexpectedly I am so famous?"

The man laughed angrily: "Haha, it is indeed very famous. You can be more famous when you die today, and at the same time fulfill my name of Ning frivolous! Yang Qingxuan, come and die, become the pinnacle of this universe. Stepping stones!"

Ning frivolously rushed forward, and his body turned into a rock, then decomposed into powder, which floated directly in the air, disappearing without a trace.

Yang Qingxuan was alert and sneered: "Many times, things can be eaten randomly, but you can't talk nonsense. If you make a mistake, you will die!" Take out Indra, hold it in his hand, and enter the defense state.

Because for the element manipulator, the power of the slashing weapon of Tianxu is limited, and a wide range of attacks must be used to explode all the five elements!

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, and he immediately caught the trace of Ning frivolous. Within a hundred feet of his body, he lurked in an extremely mysterious way, seeming to be a sneak attack.

Yang Qingxuan was slightly shocked. Although this Ning frivolous name was arrogant and strong enough, he was bold and careful. Even if he was one star higher than himself, he would use this sneak attack method. He was an extremely powerful and ruthless character.

Yang Qingxuan squeezed Indra with both hands and poured his true essence in a little bit. At the same time, his body slowly petrified, turning into the second stage of the Divine Desolate Ancient Star Body, expanding and growing.

Huo Jing Jin Jing swept away vigilantly in all directions, pretending to be on guard and searching, his body turned from time to time, and a circle of earthen ring was released around it to protect himself, looking like he was guarding against possible attacks at any time.

Ning frivolous seemed to be stunned in the dark, the lurking paused for a while, and then slowly sneaked over, obviously becoming more careful.

Yang Qingxuan turned around slowly in the air with alertness, and every step he took was boosting his body's strength. Ning frivolously thought that the earth ring was a body protector. In fact, it was Yang Qingxuan's release to conceal his strength and avoid being The opponent captured the peak breath.

After Ning frivolously sneaked into the ten-foot range, he stopped suddenly, and then he burst into shocking weather. When he reached his peak, he had to perform a mortal trick, but in an instant, his face changed wildly and he found Yang Qingxuan's location. , Movements, strength, and moves are all inexplicably perfect, as if these factors are inseparable.

And Yang Qingxuan's fiery eyes and golden eyes instantly exploded-two sharp rays of brilliance, the surrounding earth ring cracked, and the aura of the peak surged out.

Yang Qingxuan shouted, Indra exploded with breathtaking power, and hit Ning frivolous head fiercely!


Ning frivolously frightened, the terrifying earth element was stronger than the aura on his body, and he roared in fright: "So you have been pretending! Damn it!"

The peak breath had just exploded, and before he had time to perform a certain kill, he felt the danger of death, and hurriedly put his hands in front of him and blocked his head.


Indra's upper nine rings vibrated, revealing phantoms of the planet one after another, hitting Ning frivolous hands fiercely, blasting those hands directly into powder.

Then Dhara went down and shattered most of Ning's frivolous body. The power on the Nine Rings continued to rotate and oscillate, shattering the rest of the body into ashes.

A wisp of dust swayed in the air a few times before hurriedly drifting away.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden eyes, showing a sneer. He raised his hand and threw out the seal of the dynasty, and a touch of golden light radiated away, covering the dust.

"Impossible! You can't kill me, I'm Samsung Thousand Realms!"

Ning's frivolous and angry roar came from within the dust, which constantly turned into a whirlpool, contending with the brilliance of the dynasty seal.

Yang Qingxuan raised his hand to make a tactical seal and flew into the seal.

Suddenly, the golden seal became several times larger and pressed down.


A heart-piercing scream came from the dust covered by the golden light, and then it calmed down.

Yang Qingxuan put away the seal of the Dynasty at once, and some Ning frivolous relics, storage elements and the like, naturally put away the impertinence.

Being able to kill such a three-star Thousand Worlds, there is a great element of luck in it.

Yang Qingxuan took a few pills to restore his strength, then picked up the halberd and rushed into the nearby battlefield.

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