Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2459: Battle of Kings (1)

Guzha squinted his eyes and smiled, "Master Tianyin, why are you so embarrassed?"

Ning Tianyin said embarrassingly: "This **** has a lot of tricks, Brother Guza quickly help me turn defeat into victory."

Guzha shook his head and said: "This is a matter between you, I will not mix."

Ning Tianyin was anxious and said hurriedly: "Brother Guza, all conditions are easy to negotiate!"

Zixia seemed to have heard the relationship between the two. It was not an old iron, but an interest-driven one, and she immediately said with joy: "This lord, how much Ning Tianyin gave out, I doubled out of the Purple God Palace."

Guza smiled and said, "Haha, really? So I'm going to get rich?"

Zixia cast a wink and said with a smile: "Hehe, of course it is true. As the old saying goes, the rich depend on diligence, and the rich depend on the sky. Now is the time for adults to get rich."

Ning Tianyin saw the two chatting well, sweating anxiously, and said loudly: "My lord has forgotten the friendship and trust that we have brought from various exchanges?"

There was a slight threat between the words, and he deliberately put a heavy tone on "all kinds of transactions", which means that those hidden transactions, be careful I expose it to you.

Guzha smiled and said: "Naturally I have not forgotten, so today I am not moved by profit, and no amount of money will help them. Of course, I am not interested in helping you. I am here for something interesting."

Yu Wenzhan was already impatient, and said: "There is no end? Are you going to waste all my precious time on this rubbish?" With a cold look, he shot-towards Yang Qingxuan, and said one word: "The purpose of my trip, It’s a formal challenge to you. Get out and die quickly. I’m going to waste time again!"


The whole audience was taken aback, their eyes all looked at Yang Qingxuan, as if they understood something.

Yuwenzhan is one of the six kings of the southern universe, and Yang Qingxuan is the King of Glory. He is still above the King. He is hailed as the first talented person throughout the ages by the Master of Deep.

I don’t know if it’s the first person throughout the ages, but throughout the ages, the reputation of “first” has always caused endless trouble.

The six kings are all talented and arrogant, how can they tolerate someone stepping on their heads, and Yuwen fights to attract the battle, it is all reasonable.

Guzha said: "My purpose here is to watch the duel between two peerless geniuses. As for other things, I have no interest at all. You can rest on the spot and watch the battle together, but no one should take the opportunity to leave. Don’t disturb the duel, otherwise I’ll stop blaming me for being rude.”

Zixia cursed: "Yang Qingxuan has fought again and again. At this moment, the true essence is exhausted, and the internal injury is in the body. Yuwen fights you at this time to challenge, do you want to face?

Yu Wenzhan sneered and said: "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and recover, I'll wait for you for three days. After three days, I will never die."

Everyone changed their faces again, and said in shock: "Life and death?"

Yuwen Zhan said: "It is the battle of life and death. This time there is you without me, and I without you. Under the sky of the southern universe, there are only six kings, and no glory kings."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "I see, it's no wonder that you brought all your wives. It turned out to be a goodbye and collect your body for you. Tsk tsk, it's a pity that these beautiful women will soon become widows."

The wives of Yu Wenzhan were full of anger, pointing at Yang Qingxuan in the air and shouting. Feng Xuanxuan's complexion was calm, her eyes stared at her, her eyes filled with complex colors.

Yuwen Zhan was even more furious, and Guza hurriedly calmed down: "Don't be angry, and behead him in front of everyone later, so you won't be happy to fulfill your reputation."

Yu Wenzhan calmed down, but the murderous aura on his face remained undiminished.

Yang Qingxuan said coldly: "A joke, do I have a challenge? Challenge when you say challenge, what are you? I let you eat -S, do you eat?"

Guza smiled and said: "You have to fight this battle, or you have to fight if you don't fight, otherwise I will take your life directly. In this space, if I want to take your life, I am afraid that no one can stop it, right?"

Yang Qingxuan's expression changed, and Zixia's expression was also extremely ugly.

The cultivation base of the Seven Stars peak was indeed unstoppable except for Wei Qing and Che You who were hidden in the dark light curtain.

Guzha said: "Recover your wounds with peace of mind, and you will win a final three days later. As long as you win, I will pat my **** and leave. I will never interfere with the troubles of you and the Ning family, and I will never touch you. ."

Yang Qingxuan had no choice but to challenge.

Start sitting cross-breathing right now.

Zixia and others were shocked and angry, but the situation was stronger than others, and they could only endure it. After the battle was over, they would go to Yuwen's house to ask for an explanation.

Zixia asked: "Are you sure of this battle?"

Yang Qingxuan replied: "He is a four-star thousand realm beginner, how can I be sure."

Zixia said, "Is that sure to die?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "I let the ghost hide in the second soul. As long as I am not noticed, I should be able to kill him."

Zixia said: "Difficult. That Yuwen Guzha is the pinnacle of the seven stars. It is not easy to hide from his eyes. You delay as much as possible. I have secretly sent a message back. My mother will send a master soon, and it will take five days at the earliest Arrived. After three days, you find a way to delay for another two days."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked, and arrived here from the Luofu realm. They spent half a month, and of course they stopped and went along the way and cleaned up some Ning family forces. But arriving in five days is already a terrifying speed.

Zixia said: "And you must remember that if you use the power of that ghost repair, you must not kill Yuwenzhan, otherwise the trouble will be big."

Yang Qingxuan understood that they were fighting against the Ning Family. If they killed Yuwen Zhan, it would be equivalent to directly pushing the Yuwen Family to the opposite side. He sent a big helper to the Ning Family. He immediately replied, "I know."

Then he calmed down and sat cross-legged to practice.

Qixingsu also understood that there would be a difficult battle soon, all of which were desperately restoring strength, so that his energy reached its peak, and that he could give Yang Qingxuan the greatest help.

Che You frowned and said: "The early stage of the two-star thousand realms is too mysterious to the early stage of the four-star thousand realms. If it is an ordinary four-star thousand realm beginner, there may be a glimmer of hope, but the four-star kid is also extremely talented. Ah, what do they say is one of the six kings?"

Wei Qing said, "Do you still remember the battle at Shanhailou."

Che You stunned: "Naturally remember that at the beginning, Li Yunxiao was suppressed by the owner of Shanhailou in the two illusions of the end of the mountains and rivers and the sea and the sky, and almost died in it. As a result, he was blessed in disguise and realized that he reached a higher realm, broke through to the seven-star thousand realms, and killed himself. The bronze building at the peak of the Seven Stars."

Wei Qing nodded and said, "Yang Qingxuan's battle is as difficult as Li Yunxiao's battle."

Che You frowned. Although Li Yunxiao was of the same level as the killer, but above the seven stars, it is difficult to leapfrog to the sky. Although Yang Qingxuan is at two stars, he has to cross two stars to challenge. It is even more difficult to speak of. Above the battle of Yunxiao.

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