Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2462: Battle of Kings (4)

Powerful people above a thousand realms have seen the second soul faintly emerging from Yang Qingxuan's body, especially the people from the Purple God's Palace and the Jiang family. They had already shown their power in the previous battle with Li Hongxiu.

The second soul's hand pinched the seal of the Jue, and screamed, the broken flames suddenly lighted up, and suddenly gathered into the palm of the palm.

It is the trick of Baiyan flashy.

Under the operation, all the flames were compressed, and quickly condensed into the third stage of the source of fire-Jingye Tianhuo, held by the hands of the second soul, and then screamed, "Immortal Art of Imperial Fire!"


The entire fireball exploded and shot away, turning into a circle of red glow, surrounding Yang Qingxuan's body.

The temperature between heaven and earth rose to the extreme in an instant.

But after Yang Qingxuan's deity shook a circle, he raised his hand and condensed his palm, and slammed into the sky.



The terrifying power of Jingye Tianhuo instantly blended into this move, turning into a red glow, soaring to the sky, breaking the sea-changing move.

Yuwenzhan said in shock: "Not good!"

With Yang Qingxuan's mastery of time and space, he could almost insert needles, as long as he had room to drill, he hurriedly shook his figure and slashed towards the gap with Zhan Ge in his hand.


The gap was directly exploded by Zhan Ge, and the void collapsed and turned into a cosmic abyss. The space on all sides burst open and was sucked into it twisted.

It can be seen the terrible blow and the anger of Yuwenzhan.

But where is the shadow of Yang Qingxuan?

After Yang Qingxuan displayed the Babu Yichengdu, the deity turned into an eternally burning body, integrated into this move, and rushed out the moment it broke the tide of Kaihuahai. Any remedy after the Yuwen war is of no avail.

Yang Qingxuan's real body appeared thousands of miles away, half of his body was full of blood, and his chest was violently up and down, grabbing a handful of pills and swallowing it into his stomach.

Looking at the abyss that was cut out by Yi Ge, I couldn't help but feel scared for a while.

If you take a step slower, even if you transform into an eternal body, as long as you don't possess the body and come out in the Babu Yichengdu, I am afraid that it has been blown by that trick.

Zixia and others all breathed a sigh of relief, but their faces were still very ugly.

Although Yang Qingxuan continued to turn danger into bargaining, showing super coping ability, he was always at a disadvantage, and it was an absolute disadvantage, and there was no power to fight back.

Wei Qing couldn't help sighing, and said: "It's really a genius who is hard to see, but it's a pity that the realm is so different, how can you win?"

"Are you planning to flee like this for a lifetime? Don't you even have the courage to face me head-on? How about honoring the king, I bah!"

Yu Wenzhan scowled and scolded.

Finally, he suppressed the opponent with the "Huahai" trick. As long as he fights against the violent loss of true essence at any cost, he will eventually be able to crush Yang Qingxuan's crushed body.

Unexpectedly, he still fell short, and his teeth were itchy.

Yang Qingxuan cursed back: "Are you crazy? I blocked you from the beginning. You said I was presumptuous, but now I don't stop it, and you said I dare not stop it. Saying it horizontally and vertically, you are reasonable. Silly-D."

"Ah! Die!"

Yuwenzhan was furious, and when he rushed forward, he rushed up, still a trick to transform the sea.

The endless golden light envelops all the tens of thousands of miles and is still expanding. It is to trap Yang Qingxuan in at all costs.

Naturally, Yang Qingxuan will not repeat the side, and desperately flees forward.

Yuwenzhan said angrily: "Stop going!"

After one move, it turned into a escape and chased up.

Both of them are strong, and disappeared in front of everyone in a flash. Seeing everyone looking at each other, they both said in their hearts: "Just left?"

As soon as the thought came up, they saw the flash of escape again, and the two fleeed back one after another.

Yang Qingxuan was in front, turning into a red glow, rushing into the atmosphere of Qinglan Star with a "bang", turning into a fireball, and crashing into the ground.


Shocked huge dust and flames.

Yu Wenzhan stopped his body and stared fiercely at the front. In the big pit that fell out, there was a figure of Yang Qingxuan, a passage went straight into the ground, and it was bottomless.

Yuwenzhan raised Zhange and stabbed.

A golden beam shot out and plunged into the abyss.

Then there was a huge shock inside, and the whole planet was shaking.

Yu Wenzhan frowned. The sound channel was not very deep, and it was conducted to the left. It seemed that Yang Qingxuan hid himself by using the planet as a cover.

He used his spiritual eyes and supernatural powers and looked at the earth.

But after thousands of miles in depth, the spiritual sense and gaze were blocked by the planet's own spiritual veins, plus the interference of the planet's own magnetic field, it was impossible to catch Yang Qingxuan at all.

Yu Wenzhan really changed his face. It would be extremely difficult to find Yang Qingxuan.

Zixia was overjoyed and praised in her heart: "Really a genius! Hidden in the innermost star core layer, Yuwenzha can't find it unless it splits the planet. In this way, as long as two days are passed, when my deity arrives, it will I want him and this Guza to look good. If you don't fan them into pig heads, my old lady will not be the king of gods!"

Although a thousand realm powerhouses can split the stars and the moon, they are all exaggerated.

It is not difficult to injure the nucleus of a small planet, let it enter the five decays of heaven and man, and fend for itself.

But if you want to split a planet in half, a smaller one might be possible. A behemoth like Qinglan Star is undoubtedly a foolish dream.

Maybe Seven Star Thousand Realms can do it, but Yuwenzhan obviously can't.

Just when Yuwen's fighting spirit was mad, and he didn't know what to do, there was a violent vibration from the ground on the surface of Qinglan Star, and then a series of earth-type dragons burst out of the ground and attacked him wildly.


Everyone is unbelievable, Yang Qingxuan finally hides, why is he so stupid, borrowing the earth element to attack, and finally revealing his deeds?

"Hahahaha! I laughed to death, is this the wisdom of the King of Glory? Let's see how you die this time!"

Yu Wenzhan shook his body abruptly, and burst out a few tyrannical rays of light from his body, smashing all the earth-based dragons, and he himself rushed into the earth for the first time, lifting his sword to where Yang Qingxuan was. Hack away.


An extremely deep scar immediately appeared on the surface of the planet, causing the surface to crack thousands of miles away.

Everyone hurriedly stared at the past, and found that under the huge dust, there were no two figures. They were afraid that they had gone underground without knowing how far and remote.

Huge energy fluctuations waved from the inside of the planet, full of the breath of Yuwenzhan, and at the same time let everyone know his coordinates.

Zixia took a sharp breath, and said in secret, "Is it because I want to bring Yuwenzhan in, use the planet as a cover, and let the ghost repair kill Yuwenzhan?"

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