Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2467: Not life or death, the curtain falls

Zixia said: "It's fine if you are satisfied, isn't your lord a member of the Yuwen family?"

Guzha said: "Naturally, it's just that Yuwenzhan wants to challenge Yang Qingxuan, so I will come to watch the battle. Tsk tsk, it's really unexpected. Four stars vs. two stars, they are dead, and the king is back. Pooh, what a shame.

All the wives of Yu Wenzhan had ugly faces, biting their lips and biting blood with hatred.

Zixia smiled and said: "It turns out that I am not a member of the Yuwen family. I am also very excited after watching such an extraordinary battle. I don't know if Master Guza is free. Let's have a few drinks and talk together later? "

Zixia smiled like a spring breeze, very charming.

Guzha laughed and said: "Haha, no more, can't I guess the thoughts of the fairy? I am afraid that the master of the palace of the gods is already on the way. The fairy wants to keep me, and then let me eat- S right? Hahahaha, I still know that I have a hard time. If it is the Purple Heart God King, then it is not a drink, it is really going to eat -S. No way, I want to leave now. Zixia Fairy, let's not change the green hills, the green water will flow long, see you next time."

Seeing that he saw through her mind, Zixia's smiling face immediately turned into ice, her eyes full of anger.

Guzha said, "By the way, I'll remind the fairy before leaving. Don't think that only the masters of God's Palace are here, Ning Tianyin and the others are not idle."

Ning Tianyin's complexion changed drastically, and he said in anger, "Guza...you dare to betray me, you must die!"

Guzha smiled and said: "Brother Tianyin, you, you, are just like Fairy Zixia. Don't take care of the present and think about what will happen in the future? It is enough to live well now. Similarly, Qingshan will not change. The green water flows long, let’s see you next time. Oh, yes, I should never see you again. Then I’m here to congratulate Brother Tianyin on his easy walking on Huangquan Road, hahahaha."

He laughed and turned around, took a step, and disappeared into the void.

Zixia was shocked, and she immediately understood why Yang Qingxuan wanted to attack Yuwenzhan. It turned out that she considered that the Ning family would also have a strong person coming.

The murderous spirit was very high, and he shouted: "Kill! Kill all the dog thieves of the Ning family!"

The palace of the Purple God, the warriors of the Jiang family, and the warriors of the Ning family all recovered from their shock one by one before they realized their own situation.

At the moment, the Ning family warrior still had the mind to fight, and he hurried away in fright.

The Purple God Palace and the warriors of the Jiang Family desperately caught up.

Just now, Yang Qingxuanli carried Yuwen in a battle, and they saw their blood boiled and thrilled. At this moment, their fighting spirit expanded to the extreme, and they rushed with murderous aura.

The entire battle of Qing Lan Xing, in fact, has already come to an end, but Gu Zha forcibly inserted a space war in, at this moment it is just a continuation of the previous end.

After the two factions had gone through a few days of rest, most of them had recovered to their peaks, and the fight was suddenly earth-shattering, but the Ning family still couldn't restore the previous defeat.

Ning Tianyin didn't even fight anymore, just ran away vaguely, wanting to reunite with the strong man who came from the Ning family. How could the people of God's Palace and Jiang's family make him wish, desperately pursued.

Luo Tinglan came to Zixia's side and said, "I'll take care of him. Go and kill the enemy. End the battle sooner."

Zixia frowned, stared at Luo Tinglan for a while, and said, "Well, you are a member of the Shi Clan. It should be most appropriate to protect him with your strength."

Luo Tinglan drew a circle with both hands in the air, and a trace of blue release power flowed out of the body and merged into the body along Yang Qingxuan's body.

After quickly ascertaining Yang Qingxuan's condition, Luo Tinglan opened his mouth wide in surprise, and said in a daze: "This, this..."

Zixia sighed: "I don't know what's going on or what to do, you protect him."

After speaking, he resolutely turned and entered the battlefield.

All the anger and emotions in his heart were vented on the martial artist of the Ning family, and suddenly screams were heard everywhere.

An elder of the Feng family said to Feng Xuanxuan: "Yuwen died in the battle, and things have become a big deal, Xuan Xuan, will you follow me back to Feng's house or..."

Feng Xuanxuan pondered, and said, "If I go back to the Feng's house at this moment, it will make people gossiping. I will go back to Yuwen's family and take the news back to see how Yuwen's family handles this matter.

The elder of the Feng family sighed, full of worry, and said: "Originally because of Yuwen war, we married you, the proud girl of heaven, and also made friends with the Yuwen family. Now Yuwen is dead. The future of the Yuwen family is not as bright as previously thought, and the Yuwen family is afraid that they will definitely avenge Yuwenzhan. The situation becomes more complicated. You must be careful when you go back."

Feng Xuanxuan sighed: "Thanks to the elder's concern, I understand."

With that, she glanced at the three elders and then at the expressionless wind drifting. She also knew the wind drifting. She bowed deeply, and then turned to look at Yang Qingxuan, full of complex colors. Said to a group of sisters: "Let's go back, the husband is dead, this matter will inevitably shake the world, we must quickly bring the news back."

All of Yu Wenzhan's other wives were worried, but no one was crying. They were just deeply worried and began to consider their own future and destiny.

The three factions of the Purple God Palace, the Jiang Family, and the Ning Family fought against each other. No one took care of Feng Xuanxuan and the others. The group came like a spring dream and went like a morning dew, and they were all gone quickly.

The tragic battle continues.

The four members of the Feng Family were facing each other in the sky. They were originally in a fight, but now the situation is settled and there is no need to fight. Just check each other.

Li Hongxiu worried: "Do you think Brother Qingxuan will die?"

Wei Qing said: "It's hard to say. The one who blocked Yuwenzhan's attack in the end should be a relic. Although the soul is preserved, it is really hard to say whether it can survive. If it is in the upper realm, your father must have it. Ways to save him. The natural resources and the treasures in this world are not enough, I am afraid it is extremely difficult.

Li Hongxiu said anxiously, "What should I do?"

Wei Qing hummed: "What do you do? What's up with you? After watching the fun, let's go."

Li Hongxiu was anxious and refused to leave.

Wei Qing waved his sleeves and wrapped her up, and the three of them disappeared directly under the black light curtain. From beginning to end, no one found their existence.

Half a day later, the entire Qinglan Star Wars came to an end.

Thousands of powerful Ning family, Ning Tianyin, Ning Yuhe and others, including the vassal sect of Ning family, hundreds of thousands of martial artists, were all killed. Only Ning Ziran, who was an elementary Seven Star, was seriously injured and escaped.

Although it is a pity to escape a Seven-Star Thousand Realm, the results of this battle are already extraordinary. If you want to force a Seven-Star Thousand Realm to stay, the casualties will be more than doubled.

So let Ning Ziran escape.

And if the Ning family's reinforcements arrive, God knows what troubles will arise.

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