Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2469: Helpless

"Huh? Yuwenzhan is that stupid really dead?"

In the Zhu family domain.

Zhu Beichen looked at the information in his hand, with a surprised look on his face, constantly turning into solemn and shocked, "How can this be..."

Zhu Family Patriarch, Zhu Yutian, one of the eight domain kings, also looked solemn and said: "Although Yuwenzhan is arrogant, he has arrogant capital, and he specializes in one kind of magical powers and weapons. The strength is extremely tyrannical. Thousands of realms are possible. Now it was actually killed by Yang Qingxuan, a two-star elementary level. This means that Yang Qingxuan can kill five-star thousand realms."

Zhu Beichen said: "Ha, ha ha, is this possible? It's too absurd." Although his face was smiling, his flesh was very stiff, and it looked extremely ugly under the strong laugh.

Zhu Yutian said: "Of course it is impossible under normal circumstances."

Zhu Beichen said: "The king is impossible."

Zhu Yutian said: "But he is the King of Glory."

Zhu Beichen hummed: "Since the ages, I have never heard of a King of Glory. Doesn't the Patriarch think that this is the mystery created by the Qianqiu Fantasy Realm? It's better not to believe it credulously."

Zhu Yutian said: "I didn't believe it before."

Zhu Beichen stunned: "Then believe it now? Just because of this absurd battle? Maybe Yuwen Zhan was injured before, or Yuwen Zhan was too underestimated and his brain was twitched, or Yang Qingxuan's equipment is so powerful that he took it against the sky. Pills, and so on, are all possible for various reasons. To say that the two of them played a fair fight, they were all in their peak state to achieve this result, I don't believe it."

Zhu Yutian said: "Since it is a Yuwen warfare to challenge, it is naturally at the peak state. And it is a sudden challenge, Yang Qingxuan has no preparations. Beichen, don't be too superstitious about your talents, know that there are people outside the world, and there are heaven outside the sky. Even me, I dare not claim to be invincible, nor do I dare not put the people of the world in my eyes."

Zhu Beichen said: "I know. I will continue to investigate this matter. Unless Yang Qingxuan shows strength in front of me, I refuse to believe it."

Zhu Yutian frowned and said, "You should stay in the family and concentrate on practicing. The six kings have become the five kings. I don't want to become the four kings and the three kings in the future."

Zhu Beichen was frightened and said: "Patriarch thinks Yang Qingxuan can kill me?"

Zhu Yutian said: "I don't know, but you must not provoke him. This is an order, if you dare to defy, expel the family!"

Zhu Beichen was furious, but he didn't dare to disobey. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yes!"


Yang Qingxuan's killing of Yuwenzhan caused a huge shock among several kings, and everyone inside and outside the domain was talking about it.

If it weren't for tens of thousands of people to see it with their own eyes, and there are seven-star thousand realms present, no one would believe it.

Killing a four-star with two stars is already impossible. Besides, killing a four-star king is tantamount to killing an ordinary five-star thousand realms.

In the realm of Thousand Realms, killing people across three stars is not only unheard of, there is no such record even in history.

Yang Qingxuan finally began to formally enter the eyes of the major sects, and placed it in an extremely important position.

When the King of Glory was obtained before, the major sects were only surprised and surprised. They didn't think that the King of Glory was anything special. At most, it was about the same as the Six Kings. No matter how strong it was, it was at best lost.

Because the talent of the Six Kings is the strongest talent that can be measured in the ages.

But now Yang Qingxuan used the two-star Thousand Realm Elementary to kill Yuwen and the four-star Thousand Realm Elementary, finally causing a huge earthquake in the entire Muhai area.

The shock was strong, far above the defeat of the Ning family.

Luofu has entered a state of high alert.

The powerhouses of Qingsheng, Lanying, and Baifu were also dispatched to Wuyu City and sneaked into the void to maintain the safety of Wuyu City.

Palace of the Purple God.

A secret room.

Yang Qingxuan lay quietly on the Baoyu bed, the gentle brilliance gently penetrated into his skin, nourishing his body. But within the body was Wan Lai's silence, without a trace of true essence flowing.

Hong Xiao, Zi Xin, Qing Sheng, Lan Ying, Bai Fu, etc., as well as almost half of the powerhouses of the Protoss, some masters of the Jiang family, and Yang Qingxuan’s friends, a total of more than 100 people, all gathered together, frowning lock.

Hong Xiao said: "Yang Qingxuan should be able to save his life by relying on the relic in his body. But we all know nothing about the relic's ability and what state it will enter. It's rare. I have read many ancient books, but there are only a few pieces of records."

Qing Sheng said: "Furthermore, Yang Qingxuan's cultivation technique and supernatural powers are too messy and complicated. Now the body is completely empty, and I don't know what the situation is, even whether it is life or death."

"It must be alive!"

Zi Yuan said anxiously: "Brother Qingxuan has a holy spirit contract with us. If something goes wrong, we will die."

Qing Sheng said: "Then can you perceive his vitality?"

All the seven stars frowned, Zi Yuan thought for a moment, and said: "I can't perceive it, but it's faint, it seems there is something like nothing."

Qing Sheng said: "That's right, he is not alive or dead at the moment, it is difficult to judge whether he lives or not."

Zi Yuan was stunned. Isn't this state of life and death broken, and hurriedly said: "Then what should I do?"

Hong Xiao said: "There is no way for now. We are looking for a way while waiting to see if there will be new changes."

Qing Sheng said: "This is the only way. I hope that there will be no deterioration in the process of waiting, even if the status quo is maintained."

Everyone has a heavy heart.

If Yang Qingxuan was dead, then the battle against the Ning family would seem meaningless.

Luo Tinglan said: "Although my Shi Zhili seems to react very weakly to him, it is at least harmless. Let me use Shi Zhili to guard him and observe his changes from time to time."

Hong Xiao said: "It's so good."

Jiang Yueliu said: "I have sent someone back to Jiang's house to ask the two ruling adults for help."

Chi Heng said, "I also sent someone to send a message to the Star Refiners Association."

Zi Xin said: "Everyone wants to think of a way. If there are any channels and feasible ways, you may wish to try it. As long as Yang Qingxuan can survive, this seat will have its own reward."

Everyone said: "The King of God is too far-sighted."

The first time we got together was so fruitless, everyone went back to find a way.

Only Luo Tinglan, Wu Qiyue and other women, and Ji Beiye, Xi Chong and other friends stayed behind, and seemed to not want to leave.

Zi Xin said: "There is no need for so many people to stay." After thinking about it, he said, "Luo Tinglan and Ziyuan stay. You one has the power of release, you can safely observe Yang Qingxuan's state, and the other is his star. Slightly sense his state."

//No more today, good night everyone.

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