Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2476: Amnesia for too long, breakthroughs one after another

Xuan Tianji looked at Zi Xin and found that Zi Xin had already turned her face away. The five **** kings all turned around and pretended to die.

Xuan Tianji said angrily: "You..."

"Ahem, kid, don't care too much about being a man. It's just a pill, eat it after you eat it... it's not that big..."

Hong Xiao turned around and said earnestly, but he was taken aback, and then his face changed suddenly.

Just when the five **** kings turned around, Xuantianji and Huang Ting had disappeared in place and disappeared.

The other four **** kings also sensed something and suddenly turned around.

Zi Xin said in shock: "No! I've been recruited!"

Lan Ying's face was gloomy, and she said coldly: "This kid must be a ghost, otherwise why avoid us like this?"

On the day of Wu Deshun and his party, Xuantian Ji destroyed his and Yu Xinghen's cooperation, and he was already murderous. If it weren't for the special circumstances of this place, I'm afraid it would have already killed someone.

Qing Sheng said, "It's not easy for this person to slip away silently under the eyes of the five of us."

Bai Fu said: "And also took away one person."

Zi Xin stomped fiercely, and hummed: "What the **** is the sky star field? There are some weird people!"


A corner in the city of Wuyu.

Xuantianji, Huang Ting, and Honglin stood opposite each other.

Xuan Tianji smiled and said, "Master Hong Lin won't return to the Spring House, will he?"

Hong Lin said, "Naturally, I can't go back."

Huang Ting said, "Why don't you just follow us? Hehe." He has seen Honglin's methods. If this woman is by his side, he will be more confident about dealing with Tianyu in the future.

Hong Lin said, "No, I want to stay in the realm of Luofu."

There is a strange field energy in the Luofu realm, which has a strong blessing effect on the blood of the gods. And Wuyu City is one of the places with the highest potential in Luofu.

Protoss is looking for her all over the world, but the most dangerous place is the safest place.

No one would have thought that she would hide in the brothel of Wuyu City, only thirty miles away from the Palace of God.

Xuan Tianji said: "Has the problem with Master Honglin been solved?"

Hong Lin frowned, staring at Xuan Tianji and said: "It seems that you know more than a little bit, but unfortunately, I have forgotten many things back then."

Xuantianji asked back: "Is the seal of memory of your lord in Tai Yijun's Fu Yuantu?"

Hong Lin's face changed drastically, and he became murderous and shouted, "What do you want to do?!"

Xuan Tianji said: "Don't worry, adults, I'm not malicious, I'm just curious. But I suggest that adults get back their memories as soon as possible."

Hong Lin said solemnly: "What do you mean?"

Xuan Tianji smiled and said: "It's nothing, it's not a good thing for a person to lose his memory for too long. I'll leave."

He said, arching his hands, and left with Huang Ting.

Honglin stared at the disappearing backs of the two of them, and fell into contemplation. In the dark eyes, a little red light appeared, and finally a strange rune appeared.


A few days later, in the mansion of the King of God.

A breakthrough of brilliance, rushed from the secret room, exuding the avenue induction.

All the senior officials in the mansion changed their faces, surprised and happy, and hurriedly rushed over.

In front of the secret room, hundreds of people had gathered in a densely packed manner, and many of the strong from the Jiang family were also among them.

The five great gods were even at the forefront of the crowd, looking at the secret room without any expression on their faces.

"Is it really Yang Qingxuan? From treatment to now, from the treatment to the present, can it be cured in just one month?"

"It is said to have swallowed Shenyi Star Pill."

"Even so, it would be too exaggerated, right?"

"Look, it doesn't have to be him."

"A great sense of this level should be within the two-star thousand realms."

As soon as the voice fell, a strange feeling came from the secret room.

The avenue that permeated the entire Palace of Gods suddenly became stronger. Everyone jumped in their hearts and said secretly: "What's the matter?"

The law of induction of the road that was lowered during the breakthrough will only get weaker and weaker, and eventually disperse.

I have never heard of it becoming stronger halfway through.

The five members of Hongxiao still showed a surprised look.

Hong Xiao's twin pupils turned into scarlet red, staring at the secret room, as if to see through it completely, suddenly his face changed a lot and said, "Broken again?"

"Raising two levels in a row? How is this possible?!"

There was an uproar all around.

If it is in the Spirit Martial Realm or the True Martial Realm, swallowing some high-level pill, as long as you hold the body, there is still hope that you can even burst into the second level. But the higher the realm, even if it is a glimpse of the real realm, there is absolutely no possibility of two levels of suddenness. No matter how talented you are, no matter how great your chances are, you must digest and stabilize the realm in front of you after a period of time before you can continue to go down.

Not to mention those who directly broke through two levels on the Thousand Realm Realm.

If this hadn't been said by the great **** Wang Hongxiao, it would have been ridiculed long ago, but it came from the mouth of Hongxiao, no one dared to say it, but everyone's face was unbelieving.

Zi Xin's eyes also flashed with aura, and said in shock: "It's really two levels of sudden...this...this..."

Qing Sheng said: "Just now it was the second-star mid-level Dadao induction. Now it is the second-star stage. After the breakthrough, there is no adverse reaction. It is still in a stable state. It is terrifying to absorb the power of induction."

The expressions of Lan Ying and Bai Fu were also not pretty, they were shocked.

Zi Yuan exulted and said: "Breakthrough! It is really Brother Qingxuan who broke through again, I felt it!"

At this time, everyone had to believe it, one by one was shocked and inexplicably, even Petrochemical on the spot.

After all, many strong people can still distinguish the avenue induction in the later stage of the two stars.

Ziyi flushed with excitement, and muttered to herself: "As expected, it's the man I'm after."

Jiang Yueliu smiled bitterly and shook his head. During the trip to the World of No Desire a few years ago, the two were still companions and friends, and they were of equal strength and realm. Now they are different from cloud and mud, completely incomparable.

Zi Xin said: "Great God King, Yang Qingxuan is safe and sound now, then..."

Hong Xiao knew that she was referring to the Ning family's battle, nodded, and said: "Quickly cut the mess, wipe the Ning family in one go."

Zi Xin nodded solemnly. She knew what Hong Xiao meant. If this kind of battle between the saint clan and clan were dragged into a protracted battle, then there would be no winner. The strength of both parties would be consumed sharply. Family failure, removed from the top together.

This is why the Jiang and Ning families died after the war, and the Jiang family did not pursue the victory. If they cannot be wiped out in one go, stop in time to avoid falling into a protracted war of attrition.

Right here, Qing Sheng suddenly yelled in horror: "No—no—this—"

The hearts of several **** kings and everyone were beating. Qi Qi felt something, each of them widened his eyes, completely stunned.

The Dao Induction in the late stage of the second star has just entered the decline stage, and has suddenly risen to another level!

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