Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2478: The situation is bad, the countermeasures

Ning Miaomiao turned into a real body and hurriedly said, "My Patriarch, it's not good!"

The already solemn atmosphere in the hall once again enveloped a layer of frost.

Ning Shenghao said angrily: "What's wrong? Make it clear! It's all bad news all day long. Can't you bring me some good news from your trash?!"

Ning Miaomiao lowered his head, not daring to look at Ning Shenghao's gaze, and replied: "The news that just came from Wuyu City, the **** king Purple Heart and the **** Qing Sheng, both broke through in the Shenwang Mansion. And from the God King Mansion. According to the news, Yang Qingxuan seemed... as if... came alive..."


There was an uproar in the hall, and their faces were pale and shocked by the two news.

Ning Shenghao roared: "It really is a bunch of trash that only spreads bad news!" He stood up abruptly, staring at Ning Miaomiao and said angrily: "Yang Qingxuan suffered such a serious injury, even if he could really survive. It may be a month's work. Zi Xin and Qing Sheng, but the masters of the Eight-Star Thousand Realms, how can they break through when they break through?!"

Ning Miaomiao trembled: "The news from the Palace of the Gods said that Yang Qingxuan had taken a long-lost Shenyi Star Pill and he had come to life directly, and even... even... broke through the third floor... "

Speaking of this, the voice jittered so badly that he obviously didn't believe it himself, and hurriedly added: "This is all news from the Palace of the Gods. I sent someone to confirm it several times. It's still this news... Then the three breakthrough rules came one after another, turning into a sea of ​​rules in the God King’s Mansion. Not only the two God Kings, but almost all people below the thousand realms broke through, and more than half of those above the thousand realms broke through. After that, it was inspired. After the two divine kings broke through, the breakthrough rules were lowered again, covering the entire city of wantlessness. The whole city felt it."

Ning Shenghao sat back on the throne with a "plop", and his whole body was lost and confused.

The main hall was even more suppressed to the extreme. All the elders and high-level people looked miserable and found it difficult to breathe.

"What to do?" There was a dazed voice all around, panicking one by one.

"Zi Xin broke through. It should have reached the eight-star intermediate level, and the Holy Lord Heavenly King is nothing more than that. If she takes the shot herself, who can stop it?"

"The five protoss are in the same spirit. Will the other four protoss take action together? I think the possibility is not low."

"In my opinion, it is better to send Ning Qingyao and Yang Yunjing back, and pay a sum of resources to reconcile with Yang Qingxuan and the Protoss. In this way, the Jiang family will not dare to move. It is just a loss of some resources, at least the Ning family The foundation is still there."

"If you do this, what is the face of my Ning family? And the hope of family rejuvenation is the star Luo celestial body. This is tantamount to ruining the family's future. Even if the purple heart breaks through to the middle of the eight stars, it is impossible to dare to use the power of the gods to tell me Fight for life and death? You must know that once the war between the saint clan and clan is caught in a protracted battle, there will be no winner."

Hundreds of people in the hall began to discuss various opinions and express their opinions.

After discussing for more than half an hour, the voice became smaller and smaller, and finally all fell silent.

Because no matter how the discussion is, there will be two paths, continue to fight and seek peace.

Either way, it is extremely difficult.

Ning Shenghao was a little exhausted and waved his hand: "Go down, shrink the Ning family's range of activities back to the realm. Strengthen the defense, send people to the major sect families and ask for assistance. Especially the Yuwen family, Jinsheng, it’s up to you. Go there."

Ning Jinsheng went out and said: "Yuwen Zhan was killed by Yang Qingxuan. This is an unshakable hatred. It completely extinguished the hope of the Yuwen family's rise. And Yang Qingxuan has the gods and the Jiang family as backing, and the Yuwen family wants revenge. Our union is the best way. I will definitely convince the Yuwen family to unite with us."

Ning Shenghao smiled and said, "These are the most comfortable words I heard today. Go ahead. I allow you to use all resources and rights to tie the Yuwen family to our chariot."

After speaking, he waved his hand and said, "Go down."

Everyone in the hall was suppressed and breathless, and they all wished to leave early, and immediately filed out.

Soon, there was no one in the hall.

Ning Shenghao said: "Great Elder, Huan Chen, come out."

Behind the stone pillars in the hall, the two slowly walked out.

Ning Shenghao said: "You all know the situation, but what do you think? As for the entire Ning family, I value the two of you the most. As for the others, huh, none of them really works."

The elder said: "A war is not a wise move, but it is not a wise move not to fight. The Yuwen family can basically be undefeated, but it is still extremely difficult to win."

Ning Shenghao said: "Before I still wanted to win, but the Qinglan star wars were defeated, and Zi Xin stepped into the eight-star intermediate level, and I was dead. Now I can be unbeaten. Let the Jiang family and God If the palace retreats when it is difficult, it is already the best ending."

The elder groaned: "In the middle of the eight-star thousand realms, it is indeed a terrifying existence. This has reached the level of the Holy Lord and the King. And it will step into the two at once. Will the Protoss rise again and suppress the aristocratic family?"

Ning Shenghao said: "I and Yuwen Tuoshi are no match for Zixin anymore. Besides, the other party also has Jiang Futian." His face was full of solemnity.

Ning Huanchen said: "I don't think the breakthrough of the two gods is necessarily a bad thing. Now that the Protoss has two more eight-star mid-thousand realms, the alliance will not be indifferent. We can find ways to use the power of the alliance to suppress the Protoss."

Ning Shenghao frowned and said: "Indeed, no sect family wants to see the current situation of the Protoss. If the power of the alliance can suppress the Protoss, maybe there is a chance for victory or defeat?"

Ning Huanchen said: "There is still a force. If it can be used by us, the turning point will be very big."

Ning Shenghao said: "Are you talking about the head teacher?"

Ning Huanchen nodded and said: "Although I don't know this person's real body, he can definitely suppress the Zixin generation. It can be seen from the strength of that Guzha. An errand runner has a seven-star peak, and you can imagine that head teacher Power. But it’s extremely difficult to use them."

He even used two "extremely difficult", Ning Shenghao and the great elder were lost in thought.

From the appearance of Guza and the humanoid weapons, it can be seen that the strength and resourcefulness of the head teacher will not be under the Ning family. Moreover, the Ning family is in the light and the teacher is in the dark. It is conceivable how difficult it is to use them in reverse.

Ning Shenghao said: "The existence of any force will have needs. The master has resources in his hands, and he will also have requirements. You can talk to them, and as long as we can accept it, we will try our best to accept it. I believe they will be willing to take action."

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