Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2483: Well prepared, artificial land

Yang Qingxuan said: "I will do my best."

They left the two immediately, and went back to Cang Xuanzong to start organizing forces.

Soon after, Zi Ri came to tell him everything was ready.

Yang Qingxuan immediately led hundreds of people from Cangxuanzong, God's Palace, and Jiang Family to the direction of the Ning Family Realm.

The transmission area in Wuyu City has been strictly controlled, and anyone carrying out transmission must go through layers of review.

In several batches, Yang Qingxuan and others were sent to the Tianhu star closer to the Ningjia region.

However, the teleportation area on Tianhu star had long been destroyed by the Ning family powerhouses. After the transmission channel reached the vicinity of Tianhu star, it encountered violent space shocks, and powerful cosmic energy tore through the void and enveloped everyone.

Zi Ri frowned and said, "It seems that the Ning family has already prepared. Be careful, everyone, I will take action to tear up the storm."

He was about to make a move, Yang Qingxuan opened his mouth and said: "Why a housekeeper, let me come."

After speaking, five golden lotus flew out of his hand and turned into five banners. Under the shaking, countless lotus flowers flew out, protecting everyone in it.

Yang Qingxuan's hand seal, shouted: "Go!"

The huge enchantment woven by the five flags of heaven and earth envelops everyone, like a ray of light rushing into the storm.


A huge five-color flag was directly inserted from the storm, and then the flag flicked, directly shook a channel, and shot out.

Dunguang glided for thousands of miles before stopping.

Yang Qingxuan received the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth, and the group continued to fly towards Tianhu Star.

The establishment of the theater of war will take a certain amount of time. Sky Tiger is one of the best temporary bases. The transmission channel must be repaired so that the people of the King's Mansion can come in continuously.

Not long after flying, Tianhu star was right in front of him, suddenly Yang Qingxuan's face changed slightly, and he shouted, "No!"

Zi Ri and other strong men also felt shocked.

Chi Heng frowned and said, "The star core is destroyed."

The huge Tianhu star appeared not far ahead, exuding an astonishing and dangerous aura from inside. Chi Heng immediately recognized that this was a planet whose star core had been greatly destroyed and entered a dangerous state.

You can also see a large number of flying warships, and shuttle tools sailing out of the planet and fleeing far away.

The long-distance teleportation array on the planet has been completely destroyed by the people of the Ning family, so if the people above want to escape, they can only use magic weapons such as space battleships or time shuttles.

But for the vast majority of people, there is definitely no escape, and they can only be destroyed along with the planet.

Yang Qingxuan said with a sullen face: "Go directly to the space node in the war zone!"

The group immediately took a detour, abandoned the original plan and headed directly to the war zone.

It didn't take long to fly out, and I heard a huge explosion sound behind him, the unimaginable power of the starburst, turning into circles of energy waves, surging.

Yang Qingxuan once again sacrificed the five-sided flag of heaven and earth, protecting everyone, and then the flag light flashed, becoming a flying magic weapon, blasting forward.

It seemed that the Ning family was ready for the battle. In order to stop the transmission of the Protoss and the Jiang family, they did not hesitate to destroy all the planets around the domain.

Two days later, everyone came to a vast void, with scattered light on all sides, no planets existed, only messy meteorites tumbling in the sky.

Zi Ri took out the coordinate instrument, probed it, and said, "This is it. A million miles ahead is a weak space node in the Ningjia Territory. It is most appropriate to establish a theater here."

Yang Qingxuan once again sacrificed the five flags of heaven and earth, inserted into the void, and disappeared.

Immediately, the huge five-color brilliance dispersed in all directions of the universe, and at the same time thousands of golden lotus were born, and as they rotated, they also disappeared into the void.

Zi Ri's eyes were full of surprise, and he praised: "My lord, this treasure is extremely mysterious, and I am afraid it is extremely valuable."

Yang Qingxuan smiled without saying a word, and continued to punch the seal of the formula into the void, stimulating the power of the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth to the limit, and then stopped and said: "It is safe for the time being, at least the various energy flows and meteorites in the universe will not be disturbed Us, ordinary strong people can stand in for a while."

Zi Ri immediately arranged for everyone and began to arrange the battle zone.

He took out a small metal ball by himself, threw it into the air, and kept pinching his hands. The small ball turned in the air and kept getting bigger.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank slightly and he immediately recognized that this small ball was a star core.

At this moment, driven by Jue Yin, the reality is restored little by little.

Although the alliance resisted the star refiner, as expected, every family behind it had inextricably linked with the star refiner, and they would purchase some star refiners.

The small ball quickly expanded to a size of tens of kilometers, and finally stopped.

It was very similar to the waste products of the star core that Yang Qingxuan saw in the Dark Star City, except that the waste products were all devoid of spiritual energy. The spiritual flow on this star core was obviously of extraordinary quality.

More than a hundred warriors flew in all directions.

Everyone carried the earth element mutation elements on their bodies and began to disperse into the air.

A variety of earth elements, driven by a little bit of magic, turned into a thick land, suspended in the huge enchantment enveloped by the Five Flags of Heaven and Earth, and then connected piece by piece.

There are also warriors that drive water, wood, fire, and gold elements into these lands, which doubles the hardness of the land.

A few hours later, a hard land of hundreds of kilometers was created with the star core as the center.

Yang Qingxuan worried: "Even if the theater is expanded to tens of thousands of miles, if the people of the Ning family aggressively attacked, it would be difficult to hold it, right?"

Zi Ri smiled and said, "My lord, don't worry. This is only the first land in the theater. The entire theater will be centered on hundreds of huge lands and connected to each other. Unless the Ning family sends an overwhelming force, it will be very difficult. Hard to break."

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback and said, "There are hundreds of lands in each theater, and there are a total of twelve theaters. Isn't it necessary to create thousands of huge lands?"

Zi Ri said: "If you want to annihilate a clan, what does this resource count? It's just a small investment in the early stage."

Yang Qingxuan was shocked in a cold sweat, recalling the scenes he saw in the Jiang family's realm. The background of these holy clan and clan was incalculable. In this way, the construction of thousands of lands to form a battle zone is really nothing.

Zi Ri took out a few more arrays, and threw them directly on the No. 1 land. They immediately met the soil and turned into huge buildings.

Soon, a simple small town model appeared.

Zi Ri smiled and said: "When adults are fine, you can go in for practice. There is a three-month construction period. If the Ning family does not send people to disturb, one month is enough. Three months have already counted the Ning family's interference. Go in."

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