Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2485: Break the defense, counterattack

Yang Qingxuan said: "Don't worry about this, prepare to fight." The order was passed on, everyone stopped building the theater and began to prepare for the fight.

On each piece of artificial land, there are a large number of arrays. At this moment, beside each formation, there are several warriors standing with their hands pinching the seal, ready to provoke the big formation at any time.

Ziri's eyes flashed and said: "These warships are top-notch, but the effective range is only 30,000 miles. The effective range of these large attack formations I set is 40,000 miles and 50,000 miles."

Yang Qingxuan praised: "It turns out that everything is in the calculations of adults."

Zi Ri grinned and said, "Well, I just try to use the most expensive and best formation, no matter what the budget or what is expensive."

The strong on the battleship seemed to have observed the layout of the battlefield formation. After entering the 50,000-mile range, they all opened the defensive enchantment and connected together in the air, like a huge battle group. Connect with energy.

Zi Ri was shocked: "No! It's defense sharing." He roared: "Take! Full attack!"

"Boom! Boom!"

Hundreds of continents were constantly lit up with huge brilliance, and then jetted out a beam of light, shooting at the group of warships.

Yang Qingxuan only felt that the mountains were shaking for a while, and the newly established land was not stable, and cracks began to appear under the explosion of such a huge concentrated energy.


Countless stars are shining on the energy barrier of the battleship group.

All defenses are shared and connected together, and every battleship oscillates violently. Various roars were heard from above, and then the speed of the battleship increased, and it rushed forward with a huge attack.

Because this is beyond the range of the battleship's attack, if you don't rush into the range faster, you will only be passively beaten.

The dark aggregates that followed, also roared one by one, staring at the attack. Their effective attack range is shorter than that of a battleship, and they must enter the range of 20,000 li, and the power of an attack of 20,000 li is greatly reduced, and they must go further.

Yang Qingxuan's eyes flashed with golden light, staring at the defensive body of the battleship group, and said in a deep voice: "This defense sharing must be broken, otherwise the attack will be basically invalid."

Zi Ri said: "The attack line is too long. When the battleship group gets closer, it should be able to break through the defense sharing. Only then, it also tested our defense."

Yang Qingxuan said: "That's too dangerous. The theater has just formed its embryonic form and cannot withstand the attacks of these warships and dark aggregates. They must be smashed before they reach the range. Master Ziri, you stay here to command, all the thousands The adults above the realm, follow me to attack. With the goal of crushing the shared defense, I will return as soon as the defense is broken!"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

Yang Qingxuan took out the ruins of the sky, turned it into a ray of light, and shot it towards the sky.

Dozens of rays of light followed, rushing to the battleship group together.

After entering the range of the battleship, a large attack came out from the inside. It was powerful, but could not hit the scattered lord of the thousand worlds.

Yang Qingxuan and others shuttled in a large number of beams without any problems. After arriving in front of the battleship group, they blasted towards the shared defense together.

Yang Qingxuan even threw the seal of the dynasty and slammed it forward, turning into a golden dragon, blasting on the defense.

"Boom! Boom!"

Countless huge lights burst out.

Finally, there was a huge problem with the defense sharing of the battleship group. It was unable to withstand the attacks of dozens of masters of a thousand realms and hundreds of continental formations. A large number of cracks began to appear, densely packed, and finally there was a loud noise. All burst.

The entire starry sky is full of broken enchantment lights, spreading thousands of kilometers, extremely brilliant.

"Boom! Bang!—"

The array attack on the hundreds of continents became stronger and stronger, hitting those warships fiercely, blocking all warships from passing through.

The Ning disciple was shocked.

At this distance, the warship can't attack at all, and can only passively be hit by sandbags, and if they continue to move forward with firepower, it is estimated that they will be completely reimbursed before they are within range.

From the first few battleships came a stern shout: "Fight against! Everyone attacked and killed these bastards!"

A large number of disciples of the Ning family all gushed out of the battleship and killed Yang Qingxuan and others.

Losing control is basically equivalent to giving up these battleships, and under the bombardment of ground formation firepower, they begin to explode one after another.

The firepower passed through the battleship and hit the dark polymer body behind, blocking the advance of these giants.

Yang Qingxuan mentioned the halberd, split a piece of Ning family disciple in half, and shouted: "Don't fight hard, retreat!"

After speaking, he rushed down.

Everyone had already prepared, and immediately turned their heads down.

The disciples of the Ning family were furious and screamed and killed them. There were tens of thousands of disciples of the Ning family. There were dozens of them above a thousand realms. They were not lost to Yang Qingxuan and others, and there were thousands of realm kings. The cannon fodder level under the ten thousand world kings.

Tens of thousands of warriors fell like a meteor.

Zi Ri solemnly shouted: "Don't stop attacking! Be sure to block those dark polymers, and the rest will attack with me!"

Suddenly led hundreds of people into the air to meet Yang Qingxuan and others.

When the battle zone was about 10,000 li away, Yang Qingxuan shouted: "Stop all of them, kill them and go back!"

As soon as the figure turned around, it turned into a long dragon with the halberd and entered the Ning family's army.

Going further down will endanger the war zone.

This position was the established defensive point, and they were all waiting for Yang Qingxuan's order, and when he gave the order, they all roared to the rear to kill.

Zi Ri and the others just greeted him, and the two teams of men and horses joined forces and rushed forward.

The disciple of the Ning family was shocked, was killed by surprise, and the team was instantly chaotic.

For a time, flesh and blood flew everywhere, and the screams were endless.

Yang Qingxuan's killing eyes were red, and the halberd swiftly turned in his hand, splitting, retracting, and splitting again. In a consistent movement, countless people turned into wild ghosts.

But in those scarlet eyes, there was still a little golden light and clarity, calmly observing the entire battlefield.

The strength and number of the Ning family disciples obviously have the upper hand. Although there are hundreds of array bombardments from the rear, they can't change the fundamental situation.

At this time, Zi Ri suddenly displayed a large area of ​​attacking magical powers, and a large number of purple thunderballs were inexplicably born in the void, which were shot down one after another.

Yang Qingxuan also pinched the tactics with both hands, turned into an eternal body, and shouted: "Everyone will withdraw!"

A little sky fire suddenly changed at the fingertips, turning into a lotus flower, and then the fire barrier quickly spread and enveloped the entire battlefield.

Everyone felt the temperature rise instantly, as if entering the sun, the hot ones were about to be cooked.

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