Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2520: The Great War (3)

"The power of Tai Chi, you, you are... the ancestor of Guiyun!"

An old Ning family called out in shock.

Ning Guiyun glanced at him faintly, and said, "I can't think of anyone in the Ning family who remembers me."

The old man hurriedly clasped his fists and saluted, and said respectfully: "Naturally remember, the younger generation has seen the ancestors. The ancestors' orders have always been enshrined in the ancestral shrine."

Ning Guiyun nodded, and said, "After this battle, the order card will probably be broken. Don't be polite, you will kill all those who will commit the crime quickly!"

The old man suddenly said: "Yes!"

Among all the disciples of the Ning family, only a few high-level leaders suddenly convulsed, seeming to remember who Ning Guiyun was, and yelled at Zi Xin and the others one by one.

Ning Guiyun said to the two late seven-star powerhouses: "Thank you two to help me suppress the eyes."

The two powerhouses of the late Seven Stars hurriedly said: "Yes!"

They flew up and landed on the Tai Chi Pisces, sitting cross-legged with both hands, suppressing this treasure with their own strength.

Zhongxiangkonglun trembled a few times in the Taiji diagram, and with the suppression of the two Seven-Star Thousand Realm late stage powerhouses, the tremor became weaker and weaker until it stopped.

Yang Qingxuan's heart was shocked, only a trace of Tai Chi's power could actually exert such a huge power, thinking that the entire Tai Yijun Fu Yuantu was on his body, he couldn't help but thump.

When the cosmos chaos was born, there were five stages, namely: Taiyi, Taichu, Taishi, Taisu, and Taiji. Each stage gave birth to a chaotic spirit treasure.

They are Taiyi Fu Yuantu, Taisu Thousand Jiyu, Taishi Wanwu Ding, Taiji Two Yi Talisman, Taichu Bodhicitta.

Ning Guiyun had never seen the two Tai Chi Talismans back then. He only gained a trace of Tai Chi power in a secret store. He broke through to the Seven Stars and Thousand Realms in one fell swoop, then was promoted to the Ning Family Elder, and finally after reaching the Seven Stars. , No matter how difficult it is to save, and then just retreat for millions of years in the blink of an eye.

Zi Xin was equally astonished. He didn't think that the Ning family still had such a character sitting here, and he really looked down upon the Saint Clan.

She didn't panic since she couldn't use the empty wheel, her hands were in a circle in front of her, and the powerful purple aura came out, turning into a treasure book spinning in the air, with rows of small characters flashing on it.

Zixin's palms closed in front of him, and he shouted: "The Oracle of Heaven-Dharma!"

In the book, a large piece of purple light was shot out, turned into a face of text, and fell down in the air, erecting barriers in all directions.

"Boom! Bang!—"

Suddenly thousands of barriers formed, smashing into all the disciples of the Ning family and Yuwen family, they vomited blood, many of them were directly shocked by life.

Yang Qingxuan and the others were shocked, all sitting in the void, adjusting their breath.

They knew that Zi Xin used this large-scale attacking technique solely for their sake. After experiencing the First World War on the border, Jiang Tianzhen and others were all seriously injured. Although they recuperated for a while, they were not enough to fight the Ning family. The top strong fight.

Yang Qingxuan also sat down and swallowed all kinds of pills into his stomach little by little, calmly recuperating his injuries, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

"Everyone shot together! No matter how strong this **** is, it is impossible to stop so many of us."

A disciple of the Ning family yelled, taking out the weapon and cutting off at the purple barrier.

These were all the elites at the top of the Ning family, and they all took out their weapons to smash the barrier to pieces and slay them forward.

Zi Xin watched coldly, unmoved, until the last barrier was smashed, she grabbed the void with both hands, and the bodies of Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu were caught and suspended in front.

Zi Xin sneered and said: "If you don't want these two scum to die, just stop for me."

Everyone was taken aback, and they all stopped.

Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu are both well-known masters in the Ning family, so naturally they cannot be ignored.

Zi Xin smiled slightly and said, "You still know what you are interested in."

She didn't move further, just blocking Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu in front.

The only thing she has to do now is to delay the time, one is to wait for Jiang Tianzhen and others to recover, and the other is to wait for Jiang Futian to bring someone to help.

Especially the latter.

As long as Jiang Futian's people arrive, they can wipe out half of the Ning family, and then cannibalize the remaining half a little bit, then the Ning family will really be removed from the domain.

An elder of the Ning family shouted: "Don't be threatened by her! Ziran and Lord Mu Liu are both the mainstays of my Ning family. The pillars of the Ning family will never want to see us dragged down."

Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu naturally didn't want to die, but at this moment, they had no choice.

Ning Muliu shouted: "Elder Miaoxin is right! Don't care about our life and death. Kill Zixin Zixia, Yang Qingxuan, these dog thieves will avenge us!"

The disciples of the Ning family were very angry and screamed and rushed over.

A cold light flashed in Zi Xin's eyes, and he sneered: "I'm looking for death!"

When he grabbed his hands into the void, two yellow symbols appeared, and they affixed them to Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu with a "swish", and then used the two as hidden weapons and shot them away.

Ning Ziran and Ning Muliu's expressions changed drastically, and shouted, "Quickly dodging! It's an explosive symbol!"


The two exploded almost at the same time, and the powerful energy instantly turned into a ring, rushing in all directions.

Those disciples of the Ning family who rushed to the forefront were unable to defend themselves and were instantly affected. All the low-powered disciples were crushed.

Zi Xin gave a cruel sneer, then raised her head and glanced at the sky. The three elders were suppressed by the three elders, and there was a trace of anxiety in her heart.

She didn't refining this multi-phase wheel for long, but simply realized it. At this moment, the connection with herself was getting weaker and weaker, and she was afraid that she would be taken away by the three of Ning Guiyun.

She could not explain to Xuan Tianji or was the second thing. She didn't intend to return it, but these sangkong chakras are related to the later realms of the supreme reincarnation gong, and are the core magic weapon of stepping into the eternal supreme.

And the large numbers of disciples of the Ning family came surging forward. Although he was in the middle of the eight-star thousand realms, many ants killed elephants.

"Damn it!"

Zi was so anxious that he jumped his feet, shook his body suddenly, and shot at the three of Ning Guiyun.

Plan to hit with all strength and strive to kill three people directly.

If it fails, just ignore the situation for the time being, retreat and kill the Ning family disciple, and protect Yang Qingxuan and others.

Ning Guiyun opened his eyes abruptly and shouted, "Two, help me repel this woman!"

Suddenly grabbing with both hands, the power of Tai Chi surged from the chakra of the public, and turned into a gray cloud of light, in which the yin and yang fish kept spinning.

The other two powerhouses of the Seven-Star Thousand Realm late stage also pinched the seal of the Jue with their respective hands, and pointed towards Zi Xin together.

Facing an eight-star mid-thousand-world **** king, whose strength is comparable to the existence of the Holy Lord Heavenly King, no one dared to be careless, and they all tried their best to strike.

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