Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2554: Don't dare to go against it in a strange place

"Hahahaha, Yang Qingxuan, the hammer of doom is mine! What a glory king, but so."

The Thunder Snake laughed wildly, and turned back to Zhong Limu's true body, reaching out to grab the hammer of doom in the black hole.

Yang Qingxuan rushed up from the thunder sea and turned into an eternally burning body. He sealed his hands, and only waited for Zhong Limu to win the Doomsday Hammer before he shot it.

Suddenly, Zhong Limu's whole body shook as if he was drawn by a black hole. He couldn't control his body. The hand that was originally stretched in, was pulling back desperately, and said in horror: "This, what's going on..."

Countless lightning bursts out of him, sucked into it by the black hole, and gathered into the thunder hammer.

Zhong Limu's body was constantly being sucked and deformed, a large amount of thunder energy overflowed like a bank burst, and the energy in the whole body became weaker and weaker.

"No, not good!"

Zhong Limu panicked, his face was full of fear, and shouted at the disciple of Zhong Li's family in the distance: "Help me, come and save me!"

But half of the body has been sucked into the black hole, and the passing energy, like a stream gathering in the sea, is gone forever.

Zhong Limu was panicked, feeling that this elapsed time was irreversible, which meant that even if he was rescued, he would not be able to recover these powers.

The disciples of Zhongli's family in the distance were all panicked and didn't know how to save them.

However, their panic and Zhong Limu's irreversible worries were superfluous, and Zhong Limu was completely inhaled because of a few breaths.

The whole person turned into the purest energy of thunder and was sucked into the hammer of doom.


The last scream of Zhong Limu still echoed in the field of thunder, but the person had completely disappeared, giving everyone an unreal feeling.

Yang Qingxuan was also stunned, put down the seal of his hand, turned back into his real body, and looked at the hammer of doom in a vigilant manner.

After sucking out Zhong Limu, the thunder light on the hammer seemed to be strengthened a bit, and fist-sized symbols flew out from inside, hovering over the hammer.

Yang Qingxuan frowned. This line of runes gave him an unpleasant feeling. He was about to leave, shaking his body suddenly, and fell forward.

It turned out that a powerful suction erupted from the hammer, and everything in the entire field of thunder was attracted by it.

Every warrior "cracked" with a large amount of electric current, and flew towards the hammer one by one.

"not good!"

An old man yelled in horror and hurriedly used his supernatural powers to stabilize his body.

These more than one hundred people are not rookies. They are at the pinnacle of existence on any planet. In an instant, they realized that they were in big trouble, and they used all their skills to make their own gravity field. Rise sharply, resisting this huge attraction.

Yang Qingxuan was the closest to the hammer and was sucked to the edge of the black hole. He was almost sucked in. He slapped Liuyang's palm with a sudden stroke, distorting the lightning field.

Then he hurriedly displayed the Immortal Body and the Immortal Body, the whole body was released with golden light, flashed in the air, and then retreated thousands of miles, which stabilized the body.

There were only three or four one-star thousand realms, and they couldn't react enough. Those who were far away were sucked into the black hole, screaming, and then their bodies slammed into the hammer of Doom. They were smashed with a "bang", and there was no flesh and blood. .

Inside the black hole, there was a sudden violent shock, and hairy black cracks, mixed with the thunder and lightning, scattered in all directions.

Within the lightning field energy, it is like cracked glass on one side, with countless dense cracks appearing "crackling".

Some cracks passed through the warrior's body, directly hitting the warrior severely and vomiting blood.

Yang Qingxuan's law body is extremely powerful, controlling a world, all the lightning energy and cracks, when they hit his body, they are all affected by pressure, and they all bypass. Around Yang Qingxuan's body, there was almost a vacuum state, and the whole person was totally fine.

Ren Yun exclaimed in horror: "I'm afraid this piece of void is..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and the hundreds of thousands of miles covered by thunder energy were all shattered and collapsed.

Everyone felt the shock of the collapse of the sky and the earth, and each of them was unstable and fell directly below.

But everyone is a powerful person in the world, and they are countless existences in the entire northern universe, and soon stabilized their bodies again, suspended in the dark sky, looking down in shock.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank slightly, and he also saw the scene below.

The hammer of doom continued to fall downward, and the huge thunder light spread out, illuminating the world below. Even if there is no light, this dimness is not enough to block the sight of these Lords of Thousand Realms.

Below is a broken wall, and you can still see the remains of some buildings. There are terrible traces of destruction, but after the years have passed, it has become a natural terrain. If you are inside, you may not see the clue, but Looking down from a high altitude in this way, the terrible terrain left after the war is clearly visible.

And the traces of this battle are endless, stretching for millions of miles, without seeing the end.


The Hammer of Doom fell on the ground, exploding a large hole.

The powerful thunder and lightning shot in all directions, forming a huge radiation pattern on the ground.

Afterwards, the entire void fell silent, returning to the loneliness that has existed since ancient times.

"My lord, this place is really weird, should we go down?"

Chi Heng came to Yang Qingxuan's side with hesitation and solemn expression on his face. He stared at the Hammer of Doom, his eyes were full of desire, but he was extremely jealous of the appearance here.

Chi Heng's concerns are also everyone's concerns.

With their eyesight, they naturally saw that there were weapons, treasures and various wrecks everywhere in a layer of rock and soil several meters deep under this terrain.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed away, leaving these things sealed in dust, but they have not sunk too deep.

Yang Qingxuan calmly said: "Go down, although the weapon magic weapon below is extraordinary, it is not fatal to us. I am afraid that Su Bai's relic is also here, so I miss it. And the road traces Wherever you go, Tao fruit may be condensed, so don't miss it."

Chi Heng frowned and said, "But the previous signs are too weird."

Yang Qingxuan glanced at everyone and seemed to share similar concerns. He couldn't help but smiled: "This universe is nothing more than the Holy Lord, and we haven't seen it before. Those weird things, no matter how powerful the Holy Sect is, Clan? You are the Saint Clan."

These few words immediately made everyone wake up.

The indomitable martial arts heart was once again ignited, one by one showing shame, and said: "Master Qingxuan is absolutely right."

No more worries at the moment, it turned into a series of meteors and rushed down, digging for the treasures under the strata.

But the only treasure exposed on the ground-Doomsday Hammer, no one dared to make an idea.

One is that the hammer is too terrible, and Zhong Limu's death is just before his eyes.

The second is that Yang Qingxuan has already locked the hammer, everyone dare not disobey.

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