Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2559: Digestive tract fruit, remaining will

After Yang Qingxuan smashed the world of thunder, he swept his sleeves and put all the items that Linghuhong exploded into his bag, including his dynasty seal.

The fiery eyes looked in all directions, penetrating a million miles of void.

All the people who were not dead, were staring at him, all trembled, and hurriedly lowered their heads, afraid to look directly at him.

After Yang Qingxuan looked around for a while, he withdrew his gaze, directly knotted his hands, and sat vacantly.

A ray of soul light overflowed from his body, sitting crouched opposite him, it was the second soul.

The deity runs the Wuxiang Tathagata original wish sutra, and the second soul runs the Vajra Prajna Immortal Body.

The two magical power exercises have very close frequencies, and soon formed a barrier of frequency resonance, covering one person and one soul.

Under the two punches just now, most of Dao Guo's power was consumed.

One part is used to keep his body from falling apart, one part is used to suppress the injury, and the remaining part is converted into the damage output of the fist.

At this moment, the rest is left in the body, a little bit to repair the body that is about to collapse.

Yang Qingxuan quickly entered the self-repair, and was enveloped by a strange Taoism. It was the Taoism of the Seventh Stage Tao Fruit that made him feel like a spring breeze, as if returning to his origin.

Chi Heng, Ren Yun, Zi Qing and others gathered from all directions.

Everyone suffered serious injuries and formed a circle around Yang Qingxuan to protect Yang Qingxuan's law.

The previous blow of the Hammer of Doom killed some disciples of the Holy Clan, but most of them survived.

At this moment, one by one appeared from all directions, looking at Yang Qingxuan with complicated eyes, revealing extremely deep fear. Then grouped in groups, looking for their fellows, and discussing the next plan.

But no one dared to cast his idea on Yang Qingxuan.

Even though many people judge that Yang Qingxuan is at the end of the battle, no one dares to take this risk. Especially after seeing that after Yang Qingxuan was seriously injured by a sneak attack, she was able to kill Linghuhong, who was able to kill the four-star pinnacle with two punches, all of them remained silent.

The disciples of the Linghu family were extremely ugly, and all of them were frightened. They didn't know whether Yang Qingxuan would count the accounts on them, and even directly hated the Linghu family.

The disciples flew away with dignified faces, afraid to stay here for a long time.


Outside the Tomb of the Kings of Heaven, around the strange funnel-shaped storm.

The Sage Bingquan was standing in the void one by one, and the main persons in charge of the holy clan and clan had already returned, leaving only a few people who responded.

Jiangchen, Wei Qing, and Chi You are also gone.

They seem to be extremely relieved of this little heavenly path and fruit meeting.

In fact, if there is no Mahayana Daoguo born, the Saint Clan is not too concerned about the Daoguo Conference, so it would be good to send some elite disciples within the sect to experience it.

But this time the Tao fruit tree actually appeared in Su Bai's Tomb of Heavenly Kings, and the saint clan and clan gave a little thought, sent a lot of power, and left some people outside the tomb to respond.

In the distant cosmic void, a figure floats at a constant speed. Among the countless planets, meteorites and rubble, it is like a dust of dust, which cannot attract the slightest attention.

This figure hugged his chest with his hands, his eyes burning, staring at the funnel-shaped space storm in the distance, nostalgia appeared on his face, and he muttered to himself: "How many years have passed since this place has actually reappeared. It hasn't been completely destroyed. Su Bai, are you unwilling and resentful? You can turn into a Taoist fruit and appear between heaven and earth."

The figure flew forward steadily, and soon disappeared in countless rubble.


After swallowing Dao Guo, Yang Qingxuan sat cross-legged in the void for seven days.

Finally, all the injuries on the body were healed, and the excess power of Tao fruit was inhaled into the body and became a part of the body.

Dao Guo is a natural treasure that can be swallowed casually without any side effects.

As long as you can handle the energy without exploding, it doesn't matter how much you eat.

Yang Qingxuan came out of the practice, checked his state, couldn't help but smile.

Originally thought that after devouring such a heavy treasure, how could he clearly feel the cultivation base diligence.

But apart from the physical body that seems to be a bit more tyrannical, the progress in the realm is very limited.

One is that there is not much remaining power to digest the fruit, and the other is that after arriving at the three-star thousand realms, every progress and breakthrough is extremely difficult, exceeding Yang Qingxuan's previous expectations.

"My lord, are you healed?"

Chi Heng and others also came out of the Dhamma, and they recovered almost all of them, and they all looked at Yang Qingxuan with concern.


Yang Qingxuan nodded, and smiled bitterly: "Swallowing a seventh-rank Tao fruit, it feels like it has been eaten for nothing."

Zi Yan said: "It's fine if people are okay. We were all worried to death just now."

Yang Qingxuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, if you want to die, you will have died a long time ago. Along the way, I don't know how many times I have experienced this moment of life and death. Maybe one day, I will die without being able to carry it."

Everyone was stunned in their hearts. The hardship, hardship, perseverance, and struggle behind this faint sentence are beyond ordinary people's imagination.

Where is there any genius in this world? It is a genius to surpass the contribution of ordinary people.

Yang Qingxuan took out a compass and glanced at it. There were more than a dozen light spots gathered on it, and the remaining ones were scattered around, marking the positions of the twenty of them.

Three people were directly shaken to death in a hit by the Hammer of Doom, with 17 people left at the moment.

Yang Qingxuan said in a condensed voice: "None of the Su family has seen it."

Everyone was taken aback, and suddenly understood the meaning of this sentence, Zi Qing said in shock: "So, did we find the wrong place?"

Yang Qingxuan said, "Perhaps Su Bai’s place of sitting and transformation is not near here, but this ancient battlefield is not meaningless. At least I devoured a seventh-rank Tao fruit, and I also dug up the Doomsday Hammer. Treasure. As for whether there is any connection between this place and Su Bai, it is unknown."

Zi Yan said: "The old man holding the Doomsday Hammer, since he can control the Doomsday Hammer, he must be extremely powerful. Could it be Su Bai himself?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "It is possible, but it is not certain. The old man should also have the will of the year. It is incredible that a will can be spread for so long and still maintain such a strong. Everyone, be careful, the level of danger in this heavenly king's grave , I am afraid it is still above our expectations."


Everyone responded, and they were about to separate their activities again, but they all felt a little bit and took out the jade pendants one by one.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at Jade Pei and said in surprise: "It's Ji Beiye's message. It seems that something has happened. Let's go."

More than a dozen people suddenly turned into escape lights and flew in the direction of Ji Beiye's message.

At the same time, many of the disciples of the great saint clan and clan also received messages from the same sect and immediately flew away in the same direction.

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