Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2568: To swallow the fruit, the world is sinister

Dongfang Gu shouted: "Everyone shot together, work together!"

Raising his hand and condensing his palm, a piece of golden light patted those Void Eaters.

Everyone dare not care, these Void Eaters are just interference sent by the mother body, and the most important thing is to prevent the golden armored person from suddenly shooting.

The sky suddenly became messy. While killing the Void Eater, everyone was wary of the Golden Armor, and from time to time they released attacks into the black hole and bombarded the matrix, but they were all blocked by an invisible barrier.

Suddenly, Chi Heng and Tu Chou felt their hearts. They came to Yang Qingxuan's side and said in unison: "My lord, your state..."

Yang Qingxuan stood in the air with a halberd, blood constantly overflowing from the corner of his mouth, shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "It's okay."

Chi Heng said in shock: "I have the power to contract with the adult, and obviously feel the adult's injury..."

Yang Qingxuan said in a low voice, "It was my carelessness. The blow of the Seven Star Thousand Realms was not so easy to block. My current injury is very serious, but I must hold it forcibly. Otherwise, if other disciples of the Holy Clan find me. Seriously injured, it's in trouble."

Chi Heng said: "The adults take a good rest for a while, do you want Ziyan and others to come back to protect the law for the adults?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "No, the more people there are, the easier it is to be suspicious. You can protect the law for me. We leave the attack range of the golden armored person, and I am going to swallow the nine-rank Theravada Dao fruit."

When the two heard it, they were even more worried. Now is definitely not a good time to swallow the Theravada Dao Fruit. Since Yang Qingxuan has chosen this way, it can be seen that the severity of the injury is urgent.

The three of them dodged hundreds of miles in the air. On a flat sandy ground, Yang Qingxuan sat vacantly, Chi Heng pinched the seal of the tactics, and laid a defensive barrier around him. Tu Chou stood aside, like Lin Da The appearance of the enemy.

Yang Qingxuan took out the golden sphere and unlocked the seal little by little.

The Dao fruit inside diffused out, refreshing, just inhaled into the nose, I felt comfortable all over, and the injury seemed to ease a lot.

When the last seal was gone, the perfect Tao fruit was fully revealed, exuding a thrilling beauty.

In the battlefield, many people noticed this, and they were all shocked.

"Yang Qingxuan is going to swallow the Ninth-Rank Theravada Dao fruit, why would he choose this time?"

"Could it be... he was already seriously injured by the blow just now? Isn't this Dao fruit not healed?"

"It's very likely that it was a punch from the Seven Stars and Thousand Realms, and ordinary people can't handle it."

Various discussions sounded in the battlefield. Everyone was able to deal with the Void Eater with ease. When they were able to catch them, many people watched Yang Qingxuan's eyes start to flicker, not knowing what they were thinking.

Chi Heng said solemnly: "Some people are beginning to doubt the adults."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Don't worry, they don't dare to come over without permission. If they really dare to come, I will do my best to kill one or two people."

A sharp look flashed in Yang Qingxuan's eyes, and he placed Quanfu's mind on Daoguo, stuffed it directly into his mouth, swallowed it with a light bite.

Zi Yan and the people in the Palace of Gods and Cangxuan Sect were all surprised, and they flew up one by one, asking them the details.

"What happened to Master Qingxuan?"

A figure floated, it was Dongfang Gu, full of concern.

Zi Yan stopped in front of Dongfang Gu and said with a sneer: "Brother Qingxuan is in the battle, he is digesting his martial will, and is preparing to break through."


Dongfang Gu was stunned, frowned, and said lightly: "This is not a good time for a breakthrough, right?"

Zi Qing said angrily: "Is it a good time, Brother Qingxuan, don't know his heart? Need you to judge?"

Dongfang Gu's face changed slightly, as if he was aware of something, he clasped his fist and said, "I am abrupt. I wish Young Master Qingxuan a smooth breakthrough."

After speaking, he floated away and returned to the battlefield to continue killing the enemy.

The other warriors divided their attention halfway on Yang Qingxuan, paying close attention to Yang Qingxuan's dynamics.

As far as the Saint Clan is concerned, there is no hope for the rise of such a peerless genius.

The Six Kings had already made them very uncomfortable, let alone another Glory King, pressing on everyone's heads.

If Yang Qingxuan could fall in this battle, it would be the best.

It's just this kind of mentality that no one dares to show it easily. It's just eye contact and tacit understanding.

Chi Heng worried: "Everyone is suspicious."

Zi Qing said: "There is no fool who can step into the Lord of the Thousand Realms. Moreover, these people have all stepped up from hundreds of millions of people, step by step, and walked on the bones to this day. They are all the most intelligent people. I have seen through the state of Brother Qingxuan. The key now is whether Brother Qingxuan can break through successfully. If he succeeds, nothing will happen. Everyone will continue to be friendly, but if he fails..."

With a worried expression on her face, she glanced at Yang Qingxuan who had entered a breakthrough state.

Zi Yan said: "If someone dares to disobey, it's a big deal to fight to the end."

The rest of the people nodded firmly, and said, "Swear to the death and live and die with Master Qingxuan!"

The battle in the distance seemed fierce and was still going on tensely, but it had slowed down a lot, and even the law, heaven, and earth in the black hole disappeared without a trace, just constantly driving the Void Eater out to attack.

But as long as you are prepared, these bugs can't cause much damage to the Lord of the Thousand Realms, and can only exchange huge sacrifices for everyone's consumption.

The crowd had no intention of fighting, and they retreated while fighting, and quickly dodged aside, letting the bugs fly out and attacked in the direction where Yang Qingxuan was.

"These **** rats!"

Zi Qing shouted angrily and said: "Fight against! Protect Big Brother Qingxuan."

The densely packed Void Eaters, like long black smoke rising up, attacked Yang Qingxuan and the others in three routes.

Hundreds of disciples of the Saint Clan and Famous Clan stood aside watching the good show. Only the people from the other three **** palaces and the disciples of the Jiang family retreated to the side of Ziyan and others to fight alongside them.

It is extremely difficult for these Void Eaters to kill the Lord of the Thousand Realms, but if they have an immovable target, they are their strengths. They swarm up to gnaw, similar to the Foolish Old Man moving the mountain, even the eternal supreme will be gnawed to death one day.

"Damn it!"

Chi Hengda yelled, and said: "Let's go out and form two circles to protect Master Qingxuan. The barrier inside must not be broken!"

The barrier that protects Yang Qingxuan is about three feet in diameter. Chi Heng and his confidants are guarded outside the barrier. Ziqing leads the others in the void a hundred meters away, making another circle, becoming the first defense, as much as possible Destroy the Void Eater more.

The three long black smoke made a strong "buzzing" sound, rushing to the forefront defense, immediately collapsed, forming an overwhelming momentum.

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