Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2574: Immortal monument, goodbye **** thunder

"This is the Vulcan spear of my Lin family!"

"Oh my god, this person is an elder in my Shi family."

"This injury... is the magical power of Nianhualou with a smile."

The crowd dispersed, turning over the corpses and battle marks on the ground.

Many recognized the seniors of their own sect.

But the surprise quickly turned into greed. Hundreds of people searched the ground desperately and began to find the corpses of their ancestors. They would dig a hole to bury them, or burn them directly, and knock a few heads.

Afterwards, I don’t care about it anymore. No matter whose corpse is, I only turn over the treasures and don’t bury them. At most, I burn them easily.

The stench of burning corpses soon filled the air.

"This is the immortal monument of the ancient treasure of the Xiong family. Return it to me soon!"

In a deep pit, there was the sound of fierce fighting.

"Hahahaha, the ancient treasures all come from the Chaos Era, how can there be any inheritance?"

The other voice laughed wildly, obviously not eating this set.

"Damn it! This is something left on my ancestors. If it is lost, let me see my ancestors and ancestors."

"Are you here to make a joke? Your ancestor's body was smashed by you, completely disregarding it, but only caring for the ancient treasure and monumental monument, I pooh!"

The battle in the deep pit became more intense, and powerful rays of light continued to rise to the sky.

Such collisions can be seen everywhere. Hundreds of people scattered on the ground, and there will inevitably be conflicts. At first, everyone is still friendly, but later they will fight life and death.

Yang Qingxuan looked at the deep pit and flew into it in a flash.

The two fighting each other are using their magical powers and are in a stalemate. An old man in white squeezes his hand to form a barrier, while the other middle-aged man drives a sword to smash the barrier and enters. To a state of mutual consumption.

Yang Qingxuan glanced at the old man and said, "Give me Gubao."

The face of the white-clothed old man changed drastically, and the middle-aged man also changed his face, and his eyes were dark.

The old man said: "Master Qingxuan, everything here is unowned. Whoever gets it first, this ancient treasure is now mine."

The middle-aged man shouted angrily: "Put-P! I have the immortal monument of the Xiong family. Everyone knows that this monument is the treasure of our clan. How can it escape."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Both of them are finished? Do you want me to get it by myself?"

The old man's face turned pale, but he didn't dare to carry Yang Qingxuan forcibly, and shouted: "Okay, this thing will be given to Master Qingxuan, which is regarded as a face to the adults.

After finishing speaking, pinching the Jue with one hand, a little white light flew out of his hand and shot at Yang Qingxuan.

Then the old man laughed a few times and wandered away.

The middle-aged man was frightened and retracted the knife in his hand, took a look at Yang Qingxuan, and quickly left with interest.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed Baimang in his hand and turned it into a jade stele. He couldn't help but frown, because the jade stele was dull as a whole, and there were many dotted lines on it.

Regarding the corpses and treasures all over the ground, Yang Qingxuan was not tempted, because he had no shortage of equipment and techniques except for consumables such as pills.

Only after hearing the word "Gubao" did I become interested and came to intervene.

But the appearance of this ancient treasure was beyond his expectation, and it was not clear what the immortal monument was for.

Suddenly a stern look came.

Yang Qingxuan looked up and saw the ancient sage of Jingxuan. Originally, his gaze had been sloppy, but now it fell on the monument of immortality, and it became condensed, but it only stopped like a dragonfly, and the cold gaze swept over Yang Qingxuan. Then put it back.

Yang Qingxuan moved slightly in his heart and put away the immortal monument. Things that can attract the attention of the ancient sages are mostly valuable.

He flew out from the pit and looked at the boundless battlefield.

Various conflicts began to continue to erupt, large and small battles were visible everywhere, and murderous auras began to spread on the battlefield.

"Strange, if this place is the only real palace, where did the Su family disciples go?"

These treasures on the battlefield were still scattered on the ground, proving that the Su family disciples had either never been there or didn't care at all.

Yang Qingxuan stood on the void, looked around with fiery eyes, then retracted his gaze, pinched the tactics with both hands, and operated the technique of Tianyan.

"Yun, Li, Moo, Jie, Ma..."

There are words in the mouth, and the sacred mark in the hand changes with each sound, and the corresponding rune is transformed into the void.

It is exactly the method of deduction recorded in the Book of Emperor's Scripture.

Soon, in front of Yang Qingxuan's hands, a virtual light scene appeared, and the Su family disciples were faintly visible inside, sitting cross-legged in the void, with solemn expressions, as if experiencing tremendous pain, with a powerful force covering all Su family. The disciple.

Yang Qingxuan widened his eyes abruptly, wanting to see more real, but his body shook violently, the virtual light in front of him disappeared, and a mouthful of blood came out.

Actually received a backlash from Heaven.

Yang Qingxuan's blood surged, and he took a few breaths desperately. This method of deduction was too harmful to the heavens and harmed himself greatly.

Moreover, the deduced object has extremely strong energy, and it is easier to backfire. It may be severely injured or collapsed.

Huang Ting repeatedly told this method when he was teaching it, don't use it unless it is a last resort.

Yang Qingxuan was curious for a while, and when he tried to deduct it for the first time, he was directly injured.

"The Su family disciple should be in this battlefield. It is strange that although the battlefield is big, it is not endless, and during the deduction, I felt that it was not far away. What is going on?"

Yang Qingxuan meditated while healed.

He took out some Hinayana Dao fruits and ate them directly as fruits, and stuffed them one by one in his mouth.

Suddenly, there was a huge shock in the void, and there was a "bang", and a little thunder light was released in the sky, shooting out infinite rays of light, illuminating the entire battlefield.

Yang Qingxuan swallowed Dao Guo abruptly, almost didn't choke to death, looked at the center of the thunder light in horror, "Doomsday Hammer!"

It was the hammer that flew away on its own, and shuttled out from nowhere.

Behind the hammer, the transparent old man appeared again, grabbing the hammer with his big hand, and directly swiping it down on the ground, shouting: "Dongjun! Give me my life."


The huge lightning burst-shot down, like an iron nail being smashed into the ground, and then broke apart, forming a lightning ring spreading in all directions.

Everyone was already alert at the moment the Hammer of Doom appeared, especially those who had experienced the previous battle, and ran away in the first place.

Only some warriors who are still fighting, or do not know the heights of the sky, and have no fear, did not care about the appearance of Doomsday Hammer.

When the thunder light exploded from the hammer exploded, they immediately awakened one by one, panicking, "No!--"

The sound soon annihilated.

The lightning spread layer by layer, sweeping the sky and the earth.

Yang Qingxuan was already ten thousand feet away, using a golden body to carry the Thunder Star Ring, with only one thought in his mind: "How strong is this hammer..."

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