Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2576: Give me autumn water, return your god

The woman's holy face showed a cold, arrogant and solemn look, and she looked directly at Su Bai.

Two identical bodies, one standing in the sky and the other sitting on the lotus platform.

So far away, as if countless light years have passed.

Su Bai's body still didn't move, only the voice rang out in the void, "How are you doing well these years."

The expression on the woman's face froze, showing a stunned expression, frowning and saying: "Very good." The corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she said contemptuously: "Su Bai, you won't still have a deep love for me? That really disappoints me. ."

Su Bai said: "The one I've loved always exists. No matter how many tens of thousands of years have passed, you will always be the Donggong Li who makes me proud."

"Donggong Li?"

Yang Qingxuan was stunned, and said to his heart: "Is this the name of Dongjun? The surname Donggong is very old, and it seems that it has appeared in the Saint Clan."

Jing Old Sage's complexion changed drastically, and his eyes shot out, as if he couldn't believe it.

Some disciples of the Saint Clan also seemed to have thought of something, and they were shocked, "Even the Donggong family still has blood left?", "Is that the Donggong family that suddenly disappeared overnight?", "In the pastoral sea area. One of the oldest clan, who disappeared back then was extremely mysterious, but it turned out to be still walking in the domain."

Dongjun smiled slightly and said: "Su Bai, you have reported my name, hoping that these holy clan disciples can find something and then take revenge for you?"

Su Bai said: "You are so good, these holy clan disciples are like dung in your eyes, will you care? I just miss this name."

Dongjundao: "I also like the self I used to be, but the years can't go back, and I can't go back either."

Su Bai said: "Every girl never forgets, and even hates the name that she wants to kill, who used to step on colorful clouds and light up the whole world."

Dongjun stared at Su Bai and said, "Thank you."

Su Bai said, "It should be me thank you. I have illuminated my world and left me with traces of love in the last time of my life. No matter what happens afterwards and now, I thank you."

Dongjundao: "No, the person you want to thank doesn't exist anymore."

Su Bai said: "In the past hundreds of thousands of years, I have been indifferent, just to see you for the last time and to give you three gifts."


Dongjun smiled in his eyes and said, "It's really the woman I like, and I am looking forward to it. Can this gift let your thoughts go away?"

Su Bai said: "Do you really want me to leave."

Dongjundao: "The people and things in the past, let her stay in the past forever."

"Okay, I will let the past, all stay in the past, all the good and the bad, the dust will return to the dust, the dirt will return to the earth."

Su Bai's voice finished.

The twenty disciples of the Su family dispersed quickly, forming a huge circle, enclosing Dongjun in the middle.

Dongjun smiled and said, "Su Bai, wouldn't your gift be these twenty miscellaneous fish? Are you trying to laugh at me to death, and then inherit my millions of star Haoshi heritage?"

Su Lin pinched the sword art in his hand, held it high above his head, and shouted: "Open the formation!"

The other nineteen disciples each pinched the tactics, and a vast sword intent suddenly emerged and connected to form a sword sea.

The true body of each Su family disciple was like a sharp sword, becoming a part of the entire formation.

Dongjun said, "Qiu Shui sword intent?"

Su Bai said: "Back then, in front of the Taiyu Wordless Stele in Qianqiu Illusory Realm, you had realized the sword intent of autumn water, but unfortunately there is still one step away from Taoism. Later, when you and I met in Yaochi, you taught me this sword intent. As a token of love for you and me. I have been thinking hard about that last step, and I finally paid off my efforts and achieved success. I originally wanted to tell you when you and I got married, but unfortunately, I didn't wait until that day. So this Qiu Shui sword intent, as my first gift to you, to make up for the regrets that year."

The sword intent on Su Lin and the others kept trembling and connected to each other, transforming into a vast autumn water, like a pair of loving eyes, bright and shining.

Li Hongxiu said with emotion: "How cruel is this Dongjun, Su Bai loves him so much, he actually took the other party's body."

Yang Qingxuan said, "Hongxiu, you remember that for the ages, only the sun and human heart cannot be looked directly at."

Li Hongxiu was stunned and nodded seemingly.

Everyone opened their eyes nervously, watching the sword intent flowing, it turned out to be Donggongli's comprehension in front of the Taiyu Wordless Stele, then Donggongli's talent in those days should also be king.

And Su Bai actually perfected the last step of this trick, that is to say, evolved Dao Fa.

Any warrior who can see Dao Fa's tricks will be enthusiastic.

Xia Xingyun held the thunder hammer in his hand, unexpectedly there was no sound, standing quietly in the sky, handing the battlefield to Donggongli and the Su family disciples.

Yang Qingxuan turned his eyes to the extreme. Not only did he master a trick, but he also had a high level of kendo skills. At this moment, seeing Qiu Shui's sword intent emerged, his eyes were wide open without blinking.

In the sky above the twenty disciples of the Su family, numerous sword lights appeared densely, like the autumn water, and the rivers filled the river.

Yang Qingxuan's pupils shrank, and vaguely saw this sword intent, there are two peerless figures, dancing swords in the Yaochi, men with feather fan and turban, Yushu facing the wind, women with heroic posture, it is Su Bai.

Yang Qingxuan was secretly surprised, Su Bai actually turned his own memorial into the sword intent, and anyone who entered the understanding of the sword intent could observe the Yaochi dance sword.

Many disciples of the Holy Clan's clan were shocked.

Dongjun's face also became a little ugly, staring at the Qiu Shui sword intent, as if ripples were in his heart.

"Sword out!"

Su Lin suddenly yelled. The true essence of the twenty Su family disciples was drawn out in an instant, endless, endless sword intent generated in an instant, everyone was shocked, and was completely attracted by that Tao intent. .

"The water of the world is never greater than the sea. Ten thousand rivers return to it, and I don’t know when it will stop. It will not be vain when the tail vents. Is a measure."

Su Bai's voice sounded slowly in the sword intent, soft and soft, as soft and invisible as the water.

"Okay, okay, as expected to be the woman I once liked."

Dongjun's eyes suddenly shined brightly, and he smiled: "I like this gift very much. It's just a pity that it would be a shame to let twenty salted fish be displayed, but I still want to accept it. "

Dongjun raised his hand, his eyes flashed with excitement, and said: "If you send me the Qiu Shui sword intent, then I will use the Celestial Finger that you gave me back then as a gift."

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