Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 2580: Pinnacle

On the starry sky, only the dust falling and the master teacher are left standing opposite each other.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Chenhan said: "The matter of Kunxu, even the lord of the Holy Clan and Famous Clan doesn't know much, let alone the key in my hand."

The instructor laughed and said: "What has existed will always exist. No matter how long you want to seal it, there will always be a day that reminds people of it again."

Jiang Chen frowned and said, "Then you naturally know what Kunxu has sealed. If you release him, the entire universe will be destroyed."

The palm teacher's gaze narrowed slightly, his eyes became muddy, and he didn't know what he thought, and said lightly: "Really? I'm afraid that the years have worn away a lot of his power."

Jiangchen said angrily: "Devil, I will get rid of you today!"

His hands were sealed in front of him, and a little golden light bloomed on the center of his eyebrows, and then a stream of light tilted down from the top of his head, and the whole body turned golden wherever he went.

In the void of the universe, a figure of golden armor appeared, holding the giant tower in his hand, and directly sacrificed it.

The other hand opened with five fingers, and the complicated palm prints circulated in the void, just like the nebula in this universe.

The palm teacher instantly placed himself between the palm prints, and the giant tower revolved in the sky, shaking down severely.

"There is no too su Qianji Yu, see how you escape this time!"

The deity of Jiangchen condensed the pinch tactics, stippling and painting in the void, and wrote it as a mantra, imprinted on the tower body, "Om", "Mah", "Nei", "Ba", "Mi", "Hun".

A huge sound was released from the spell, like the place where the universe opened up. The oldest syllables are arranged in the order of Taoism, producing incredible energy.


The giant tower pressed on the palm teacher.

The burst of brilliance.

The head teacher trembled for a few times, and shouted: "Dust fall, I really thought I was afraid that you would not succeed? Without the Thousand Chance Jade, I can still eat you!"

Five fingers grabbed into the void, and a piece of golden light emerged.

An extra golden talisman appeared in the master's hand, patted it into the void, and shouted, "Done!"

The golden talisman floated, and some of the weird tadpoles on it seemed to come alive, bursting out with a thousand rays of light.

The Dao Fa rules in all directions seemed to stop suddenly.

The palm teacher condensed his voice: "Definite characters?"


That talisman just made everything set for an instant, and it was crushed by the might of the giant tower.

But this little time was enough for the master to rush out, and a golden light was shot out with a wave of his hand. With a loud "bang", the suppression of the tower was blown away, and he turned around hundreds of miles away.

Jiangchen's face changed slightly, and he was surprised: "Vajra Prajna Immortal Body?" Then his face sank, and he said coldly: "Even if you have cultivated Immortal Body, as long as you haven't stepped into the eternal supreme, you will leave it to me today. !"

The huge golden body and body turned into golden light at the same time, appearing behind the palm teacher, turning around and slapped it down.

Once the huge golden palm appeared, several nearby planets were trembling violently, and countless storms, earthquakes, and natural disasters all appeared on the surface of the planet.

"Hmph, since you saw my Law Bodies, you still want to leave me, isn't it a foolish dream?"

The instructor yelled, the brilliance of the whole body continued to flow out, turning into a piece of golden light, the body continued to swell, and he punched out.


The palms of the fists intersected in the air, and a huge storm shook the entire sky.

All the planets, meteorites and various energies around were all affected by this shock, and the surface of many planets was directly shaved off by the shock energy.

After a move, the two were also shaken back.

The headmaster's body returned to normal, and he kept rolling in the void, laughing and saying: "I want to catch me, it's a bit too close, hahahaha."

After a few flashes, he disappeared without a trace.

Jiangchen's face was extremely ugly, and when he received the Law Body, a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He wiped it with his hand, and muttered to himself: "Vajra Prajna Immortal Body is really terrifying!"


"Your master is still very witty."

Dongjun jumped up from the tortoise shell and landed in front of the Jinggu Lingtou. He stepped directly on the tortoise’s head with one foot, rubbed it a few times, and said with a smile: "Old tortoise, be a low-key man, don’t meet Everyone looks fierce, so it's easy to die."

In all directions, there were disciples of the holy clan and clan, they were all silent, afraid to say a word.

No one knows how long the Jinggu Spirit Turtle has existed in the Southern Universe, but everyone knows that he is the messenger of the dust, enjoys an extremely respected status, and his strength is unfathomable. Few people know how powerful he is.

But now in front of everyone, he was defeated alive by Dongjun, and his limbs and tail were broken. The golden tortoise shell generated from heaven and earth was also cracked by the power of Tai Su, half-dead lying on the ground, being trampled on the head. friction.

And such a terrifying person, after defeating Jinggu Linggui, directly spread a divine mind, locking all the warriors within a radius of thousands of miles, and anyone who only needs to move will be instantly broken.

Everyone sensed the existence of that killing intent, all pores opened, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

Until this moment, the killing intent dissipated little by little, and everyone seemed to have regained air, desperately inhaling, obviously it was very hard in that aura.

Yang Qingxuan's face was also pale, and Li Hongxiu looked at each other, seeing the panic in each other's eyes.

But even if the murderous aura was released, everyone still didn't dare to say anything. Even if they breathed in desperately, they were cautious, for fear that they would make a sound and they would be broken.

They didn't know what the evil star was thinking and how to treat himself.

"Well, you can all survive."

Dongjun's beautiful eyes swept in all directions, and finally landed on Yang Qingxuan. He blinked slightly, his eyes rippled, and they were extremely beautiful.

Yang Qingxuan's face turned paler, thinking that in such a heroic peak body, it was actually the soul of a man, and he felt his stomach tumble.

Dongjun stretched out his hand and said to Yang Qingxuan: "I originally wanted to take away Su Bai's Wutian gun, but since it is in your hand, you can keep it and give me the mask she left behind. "

Yang Qingxuan's face was pale, looking at Dongjun’s white teeth, he seemed to have a gloomy feeling, thinking that there was something in his words, could not help but shiver, gritted his teeth and passed the golden mask over, and asked: "You are Don't you want to take me away?"

"Taking home?"

Dongjun sneered, and said, "I don't want this pinnacle physical body. Go and seize you a three-star thousand realms? Cut, do you deserve it?"

After taking the golden face, the smile on his face gradually condensed, and after a few strokes of the mask with his hand, he put it away.

Hearing this disdainful sarcasm, Yang Qingxuan relieved instead, a stone fell heavily in his heart, and asked: "Are you really a master?"

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