Heavenly God Mnemonic

Chapter 876: Make a choice

"Huh? Is there a stronghold in the trial ground?" Yang Qingxuan was dumbfounded, somewhat speechless.

Hua Zhang and others were also stunned.

Baiyi Island's main said: "Although this trial land has not developed into a realm, it also has the scale of a realm. There are a large number of warriors stranded in it, forming a unique ecosystem. The Lord after the night has already noticed this. , So the disciples who enter this place every year, in addition to trials, have a certain task, which is to establish a huge transmission and coverage chain."

Yang Qingxuan thought for a moment and said, "It means that a small part of the disciples who come in every year will stay? Then, how many disciples are there in Yunxiu Palace?"

The white-clothed island owner was a little wary and said, "This is my secret, so I can't speak out."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Well, I don't ask about that. What is the purpose of Yunxiu Palace building a stronghold here? Looking for the false Dao pattern?"

The White Clothes Island Master nodded and said, "Yes, it seems that you also know the missions issued by Yunxiu Palace."

Yang Qingxuan was a little bit cold, and said, "I haven't found it for so many years? Will that thing still exist?"

I remember that in Faguangluo, Yunmuzhe, Ad's ancestor Sien, and a strong man named Luo Tianli, the three came to the Black Sea in search of the White Tiger Palace. Before the three of them disappeared, they found a pseudo-Dao pattern.

And that pseudo Dao pattern, after Yang Qingxuan carefully identified it, was exactly the same as the one Mo Ting provided him. It is almost certain that the thing you are looking for after the night is the White Tiger Palace that the three people were looking for.

Is the White Tiger Palace in the trial ground?

If this is the case, it makes sense. No wonder Adzu has been unable to find it for a lifetime of generations. However, there are also two very difficult questions. How did Baihukuisu enter the trial land and build the White Tiger Palace? Later, the three people were covered by a cloud, and the cultivation base obviously surpassed the ground level. How did they get in?

The white-clothed island master smiled bitterly: "I don't know if I'm there or not, but after the night, I must be so persistent, right?"

Listening to his tone, he is also very uncertain. But there is an order from above, and I have to respect it.

Yang Qingxuan explained his doubts to the people in the Star Ring, and asked, "What do you think?"

Hua Jieyu slowly said: "There are three things that are basically certain: First, what you are looking for after the night is the same as the three people covered by the clouds, which is the White Tiger Palace. Second, after the night, you have the highest secret of the Black Sea. The judgment of the position of, should be above everyone, that is to say, the possibility of the White Tiger Palace in the trial site is extremely high. Then the third point is also established accordingly, and the three people in the cloud did enter the trial. Land."

Yang Qingxuan said: "Then how do you explain how the three people came in?"

Hua Jieyu said: "This is indeed a difficult point, but it is not impossible, you forgot Lei Jun?"

Yang Qingxuan was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly fell silent. Lei Jun's cultivation base was 100% too heavenly, but he didn't know what secret method he used to suppress his cultivation and entered the place of trial.

He suddenly asked, "You said, what is the purpose of Lei Jun coming to the trial land? Isn't it also for the White Tiger Palace?"

Hua Jie said: "It's really possible. Otherwise, with his cultivation base of the Supreme Heaven, and a person from the Thunder Ancient Realm, there is no need to come to such a place. It is recorded in Faguangluo that Luo Tianli said a word. Kui Su used his supernatural powers against the heavens and laid a tremendous amount of skill in the Black Sea, reversing the fate of the entire Black Sea. If this sentence can be penetrated, maybe everything will be solved."

Yang Qingxuan patted his head and smiled bitterly: "Let’s take a step and take a look. First try to find the false Dao pattern. At least complete the explanation given to me by Mo Ting. It is not disappointing. As for the White Tiger Palace and Yinwu Palace, I am also looking forward to it. , But these things are more by chance, can't force it."

He asked the white-clothed island master: "Wuying and the others have sent away. They should have done it with a purpose. Yunxiu Palace has been arranged here for so long. Even if no false Dao pattern is found, there should be a lot of information. The island owner provides one or two."

The White-Clothed Island Master frowned and said vigilantly: "I do have some information, but this is a secret of the school. How can I say it?"

Yang Qingxuan said: "Everyone is here for the task of the Queen of the Night, even if it is the Queen of the Night, in order to accomplish the goal, they will be honest and honest."

The White Clothes Island Master shook his head slightly and said, "Sorry, I can't call the shots on this matter. After all, these messages are collected with a lot of resources, and it is difficult to share them."

Yang Qingxuan nodded, and said: "I understand the idea of ​​Lord Islander, it seems that it doesn't make sense. Then Lord Islander makes a choice, whether to share the information we know, or choose to die."

"Huh? What?!"

The White-clothed Island Master was startled. When Yang Qingxuan said this, his face didn't change, as if he was talking about daily routines. Although a little unbelievable, there is no doubt in my heart that this sentence is true.

The other ten people looked at each other, thinking they had heard it wrong.

Yang Qingxuan said seriously: "You heard it right, did you spit out the message or die?"

"You, you..." The white-clothed island master was covered in cold sweat, with a bloodless face, "We are from Yunxiu Palace, do you dare to move us?"

Yang Qingxuan glanced at him and said, "How did your injury come from? How did the black fin dragon horse die? How did the building on this island be destroyed? At this time, you still said such naive words? Don't delay my time, make a choice. If you choose to die, I will spend a little bit of money and search for my soul. I understand the feeling of the island owner that this is human nature, and human nature is like this. I will understand the truth before I die. "

The white-clothed island master glared at him and said, "I won't let it go after night..."

The words stopped abruptly without speaking.

He only felt that his eyes flashed, the space was slightly distorted, and a breath of murder enveloped his whole body.

Yang Qingxuan appeared in front of him without knowing when, and slammed a fist on his chest. An Jin shook into his chest, hit the next words back in his stomach, and spewed out blood.


"Island owner!"

The other dozen people were so frightened that they hurriedly gathered around.

When Hua Zhang and more than ten people saw this, they immediately flew over and surrounded the more than ten people.

"Don't, don't hit me, I said...I said all..."

The white-clothed island owner was full of horror, hesitating and vomiting, bleeding from his mouth, intermittently, swaying his hands desperately to finish speaking.

Yang Qingxuan grabbed his murderous aura and said with a smile: "Look at you, why bother to get a punch for nothing?"

The White Clothes Island Master wiped the blood from his mouth, his face was full of anger, but he did not dare to attack.

Yang Qingxuan said: "The layout of the Yunxiu Palace in the trial site, the current situation of the trial site, the information you control, and the whereabouts of Wuying and others, all elaborate. If I am not satisfied, You are in trouble."

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