Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 253: World Gamble (middle)

   "Boom——" Just when Yan Shisanyi came out of the critical point of four million miles, the sky shook, and the entire endless sea, the entire eternal immortal ship shook!

   In the deepest part of the endless sea, there is a black mist that penetrates into the nine days, straight into the eternal immortal, and the black mist rises, like the arrival of the Taoist ancestor, all the people of the six roads and eight wastes are trembling!

In an instant, in the endless sea and even the endless city, countless monks and countless creatures all slumped to the ground, and the black fog was all over the sky. The powerful creatures of the world were all shocked. It seemed that in this instant, a Taoist ancestor was resurrected. , Nine heavens and ten earths, forever, I alone dominate!

The fish's speed is extremely fast. As soon as they appear for 100,000 li, the evil in this sky is immediately culled. This is a dragon-like evil, terrifying. It has a candle in its eyes. Tianzun trembled at it!

   However, Yan Shisan ignored it at all, still rushing to the deepest part of the eternal immortal at the fastest speed!

   "Boom——" At the moment when a dragon-like evil was about to kill the fish, the invincible black mist came from across the sky, like the arrival of the ancestor, the gods of the nine heavens and ten earth all retreated.

   This evil spirit is not even the enemy of Tianzun, but this evil spirit is horrified when the black fog is in the sky. Without thinking about it, he turned around and left without daring to block the way.

   Yan Thirteen frantically urged Yuyao Taixu to rush forward at the fastest speed, "Yuyao Taixu", with the exception of Dao Ancestor, once it exerts its extreme speed, even the Immortal Celestial Venerable will not be able to catch up!

Yan Shisan flew madly into 300,000 miles, the black mist was invincible, coming from across the sky, whether it was the evil or the demon king, all retreated. At this time, countless powerful evils and evils all fled, and they couldn't even bother. Yan Shisan who entered their territory!

"Bang—" Yuyao Taixu is indeed fast. At this time, all the blood is consumed, and the speed is so fast that even the Immortal Celestial Venerable can't catch up. However, the black mist is so fast that it is beyond imagination, even if Yan Shisan escapes first. , And can't escape far. After three hundred thousand miles, Hei Mist has already caught up, and Hei Mist is like a giant hand, squeezing towards the fish.

Yan Shisan shouldn't fight at all, and just ran for his life. In the moment, the eighteenth layer of Yuyao Taixu's defense was opened instantly. You must know that Yan Shisan used hundreds of immortal heavenly blood to drive Yuyao Taixu. This The endless blood energy suddenly opened the eighteenth layer of defense in an instant.

  Even in the previous life, Linglong Banzu once commented that "the fish is too empty", once the eighteenth layer of defense is opened instantly, her half ancestor cannot destroy the eighteenth layer of defense in one shot!

"Bang, bang, bang..." The eighteenth layer of defense is unmatched, but in the black mist like a giant hand, it is still like paper, the first layer, the second layer, the third layer... Layers of defense are crushed under the giant hand!

   In spite of this, but in the shortest possible time for Yan Shisan bought a lot of time, let Yan Shisan fly out half a million miles in an instant!

   "The Hall of Forgetting!" At this moment, Ye Meng, who had been looking forward, had an eye on the Hall of Forgetting, and shouted when he saw the Hall of Forgetting.

   "Bang——" However, at this moment, the most powerful and last layer of Yuyao Taixu's defense was instantly shattered, and the entire Yuyao Taixu was shattered, and an unparalleled flying treasure was instantly destroyed! Yan Shisan and Ye Mengqiu fell down.

Heiwu giant hand grabbed Yan Shisan, Heiwu is invincible, Dao Ancestor came, under this giant hand Yan Shisan was unable to resist at all, this is too terrifying, under this giant hand, even Tianzun Will be pinched to death by blood fog!

   "Puff——" Under the giant hand, Yan Shisan was pinched into blood mist, and there was no chance of screaming.

   "No--" Ye Mengqiu's face was pale, and he yelled, but under this giant hand, she was as powerful as her and could not do anything.

"Om -" However, in an instant, a fairy sound was heard in the blood mist, and a fairy grass appeared in the blood mist. I saw the fairy shining, and a sound of "puff" turned the universe and evolved. All things, Yan Shisan, who was pinched into a blood mist, reversed in an instant, his body was instantly reshaped, and an extremely complete Yan Shisan was resurrected in an instant!

   Cover the fairy grass, this is where the blood medicine of Xianpin is against the sky. Yan Shisan was crushed into blood mist in an instant, and his soul is still in the six realms. It can still instantly make Yan Shisan reshape his body and come back to life! Cover the fairy grass, a crazy treasure in the world.

   This scene was unexpectedly seen. In the distance, a woman beheaded the evil. The woman was like a female emperor. She couldn't help but be dumbfounded when she saw this scene!

   Ye Mengqiu was also dumbfounded. Yan Shisan was pinched into a blood mist at once. It was undoubtedly mortal, but at this moment, he turned the world around, reshaped his body, and came back to life!

   Cover the fairy grass, the legendary fairy product, she did not expect that Yan Shisan would have such a thing!

"Huh—" Yan Shisan reversed the universe and resurrected from the dead, causing the deepest existence in the dark gully to snorted, and such a snorted sound resounded from the deepest part of the endless sea, like the collapse of the heavens, and all the creatures snorted with this sound. Lump to the ground!

   At the moment Yan Shisan died and came back to life, the giant black mist hand squeezed Yan Shisan again. This time, Yan Shisan still had no resistance.

   "No—" Ye Mengqiu yelled. Yan Shisan could resurrect once with the celestial grass, but not a second time. Unless he has the legendary Dao Ancestor Breathing Soil, he can be resurrected indefinitely!


"Om——" At this moment of life and death, the chain of the strange mountain on Yan Shisan's neck exudes supreme authority. In an instant, a hazy shadow appeared, this is a woman, and the woman’s shadow is extremely hazy. Seeing that it wasn't true, the appearance of this shadow instantly deprived Yan Shisan of control over her body! Enter the body of Yan Shisan! Yan Shisan's head was sober, but his body was not controlled by him, and was deprived of by the shadow of the woman.

   Dao power is supreme. After the woman entered the body of Yan's thirteenth body, Dao power exploded, and she was invincible.

  Half ancestor! The sober Yan Shisan took a breath of air, and Master Qishan entered his body. In an instant, Master Qishan broke out not the power of Dao ancestor, but the power of half ancestor. A half ancestor can be in this starry sky. Under the invincible existence!

"How could this happen!" The power of the half ancestor swept across the nine heavens and ten places. Within the endless sea, and the endless city, even the entire eastern frontier, and even the whole world, they all felt the supreme half ancestor power, this half ancestor The majesty of the nine heavens and ten earth, straight into the sky of billions of miles!

   The power of the ancestor burst out in the endless sea, which is enough to make the world's strongest tremble, and now the power of the half ancestor has exploded again, which shocked everyone in the world.

   Such a terrifying existence appeared overnight, and the whole world was terrified!

  In the endless city, Young Master Le San looked incredible at the endless sea, while in Wanyunzong, the old man Sun also stood up all of a sudden, his eyes passed through the eternal ages in an instant, looking directly at the eternal immortal.

   At this moment, countless hidden existences in the four corners of the world have traveled through billions of miles of heaven and earth, looking directly at the eternal immortal in the depths of the endless sea!

   The supreme might, half the might of the ancestor, the two powers shocked the world all at once!

Among the immortals, the master of Qishan entered into the body of Yan Shisan, with one finger crossed, slaying the endless gods, even the gods were shocked, "Puff--" in this invincible finger Down, even if it was the black mist, it was crushed by this invincible one on the spot.

   "Go--" The master of Qishan rolled Ye Mengqiu, rising out of the sky, and went straight to the depths of the eternal immortal, coming to the Hall of Forgetting!

The Hall of Ecstasy, in the darkness of this heaven and earth, is built on a short peak. Although it is built on a short peak, it lies down for nine days. It has opened up a piece of paradise in this darkness. See the endless stars hanging over the Hall of Forgetting, and you can see the stars nine days away. Above the Hall of Forgetting, there are waves of fairy music hanging down. Here, it is like a holy land!

   Even the most powerful evil in this piece of heaven and earth did not dare to approach the Hall of Ecstasy.

  The Hall of Forgetting Me, this was built by the supreme ancestor of Xianxian Dao, he was the first Dao ancestor! Whoever is called immortal in the ages, only the ancient banished immortals!

   The only Taoist ancestor who has dared to call himself immortal since eternity! Only he can open a space among the eternal immortals and build a hall of selflessness!

The master of Qishan took Ye Mengqiu into the Hall of Ecstasy, and after putting Ye Mengqiu down, he said, "You troublemaker, you killed me! Once the real body of eternal exile arrives~www.readwn.com~ I will be dispelled! Even when I’m at the peak, it’s hard to compete with him!"

   The master of Qishan entered the body of Yan Shisan, but Yan Shisan himself was very awake! He couldn't help but smile in his heart.

   Originally, he wanted to bring disaster to the east, and wanted to use the invincibility of eternal exile to suppress all the dangers within the eternal immortal, so as to enter the eternal immortal!

   However, the power of Eternal Exile was far beyond his imagination. This time, if the Master Qishan were not so powerful, he would undoubtedly die.

   "Boom, boom, boom..." At this moment, the entire endless sea shook unstoppable, the world was dark, the whole world trembled, and the heavens shattered!

   Not to mention all the powerhouses of the endless sea, even all the monks in the world are shocked.

   At the moment when the heavens collapsed, a shadow rose in the sky, straddling nine heavens and ten earths, and instantly entered the eternal immortal. As soon as this shadow appeared, the law of heaven and earth collapsed, and Daowei suppressed the six evils! Suddenly, all the heaven-defying existences faded, this is simply the rebirth of Dao Ancestor!

   "This kid, I have broken the sky!" The old man of Wanyunzong's Sun morphed into three thousand worlds with his eyes. At this time, he couldn't help but mutter.

  In the most mysterious place in the West, there are immortal existences who have been sitting in meditation for thousands of years. They all stood up at this time, with a pair of eyes traversing hundreds of millions of miles, and muttered: "Since eternity, few people have been able to alarm eternal exile!"

   Inside the Hall of Ecstasy, Master Qishan also burst out the most powerful half-ancestral power in an instant. In an instant, the half-ancestral power swept the entire eternal immortal, and even the most powerful evil spirits would retreat.

  . m.

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