Heavenly Shepherd

Chapter 369: Entering the Holy Land of Zen (Part 1)

   Some of the heroes of Beitian couldn't help but say: "If you must rank a group of top geniuses, I think the ghost owl prince can also be included. His recent battles are also very exciting."

   "Indeed, the prince of Ghost Owl did have many places to come out. He shot viciously and was often a fatal blow. In the Dao Ancestor's battle, he must have done a lot!" Many people also agreed.

   "It's a pity that the Eastern Emperor did not come. If the Eastern Emperor comes, then it will be even more splendid." The old monk in Dongjiang couldn't help but sigh.

   "Yes, Gui Xiao Dynasty and Gui Xiao prince are still clamoring to kill Yan Thirteen and marry Zhu Tingxue, this is too arrogant!" Someone couldn't help but say. Especially the sects of Dongjiang do not have a good impression of the ghost owl prince.

   "Don't blame others for being arrogant, they do have this capital, he is not only a member of the emperor, but also the top group of geniuses among the young generation of geniuses today!" Someone exclaimed.

"Who is the final winner? After everyone enters the holy garden, we can see some clues! If people who can be enlightened under the bitter tree of the **** tea, they will be able to step into the road ahead of others, and even more in the future. There is a chance to open up the supreme avenue and ask the ancestors of the Tao." said a monk of the older generation.

"I am optimistic about Hao Zuntian." A holy master said: "Hao Zuntian is unstoppable. Daoxing is unparalleled. With his current posture of Tianzong, he has a good chance to jump out of the avenue of Hao Sun Dao ancestors. Don't create an infinite avenue. "

   "I think Xing Shanhu has a better chance, he has a courageous spirit, and his Dao heart is extremely firm!" Some Sect Master said.

   "I think Gu Shaolin has a better chance, he is full of energy!"


   Suddenly, many older generations were talking about it, not to mention the old saints and the old emperors, even the older generations are not immune to the geniuses of the younger generation.

"Actually, you have forgotten two people, Ye Mengqiu and Yan Shisan." Someone couldn't help but say, "Ye Mengqiu and Yan Shisan are the unnamed ancestors who have survived the dragon slaying ancestors. I don't know how many people there were. I am optimistic about the two of them, they will have a great opportunity to ascend to Dao Ancestor in the future."

"It's hard to say that Xianzi Ye has Dao ancestor lineage after all. But Yan Shisan is basically out of play." A well-informed old monk said: "I heard that Yan Shisan's Taoism is completely trapped in the realm of Tongtian. Unable to break the barrier, some people say that he is a demon at work. With this symptom, it is rumored that even the Invincible Heavenly Lord of the Yunzong is helpless!"

"If this is the case, Yan Shisan will be over. I'm afraid it will stop here in this life." Someone couldn't help but say: "He was so evil back then, how many people looked at him, they didn't expect to die so soon. This is exactly the sentence that has been confirmed. I am young, and it may not be better!"

   "Hmph, Yan Shisan, in my opinion, it is nothing more than going to the side and the side. It is not the kingly way. After a long time, it is clear who is the real genius and who is the real winner." Someone said with a sneer.

   Suddenly, many people were talking about it, even the strong of the older generation could not avoid the vulgar, criticizing the genius of the younger generation.

Just as the elders of various sects were discussing their opinions, three figures suddenly appeared in everyone’s sight. Only three people were walking towards the sacred land of Zen. Three people, one man and two women, one of them was still riding alone. Horned beast.

   "Isn't that Yan Shisan?" Seeing the three of them, some of them recognized each other with sharp eyes, and exclaimed.

"What is his nerve? Now everyone has attacked the twelfth district. He has only come now. How much spiritual source can he get!" Seeing Yan Shisan, Lan Swift, and Gu Xiaoman coming here, someone Can not help but say.

Some powerful men of the older generation even opened the eyes of the sky, and after looking at Yan Shisan carefully, he said, "If you really are staying at the level of the real self in the realm of the sky, it seems that his life will stop here. ."

"Tongtian realm would dare to enter the Zen Holy Land!" Someone couldn't help but sneered: "This is a dead end. Now that the young generation of geniuses entering the Zen Holy Land, who is not the Emperor of the Emperor, the half-emperor is already the worst. Now, in the realm of Tongtian, you dare to enter the sacred place of Zen?"

   "This kid is really evil, he has come to the sacred place of Zen." Someone murmured.

   Some sects that have hatred with Yan Shisan sneered: "What evil, now everyone has attacked the 12th district. He ran into the Zen sacred ground at this juncture, just trying to find something cheap!"

"The evil way is the evil way after all, it's hard to be elegant in the lobby!" In fact, it is not only one or two people who hate Yan Shisan. Over the years, Yan Shisan has been too vigorous and has offended many people. I don't know how many sects, How many monks are happy to see Yan Shisan fall, so these people have nothing to say to Yan Shisan.

"That is, entering the sacred place of Zen is not only for the spiritual source, not only for the enlightenment of the Tao under the sacred tea tree, but more importantly, to experience the baptism of life and death, to sharpen the Taoist heart, and to pick up the bargain at this juncture. Dao and deeds are also limited." Not to mention the strong of the older generation, even the younger generation, there are many people who hate Yan Shisan.

"Don't force him too much. He does his way, and he is in the realm of heaven. If he enters the Zen sacred place early, isn't he going to die? Even if his opponents and enemies are merciful to spare him his life, the fierce spirits of the Zen sacred place will also kill him. He eats it, so he can only pick up some leftovers behind other people's buttocks!" said a younger disciple harshly.

There were also older generations who saw Lan Yuyan and shook their heads and said: "It is rumored that the Saintess of the Tides could once be shoulder to shoulder with Zhu Tingxue. A word of'love' is not superficial. Zhu Tingxue has already stepped into the heavenly respect, and she is still in the realm of heaven. It's a pity a genius."

   "Why did the princess of the ancient Weihe family walk with Yan Shisan?" Someone saw Gu Xiaoman and couldn't help being surprised.

The younger generation who are not qualified to enter the sacred place of Zen, see that Yan Shisan is surrounded by beauties, and their heart is not jealous enough, they sneered, and said with a sneer: "Gentle Township, Hero Tomb, hey, Yan Shisan will only indulge. People in Wenrou Township, the Taoist heart is not strong, and they will be a waste in their lives!"

   The arrival of the three people of Yan Shisan attracted a lot of discussion. Many people talked in low voices and gave pointers. Yan Shisan didn't care what others were talking about.

   came under the twelve heavenly roads, Yan Shisan looked up and was considering which way to go in. Yu Kuang and the others also said that they were planning to enter the Zen Holy Land. Unfortunately, he didn't ask which area Yu Kuang planned to enter at the time, and now he didn't know which way Yu Kuang entered.

   "Choose any one, don't mother-in-law!" Gu Xiaoman saw Yan Shisan Moji, and said dissatisfied: "I'm going to end things here soon, and then go to my house!" Her habit of talking quickly and eagerly has not changed.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Just as Yan Shisan was considering which way to enter from the sky, a gloomy voice sounded, the sky turned black, giant wings covered the sky, and a pair of gloomy pairs appeared on the dark sky. eye.

   "It's a member of the Guixiao Dynasty!" The big sects staying outside the Zen sacred land, seeing the sky dark, said in surprise.

   The giant wings were retracted, and a man appeared above the void. He was a strong man from the Northern Sky Ghost Owl dynasty. This strong man was like a rainbow, and he was also at the level of the real self in the realm of Tongtian.

   The strong man stood above the void, looked down at Yan Shisan, and said proudly, "You are the Yan Shisan of Dongjiang, aren't you?"

   Yan Shisan didn't bother to look at him, and didn't lift his eyelids.

"Hey, an ant will dare to put on airs here. If my prince is not going to kill you personally, I will kill you!" The strong man in the ghost dynasty saw that Yan Shisan was too lazy to look at himself, and was furious. , Said coldly: "Never mind, little beast, let you live for a while! My prince sends you a message, if you dare to enter the Zen Holy Land, he will kill you! Hey, but don't worry, my prince You won’t die so soon. When my prince marries Zhu Tingxue of Wan Yunzong, on the day they get married, they will cut your head to make sacrifices!"


   As soon as the words of the strong man fell, Yan Shisan had a pair of eyes, his gaze was terrifying, and even the gods and demons trembled! Lan Swift was stunned in his heart, knowing that this person is dead, Zhu Tingxue is Yan Shisan’s inverse scale, whoever dares to touch it will die!

"Dead!" Yan Shisan Senran, a big hand grabbed the strong man of the Ghost Owl Dynasty~www.readwn.com~ The strong man smiled coldly, and said with a wild smile: "The ants also dare to do something to this seat, Ben I will interrupt your paw first!" As he said, a pair of sharp claws tore through the void, grabbed the earth, and grabbed the palm of Yan Shisan's hand!

"Ah—" However, Yan Shisan's palm was as solid as a rock. Not only did he not tear Yan Shisan's palm, but Yan Shisan grabbed his hands, Yan Shisan twisted, and made a "click". Yan Shisan twisted one of his hands, Yan Shisan's big hand violently pulled, "Puff" blood was raining all over the sky, and Yan Shisan's arms were torn off alive, blood spurted out wildly.

   "Little beast, I'm going to kill you!" The strong man was ripped off his arm and roared wildly. He opened his mouth and sacrificed an ancient hammer that could smash the mountain and blasted Yan Shisan.

"Bang" Yan Shisan attacked Invincible. The ancient hammer was like paper, torn to pieces by Yan Shisan's bare hands, and shot like lightning. The strong man was caught by Yan Shisan's feet on the spot, "Boom, boom , Boom" Yan Shisan picked up the strong man of the Guixiao Dynasty and slammed into the ground frantically. The sound of boom, boom and boom sounded. Under Yan Shisan's brutal pumping, more than a dozen mountains collapsed! And this strong man is in the hands of Yan Shisan, who has no power to resist. Yan Shisan is slammed on the peaks, even if his body is strong, he is still a **** blood at this time!

"Boom" At this time, Yan Shisan slammed the strong man to the ground and forced the earth to sink. The strong man made a "click", his whole body was crushed, like a cartilage snake, his legs Being carried by Yan Shisan, his head was stepped on by Yan Shisan's foot!

   "Little, little beast, I, my prince will smash you to pieces!" The strong man roared in shock and horror.

  . m.

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